Islam won

We're taking over

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Other urls found in this thread: OR Mary.html

Awesome, fight the Jews first and we can talk after.

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not my problem

Truly you are a disgusting person, you don’t represent us conservatives. Nazi Bigot scum

good luck balancing out that convert-to-explosion ratio
For a people who invented algebra; your math sucks.

islam is controlled opposition


>We're taking over and there's not a damn thing you can do abou...

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get out Mohammed

You eat poo poo and drink pee pee.

im converting to islam to marry an arab woman

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Islam hasn’t won a war against the west since light cavalry went out of style. If you ever actually try to fight us for real instead of just migrating here for gibs we would destroy you. Your western immigrated fifth column won’t give you world domination. The only reason they are here is to provide the servile class to work at McDonald’s anyways.

DJ Khaled! One city at a time

Shit effort, poor quality, low T post

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You're only one percent of the US population, Dinka Dinka. You're only le fastest growing religion worldwide on account of birthrates, as the number who convert to and leave Islam is a wash. And our burgeoning Hispanic population all have Reconquista in their blood.

>islam taking over
>they faceplant at regular and predictable intervals
>they think this won't get them exterminated en masse some day

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Not to mention all of the East Asians and Indians you imported, who are very used to genociding Muslims in their own countries

>The only reason they are here is to provide the servile class to work at McDonald’s anyways
That's not quite true, it's more fundamental than that.

It's to increase the population size and not just to prop up ponzi system pension systems. The simple truth is the larger the population the richer you can get. More people to sell bullshit too.

There's a reason you see thousands of pointless shit in large nations and cities, because those populations can create customer bases to support that nonsense. This is why Neocons are fundamentally on board with this, not just a short term gain of cheaper employees, but an economically ideological reason.

Litteraly where is his bigotry?

>Western armies conquering the Middle-East for kikes
>Middle-Eastern armies conquering the West for kikes
Miss me yet?

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Inshallah. Allah Akbar

You are old and decrypted , Over 1/3rd of Germany is over 65. Time to retire Western Civilization.

It will be beautiful once we get into the double digits range so we can help out of the rest of the Ummah instead of dropping bombs on them


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East Coast Muslim, Alhamdilouah! our Mosque/Masjid is very pack and diverse. From all class and background. We are growing stronger and stronger. Met so many beautiful muslims with so many backgrounds and reverts. At least 10% are reverts with many latinos.

We got this, Sanjay.


When they try to argue against Islam it is legit hilarious, pic related.

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Do you realize Mohammed the Illiterate mixed up Miriam of the Old Testament and Mary the mother of Jesus in the Koran? It's a stupid religion for stupid brown people and it's incompatible with the Aryan race.

Also, that whole thing with the talking baby Jesus, talk about creepy bro.

The Shia are more peaceful and seem to mind their own business, but you Sunnis are just scum.

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Stay in your lane beaner boy. Latinos have names like Omar and Ismail for a reason, they are suppressed muslims just like Filipinos.

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aight on it. expect something big in the next decade inshallah

Calling Mary the daughter of Imran is the same as calling Jesus the son of David you bong who cant even read his own original scripture lol.

I thought you were a bong for some reason.

You creeps are getting microchipped and that's that

It makes me sad just how under attack the Christian faith is, but it only goes to show who Satan hates the most and is most targeting.

You're the Jews' goodest goyims. We threw them out of our countries over and over again, and where did they find safe harbor? With the Ottoman Sunnis. I don't know whether it was the Jews, the Catholics, or both that created your religion, but it's a synthetic, manufactured religion.

while criticisms based in two different ideologies may be incompatible across ideologies that doesn't mean either argument is necessarily wrong

Come to our chan bro

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*snap* OR Mary.html

Islam is a stupid religion that for the most part only spread by the sword. You can't get any learned Christian to convert of their own accord.

Muslims have perfected tribalism to an unfathomable degree; take the most unreligious, the most "westernized Muslim, insult his religion and his ppl- then expect him to break his empty beer bottle across your face.


islam + feminism = the future

Inshallah, the work won't be easy, but it will be rewarding

Try and retire us then. Correct me if I’m wrong but the last “caliphate” you idiots formed is rubble already

You'll become like the jew and join them in the gas chambers. History will repeat itself and it's inevitable.

Burma is just the beginning the Buddhists are the start.

Only if I don't take you out first.

And that is feminist how?

>It makes me sad just how under attack the Christian faith is, but it only goes to show who Satan hates the most and is most targeting.

You christians are too busy invading and droning our countries to even keep marriage between a man and a woman you absolute faggot fake abrahamic. You learned from the jews you worship to cry as you strike people.

>You're the Jews' goodest goyims. We threw them out of our countries over and over again, and where did they find safe harbor? With the Ottoman Sunnis. I don't know whether it was the Jews, the Catholics, or both that created your religion, but it's a synthetic, manufactured religion.

We have no problem co-existing with Jews or Christians in a land. Your religion is lawless - a boat without a rudder - so you oscillate between the extremes of jewish degeneracy and wanting to kill all jews. The funny thing is you even run away from black christians (who took your cities) and brown christians (who took your southwest). Eventhough you are a prot your kind was still chased out by black prots from the cities. What the hell?

no i'm not into butt sniffing
also you have the ugliest language in existence

It shall be known as 'The Great Crusades of The West'

We're talking about the future and not all the wrongdoings you guys have created in past. We're going to fix the troubles you guys have created.

Chinese and Burmese muslims are going to end up in Europe. So they can keep chimping as far as I’m concerned. Better to flip a Euro country muslim than be a drop in the bucket in some rice paddy. But shoutout to based Duterte who is giving us self-rule in Mindanao.


Yallah yallah, i rape niggerAllah.

No, The gays and Jews won. At this point you're coming to pick over what's left. And the rest of us aren't gonna lift a finger to stop you when you decide to kill them off for good...

Next decade? We don't have that kind of time, Achmed. I need results by monday.

Look at the white males like "but muh white genocide" Get cuckt! FEMINISMU AKBAR!

>Muslims invented algebra just because it's an Arabic word

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What is a false flag??? You really think kikes don't know a thing or two about how to shift their impending shoah onto another group?

Muslims (rather: Shiites) invented it, European Christians formalized it and made it usable, before actually generating further knowledge for the first time in history. What’s the big deal here?

>We're taking over
As long as Sunni and Shia Muslims keep killing each other you'll never win.

It was first invented long before Islam, the Muslims just took credit for it after they conquered a bunch of land. Islam = weaponized religion originally intended for Mohammad's family, not a vehicle for inventing anything.

you aint taking shit over. this the land of the Jew, you fool. the jew won, not you. and the jew is letting you in because he intends to corrupt you, too. you will be pure, and fighting, but your children and your children's children will be weaker and stray from the faith. they will become homosexuals and die childless. and above all of our graves, the jew will eat like an effendi.

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First, There were no Sunni/Shia tensions til the USA stroked it up. Stroking up ancient history for political points is a american thing

*Blocks your path*

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and the chinks lie in the shadow, waiting to pounce over what's left. I'm just glad semites won't win in the end

Iran only been shii for 500 years fool.