Did I get redpilled or bamboozled? I just saw a video that was very interesting saying that this flag is a maritime law/admiralty flag. The claim is that when you see this flag you've entered into a territory that operates not under constitutional law but maritime law. Also, another possible meaning would be you've entered into a territory under marshal law. This flag is inside every courtroom of the United States. Can anyone tell me anything about this? Is this bullshit or true?
Maritime law/admiralty/marshal law flag?
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This is dumb sovereign citizen crap that still believe the articles of confederation are in motion
Seems like some fuckery is going on though. I've read that before ww2, no buildings ever flew a U.S. battle flag or wartime flag (which is the one we see all the time) but instead flew a state flag. Only federal buildings flew the U.S. flag and they usually flew one like pic related Which is a modified U.S. Civil peacetime flag. WTF happened.
That kids is an ensign and the gold trim indeed means Admiralty jurisdiction.
This is so Jews can legally sell kids in Family and Probate courts.
>there’s an actual sovereign citizen on Jow Forums right now
Kill yourself nigger.
Power comes from control and recognition.
You have no control or recognition with this. Society will control you, and will not recognize this fanciful attempt at law.
You can make up all the crazy shit you want. If people don't understand or accept it, it didn't matter what you said or did.
Sov citizens think they can change people's behavior and actions by interpreting law. Other way around you dumbass. People behave according to how they believe the law to be. They will not accept your interpretation, ever. May as well argue politics. Waste of fucking time. And no, they do not have to accept your 'legal' argument. Plenty of innocent people with good arguments die and are imprisoned every day.
But go ahead and read that cell phone print out to a cop. Good luck when they break your fucking window and a judge tells you you're s fucking idiot too.
hmm, why so mad? I'm asking for information if you have any. Strange you assume a lot about me when I merely ask a question.
Anyhow, this shit is fucking up my brain, what is the truth here?
Can anyone cite any precedent for this jurisdiction argument actually working in a court of law? Seems like a judge can hold you in contempt and you have no recourse.