Cool thanks Susan

Cool thanks Susan

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We could have guessed Susan

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is it true you guys are the jews of Asia


>filthy heeb roastie is a terrible mother
news at 11

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I’m not here to make life comfortable for niggers

Her kids are gonna grow up hating their cunt mom lmao

Yeah if you haven’t noticed the new trend being pushed by (((mommy bloggers))) is that its ok to not put your kids first anymore. Mommy needs her wine and girls nights out. Breastfeeding is lame and you should just switch to formula if you’re not feeling it, playing with your children and teaching them things is retarded and mind numbing because you deserve to get drunk it’s a thankless job. It’s so depressingly degenerate it’s not even funny. Think shitty boomer moms on steroids.


Just hang her already

Oh precious

..On the other hand if mothers are too self involved to teach their children the ways of the world they’ll seek out someone who will..and anons will be waiting with crime statistics and redpill general threads on deck

>t. jewish feminist
someone needs to hug these dykes.

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You don’t know the half of it

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Hitler did nothing wrong.

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>*gas these dykes
fixed it

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They’re not really jews, well they sort of are but it’s more like they’re the Londoners of Chinese living in the East Germany of Southeast Asia.
William Gibson, who is now a cuck but anyway, in one of his essays he called them Disneyland with the Death Penalty

Lovely people. We should give them control of our education system.

>That headline

For 6.000.000 look closer in text

>cut your baby’s dick off to protect him from the wrath of the God you worship
>pee on your baby to protect him from the evil emanations of your fellow Jews
what the fuck man

Is there even one joyous celebration in Judaism? They even fuck each other through a sheet

I used to hate jews.
>I still do. But I used to, too.

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woah whats that image?

her kids are gonna have bpd


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Somebody explain the picture of rocks



That is a nice thought, I wish it could work.

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I imagine it's, "I want to go hike and travel instead of putting my kids first while they're still young." So it's a pic of her ~cute shoes~

She probably goes away from them to do hiking or climbing.

Words fail me

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What is the issue with hiking and traveling with their Kids? My parents did that.

No. It's a stock photo and hasn't really anything to do with the article. The author kind of has a argument with her article.

I personally think if you think children are an annoying burden you should not have them and that that should be an option for people.

What gets me though is right now that IS an option - even if you get social pushback you can simply not have kids. I absolutely loathe people who VOLUNTARILY have a child when they could've abstained, used contraceptive, adopted the kid out or even got an abortion then spend the kid's upbringing constantly whining about how much their kid needs thing.
>"Ugh, Johnny is so needy! What do you mean you need lunch money and new clothes for school?!"

I remember over a decade ago in highschool I was force to read a book called the Awakening which was a feminist shitshow of a woman complaining for hundreds of pages. I remember the day I ripped out the last 20 pages after reading something similar to the that statement. It was like "I love my children, but I am not bound to them." Fucking kill yourself. Ironically she did in the book.

>piss play, scat, child abuse, jewish traditions

that explains quite a bit.

women, especially middle/upper class women absolutely love the attention they get while being pregnant. 9 months of people having to do what they say, of people tip toeing around them and helping them out 'for the baby'. they selfishly give birth just so they can take the time off, get free shit from friends and family, and so on. this is just an extension of the modern female narcissist narrative that is encouraged in almost every level of society.

The difference is that character essentially had no choice but the role society expected of her at the time in which the book is set. This jewess in the op DOES.

Anyone who doesn't want children shouldn't have them - and this is already working. Liberals do not reproduce much. This is a good thing.

Disgusting. Don't have kids if you don't want to put them first. People like this should be forcibly sterilized

Blogpost rant incoming
After sorting through my childhood memories and piecing together other information I was able to deduce my mother possibly just liked pregnancy but for certain LOVED the immediate tiny newborn phase. She HATED when my sibling and I were old enough to develop a personality. My father I think wasn't ever really wanting kids so when she ended up pregnant he didn't have much recourse other than creating an additional child so he could possibly have his idealized dream family. Spoiler: he didn't get what he wanted and both of my parents abused us and never nurtured us. It was an 18 year stint of being treated like, "Why do you even exist? Why are you here and require food? You're a monster for not being a robot."

Both of my parents are white boomers who were college educated (yet they never bothered to make any money) and they didn't have kids young either. They voluntarily chose to create us and not use contraceptives, consider adoption or get an abortion then spent my entire childhood sneering at me. Cutting all contact with my entire family at 18 is the only thing that gave me peace. They can let their non-white pets smack them in their nursing homes. My father is such a loser, he loves to play house with other men's children now just so he can larp like he actually has a family he envisioned when he threw away the offspring he actually had. Sad!

No fight. No blame.

let them die alone they deserve it


I hope you put them in a cheap nigger infested nursing home

no one cares about your neuroses, kike

What did they mean by this?

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If you're going to go all into eccentricism & occultism there are far easier ways to protect from the evil eye without having to piss in a person's face.

Similar story here on my dad's side.
Mother was a saint of a women (still a woman though)

I honestly stopped hating my dad at a pretty young age. I pitied him. Especially having a young son of my own. It's a lot of work especially if it wasn't your "plan", as is marriage. But both can be rewarding If you work at it. My dad was weak like most men are. I don't hate them for being weak, I'll just feel sorry for them as I lead them.

People are scared little sheep and the sooner you realize that the sooner you become a shephard.

We live in a contrived biblical prophecy run by kabbalists who communicate through numbers as much as words. History is contrived by these people and has been since the crusades as kaballah code was brought back to the European elite via the nights Templar which spread to the catholic church with the Templar becoming masons after Friday the 13th.

Beware Tisha B'av. Beware 8/11. We are living in a contrived prophecy that is aiming at rebuilding the third temple.

8/11 anons. Be ready.

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