This is a house. I can build a house for €30,000 with bricks. How much does it cost in your country?
This is a house. I can build a house for €30,000 with bricks. How much does it cost in your country?
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Is that just the cost of bricks and you lay them or the cost of a finished house built by someone else?
Is this a desirable area of a shithole in the middle of nowhere?
Houses in the middle of shithole nowhere are cheap in every country.
It would still be in your country though.
Was that house built for Grug?
I could build that for about $30k, more like $45k. It's the $100k lot that is the problem.
Brick homes always seem sketchy unless you live in the perfect place for it. Tree roots can also completely destroy your home.
At least wood homes are predominantly resin nowadays so you only get warping rather than complete collapse.
Im not a doctor or anything but seems like should only cost $150k. How come houses are $900k?
the land has its price too
Proximity to high paid jobs. People compete to buy them. Sellers market.
People don't build houses for free. The cost is half the price.
Masonary labor costs more than carpentry, tubafours and chipboard is just cheaper, americans move every couple of years and tastes and tremds change rapidly.
Not anymore... especially not in North-America where most housing is garbo quality and has a large tendency to decay remarkably fast.
>At least wood homes are predominantly resin nowadays so you only get warping rather than complete collapse.
What do you have a fucking wood foundation
block foundations are illegal where I live because of clay soil content, everything has to be solid-as-cast and helical piers are strongly suggested
Nowadays you probably could do a wood foundation given that most wood product is resin with wood binder lol
But plants creep into brick mortar and destroy it over time. It gets fungus, mold, etc. They creep up walls and into the mortar.
It seems less appropriate in North America because cities have development planning to purposefully convert low density to mid density housing, then from there convert to high density. You're better off building from wood because from the moment you bought it there's a good chance the city already had pre-planned the demolition date.
I live in Hawaii. It costs $500,000 usd to build a house here.
too bad it's just gonna stay there and never be finished
just cut down some coconutnut trees and make a coconutnut nutlog cococabin
That's just another part of our civilization collapse
I hope this turns into a McMansion/ deanobox thread.
>1 post by this ID
>This is a house
thanks for the insight
Atleast he can afford a loaf of bread.
My home was built the first time in 1940 something. The only original construction is the foundation, which is stone.
a "house" has windows.
build windows in and pay the tax you poor fag
I live on the hill in the northern part of the 20.000 people big town that is the suburbia of the capitol, Zagreb.
20.000 euros was the land, bought in 2007.
80.000 euros for everything else (roof, fascade, fence, furniture)
>This is a house
Not quite.
We had to regain your sovereignty for you.
Paying for boomer equity.
But what could you sell it for?
What happens when an earthquake happens or a strong gust
These homes are framed with cement with embedded rebar. They may crack but not into collapse
Why don't you have trees and gardens between the houses? Looks dystopian
Doubt that
About 5-10 times as much in Germany
Some serbian guy in another thread told me I'm off base, that I could build this for 10k if I'm overspending
Obviously he means if I purchase the materials and build the fucking house myself
Not sure, I guess it will cost 100-150k.
Macedonia would be a magnet for developers if that were true. Instead it’s covered with vacant homes and half built homes.
Find me a house in good shape anywhere in macedonia for under 50k, i'll wait
I think you can do it for cheaper... 30k seem like a lot
>Tree roots can also completely destroy your home.
Fucking what ? You DO realize brick houses have concrete/stone foundations, right ? Bricks do not touch the ground. Further more, you do not plant trees less than 5 meters from your foundation either way. If you want no problems with roots, live in a caravan.
Just the conctete basement like on the picture will likely cost more than $30к. It's one of the most expensive and in the same time useless parts of a house.
Ceramic blocks like on the picture with necessary insulation and masonry mortar will cost about $35-$40 per square meter, without work. Add ceilings, roofs, pipes and finish.
A two storey house from ceramic blocks without basement would cost here about $80-$100 per square meter, ready to move in with modest finish. Connected to natural gas network and electricity, wIthout cost of land and without furniture. Slightly cheaper with Ytong blocks and light foundation instead of heavy and more expensive ceramic.
Houses here are WAY too expensive compared to Bulgaria and Serbia.
in Serbia I find deals on good rural houses going for 20-30k. Here they want 50-60k. Or it's gonna be one of those Ottoman-tier decaying houses that falls on your head.
These prices are for provincial townlets like Tetovo (majority shiptar) and Kumanovo (half shiptar). I wanna move to Bulgaria for the cheap real estate and work remotely.
15K per m^2
What's what makes the most of the ammount of the price of a house, bricks, cement?
>I work hard for a year to afford a holiday abroad
>when I arrive at my destination the only other people I see are boomers who gained their wealth after selling their inflated UK property
>they talk down to restaurant / hotel staff
>they insist local shops sell UK produce
>they pollute the fresh coastal air with heavy smoking
>they berate me for being young and invading their boomer nests
>they particularly hate children, whatever their nationality, to the point that they shout at them in public, simply for being children
Do all you can to maintain an affordable housing market, otherwise you too will spawn these creatures.
These people are insane.
Volkovo - 10 minute drive from skopje, a village
82k for a house in Bitola (provincial town)
55k for a houselet on a mountain 30 minutes from skopje
55k for a decent house in kumanovo, the poorest town
In Bulgaria I can sit on a house on the black sea in a new development
Depends where you live, but if we exclude finish it is usually foundation for heavy walls and walls themselves and sloors for light walls. Can vary, sometimes a roof with expensive tiles can cost more than anything else.
In Spain you don't need neither heavy foundations nor heavy walls, tiles are cheap, so I'd say you'll pay for work more than for all the materials combined. The most expensive thing would likely be roof made of ceramic tiles and heavy wood support.
You can’t find them ingood shape period.even the new ones are crap built. My point is you can’t build here for 30,000 and sell for 100,000. Macedonians do t know what make a property valuable.
>82k for a house in Bitola (provincial town)
Just materials would cost about 40k-50k euro.
>$1 million AUD if you live in Sydney
>$850k AUD if you live in Melbourne
we love our Chinese colonists in Australia don’t we /auspol/
thanks for the info
What you post a home for is not as important as what you actually sell it for. I see two of these homes have been lowered in price.
bdw full legalisation cost how much mine northen mac friend
yea in mine village the dude started with 15k, now its 7 k for 100 m house with 40 m around the house
Never seen or heard of this mythical plant creep. If roots are a problem kill any trees 6 yards away.
Brick is used where earthquakes are mild.
$3500/sqf in leafistan
Ako ocu kupit kucu u beogradu npr,negdje na banovom il zarkovom, kolko bi me otprilike opeljusilo, i da imam iza neko malo dvoriste?
~1050-950€/m^2 Žarkovo i ostave vukojebine novogradnja
~1200-1500€/m^2 na 20min od centra i NBG
~1500-5500€/m^2 Centar