Help B now

Are you doing your part?
Go NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1560402288979s.jpg (250x187, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

hell yeah nigger

porn is for the weak time to reclaim /b/

>giving this much shit about some other board

>not taking up the chance to stomp out the Jewish degeneracy that is pronogrphy.
take that flag off.

>posting a picture

>saging with an image


Lol fuck off retard b is for everything if porn swallows it your content must suck, its not porns fault, YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE BOARD GOOD WITH OC BUT THATS HARD RIGHT THIS HAS BEEN THE REALITY FOR YEARS

Yeah, annoying the 20 people who post porn on /b/ is going to make a difference. Kill yourself, loser.

Attached: Osha.webm (1600x900, 1.68M)