Japan NEEDS Islam

I hope to live to see the day Japan reads and writes Arabic, abandons their traditional haram ways for something as modest as Islam. Soon every Japanese boy and girl will know al-Quran by heart. Japanese culture is degenerate and will greatly benefit by listening to the words of Allah's messenger (PBUH).

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The mudslime fears the Samurai.

There's 10,000 ethnic Japanese Muslims. You will be waiting a while.

Japan almost became Muslim in the early Middle Ages

are there any muslim/islam animes where i can learn more about this?

God I wish that came true.

Tiny cock Japanese can't do anything about the Arabchad Soldiers of Allah.

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Fuck shitslam.
Imagine how much of a dumb subnormal inbred you have to be to become Saudi Arabia's zombie army.
I can't wait to see the day islamists get persecuted and lynched from everywhere, we live in a Jewish world after all.

In your fucking dreams, Abdul. Japanese only worship the Emperor (TNHKB) not your pedophile goat-fucking sandnigger prophet (Piss be upon him).

Just like they almost became christian in the 1600s. But the japanese know how to deal with slave religions. We should learn from their example.

Your population is going down. Your country is failing. Your culture is inferior and dead. Degenerates and haram permeates Japan as far as the eye can see. To see your culture transformed into something resembling our Arab culture while also praying to Allah like (you should be) is my greatest dream. And it'll happen in due time. Japanese "culture" is all a false culture and a fabricated lie to misguide the Japanese from Allah. It must go.

>"based" Arabs will conquer the world
>Can't conquer Israel

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>Your population is going down. Your country is failing. Your culture is inferior and dead.

literally what ? a drop in a population of japs is nothing compared to what is happening to europeans and look at china, muslims are already being killed, islam is never going to make significant gains in east asia.

We did penetrate the mongol Turkic peoples of Asia though during the golden age, what's stopping us from going any further?

Fuck off cunt, piss be upon muhammed.

No one needs islam. It’s a false religion, by a false prophet.
Every Muslim dreams of Jesus, please listen when you do.

>what's stopping us from going any further?

they don't want you there lol wtf dont you understand ? islam is only making gains in europe because it is being allowed to. chinese government is already killing muslims and koreans/japanese don't even care that islam exists lol. muslims could never take east asia in a modern war (let's be serious, nobody can) and without politically weak leaders support migration from muslim countries, islam will never make gains.

You realized you turned your meme flag off right and havent turned it back on? You're the same ID as OP. Fucking moron

So the english teacher was just a shill with a proxy. Who would have known.

I hope islam dies a horrible death and trump nukes mecca withall you cockroaches in it

arabchad soldier of allah cant do shit when St. Brenton Tarrant forces his long thick shotgun down his throat.

Japs are not religious and built a boss country y should they start to follow religion now and turn into a shithole nation.

Low Iq. Anti science. The clock is ticking for Islam. As countries that don't embrace it become more and more developed, while Islamic countries stagnate and stay shit, the simple fact you're in America proves it. You're shit, your culture is cancer that destroys everything including yourself. There have never and will never be functional Islamic countries, every country that turns Islamic automatically turns into shit, and it's inhabitants emigrate outside to non Islamic better countries, to rune from their oppressive government, just to turn the next country into the oppressive one they're ran from.
Muslims are literally a pest of humanity. The only cure is death.

>pedophile goat-fucking sandnigger prophet (Piss be upon him).
Isn't this all legal in Japan? Is this why you're projecting?

I'm still shocked by your pornography and that the age of consent is 13.

Muslims were making innovations in science and art while Europeans couldn't bathe. You owe us a lot.

Jow Forums disarms anti-japanese chink from r/hapas

And then they stopped.

What is the point of this argument when Muslims didn't export and share their knowledge with the rest of the world?

If Muslims shared even little, like the simple science of washing your hands, millions of lives would have been saved throughout the centuries. Instead, they wasted all the years being stuck in deserts or ruled by Turks.

the based nip strikes again

Europeans eventually found our knowledge for themselves, its mainly to remind you who to responsible for most modern creations now. Muslims did it.

Nearly all 'muslim' innovations were either things preserved from Greeks and Romans, or were pioneered prior to religious leaders effectively killing scientific progress because of a short sighted religious fervor. The Muslim world managed to shoot themselves in the dick and they've spent the last several centuries doing little more than inbreeding furiously and regressing technologically.

Allah forbids science, art, music, etc.
All the Islamic scientist, musicians, philosophers got executed and were not considered Muslims. Give an example where it isn't the case.
Pro tip: you can't. Literally all so call Islamic scientists were branded "heretics" or what you call them, and got killed.

What science? You can't share something you don't have. Arabs≠Muslims.

You just want them beacuse they are better suicide kamikaze bombers than you guys.

That guy is gay btw

>You owe us a lot.
So we can chop your head off?

Get reked slime. Long read btw.

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Low IQ retard detected.

Muslims did impressive science in the Middle Ages, but the Mongols went full retard. If they kept the knowledge instead of destroying it, so much would have been different in the world. I sometimes wonder if then it would have been possible for the Mongols to conquer Europe.

Oh look, its a serious thread that isn't in any way designed to provoke outrage


fake and gay

>You just want them beacuse they are better suicide kamikaze bombers than you guys.
But based on the arab airforces track record they would probably end up bombing their own bases.

this cuck's thread again

Ignorant autistic posts such as these seriously make me think about converting back to Islam.

You can't convert twice.

Please do :) Vienna is Turkish clay.

I'm not falling for that one as well. You gotta shitpost better than that.

Youre saying i can upgrade my submissive waifu into an extra submissive towel waifu? Say no more user

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Don't blow yourself up on the way.

Shouldnt be like:
Riad needs Japan...samurai in Mecca
Arab sluts moving like Geisha
Arab working 12 hours and shit

Leaving Islam is death penalty. Going back, well, I don't know how's that gonna work. Do they behead you then convert your body? You're free from religion shit. Want to give it away, be my guest. Every "Islamic" scientist, according to the Quran was not a Muslim. Simple. You can call them if you like.

Salami is worst oppression

>Leaving Islam is death penalty
Nope. But feel free to cherry pick examples from the real world that will confirm your bias. It's a big clown world.

>Want to give it away, be my guest. Every "Islamic" scientist, according to the Quran was not a Muslim. Simple. You can call them if you like.
Come on man, if your want to keep controlling this narrative then make sure it's solid.

Just to list a few incidents (virtually all of them air strikes, civilian losses omitted most of the time). The list is extremely incomplete.

2015 Sept, 53 civilians and 7 allied soldiers killed in friendly fire
> news.vice.com/en_us/article/pa4b49/saudi-arabia-blamed-for-friendly-fire-incidents-and-civilian-deaths-in-yemen

2015 Oct, 22 killed in friendly fire
> xinhuanet.com/english/2019-03/14/c_137895271.htm

2016 June, 25 killed allied in FF
> en.althawranews.net/2016/06/saudis-kill-25-in-friendly-fire-in-yemen/

2017 April, 12 allied soldiers killed in friendly fire

2017 Dec, 3 allied killed in FF
> presstv.com/Detail/2017/08/22/532602/saudi-arabia-yemen-hadi-friendly-fire

2018 Feb, 6 allied soldiers killed in FF
> gulf-times.com/story/583079/Saudi-led-friendly-fire-kills-6-Yemen-troops

2018 Aug, 8 allied soldiers killed in FF (+40 children in a school bus)
> efe.com/efe/english/world/11-yemeni-troops-killed-in-friendly-fire-airstrike-by-saudi-coalition/50000262-3723928

2019 March, 30+ allied soldiers killed in friendly fire
> yemen-rw.org/saudi-forces-hit-their-own-mercenaries-in-friendly-fire-incident/

So there you have 7 incidents and over 113 killed soldiers in friendly fire + over 93 civilians.
Whatever you do in war, never have a military alliance with arabs.

Read the Quran. But it's true than in real world you usually don't get killed. But you lose all your family and "friends. I don't regret it and I'll never go back to that desert death cult.


Those are some unevenly packed explosives.
No wonder their rockets can't hit shit.

Is it common practice to work barefoot in muslim bomb factories?

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nigga there were Just small countries, and even the invasions were so unefficient that one small group of Caucasian Zoroastrian Rebels could weaken a whole Khalifate, and imagine getting so scared that u tie their leader even after he get executed

arabs look like degenerates
sometimes they are so poorly built that males have some big fucking asses even bigger than females, and they are fat btw

muslims registered in japan get disowned by their families and fisted by the government. even japanese nationals are ready to be deported at a moments notice first lick of bullshittery.
go on blow something up i dare you. they will have no qualms about removing islam.

aren't most mosques forced to use basements, not allowed any spires or external decoration, heavily monitored and it's literally illegal to publicly preach islam, trying to convert people can get you up to 2 years right?

>Leaving Islam is death penalty
Nope. But feel free to cherry pick examples from the real world that will confirm your bias. It's a big clown world.
Bukhari’s Hadith Collection

Bukhari, volume 9, #17

"Narrated Abdullah: Allah's Messenger said, "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Messenger, cannot be shed except in three cases: in Qisas (equality in punishment) for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (Apostate) and leaves the Muslims."

Bukhari, volume 9, #57

Narrated Ikrima, "Some atheists were brought to Ali and he burnt them. The news of this event, reached Ibn Abbas who said, "If I had been in his place, I would not have burnt them, as Allah's messenger forbade it, saying, "Do not punish anybody with Allah's punishment (fire)." I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah's Messenger, "Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him."

Bukhari, volume 9, #58

Narrated Abu Burda, "Abu Musa said.....Behold there was a fettered man beside Abu Musa. Muadh asked, "Who is this (man)?" Abu Musa said, "He was a Jew and became a Muslim and then reverted back to Judaism." Then Abu Musa requested Muadh to sit down but Muadh said, "I will not sit down till he has been killed. This is the judgment of Allah and his messenger," and repeated it thrice. Then Abu Musa ordered that the man be killed, and he was killed. Abu Musa added, "Then we discussed the night prayers .....

please leave Japan alone

Yeah, their current culture is highly Islamophobic. Time to fix that.

shut up, kafir

>quotes Hadits... and tries to present them as ironclad
Guys... my fellow anons, don't take anything seriously you read around here. It's a Japanese Neo-Nazi pornographic cartoon and closeted homosexual trap imageboard. I hate this clown world so fucking much.

Learn how to actually think critically, how to examine correctly and how to question the right way.

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Most of your knowledge was stolen from better civilizations than the Islamic world.
Indian science, ancient Hellenistic literature, etc.

The Mongols actually were the ultimate pragmatists. If an individual or a technology was useful they simply absorbed it.
That they didn't conquer western Europe was probably caused by their horse-fucker command structure.
If all of your leaders have to travel thousands of kilometers back home every time your Khan dies it's hard to sustain a multi-decade campaign far away from home

Based Croats humiliated the Mongols. Your ancestors did well, user. I hope you're proud.

From what I read, the Mongols were corrupted as fuck. They cared more about killing and raping instead of education, adaptation and progress. Stories said they turned rivers into red and black from the blood of scholars and ink of their written knowledge. Iran hasn't recovered their population numbers until less than a century ago.

The Mongols were pathetic when they had to capture castles. This is how the Hungaries changed their tactics and eventually won. Even if the Khan didn't die, I doubt it would have made a difference.

I'm a substitute teacher in an area with a large amount of Muslims. I also speak Japanese and know a great deal about Anime and Tokusatsu shows. Everyday I teach, I connect with most of the kids about making Anime references. It's practically a second language that other adults don't understand. I get to look cool and talk to them on their level, through Anime memes. Every school day, I turn Muslim children into huge Weeaboos and suggest better Anime, and turn them into Tokusatsu. I probably reach thousands of children, muslim and not muslim.

It's not Japan that will be Islamized, it's Muslims that will be Weeaboo-ized. Ours is a secret religion, but one of the largest and fastest growing religions. Soon, all the Muslim boys and girls will have that feel when no gf, UWU.


the sound of the adhan shall echo against the walls of every home in hakodate, INSHALLAH

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If that happens I will go there and murder every fucking muslim piece of shit.

Islam is a religion for low IQ populations.

It will never be a thing in Japan

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pic related

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The day Islam supposedly take over the earth the earth will die. As islam have this sick prophecy to blow themselves up.

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I'd love to do da three chicken piece creampie on those Asian Woman's pussy plz boss

Nah, the Japanese are based. They would never tolerate a shitskin invasion like the west does.

Uhmm... 9/11? Hello? In WTC they killed more people than Japs did in ALL their Kamikaze attacks in Pacific war combined.

>Uhmm... 9/11? Hello? In WTC they killed more people than Japs did in ALL their Kamikaze attacks in Pacific war combined.
Saudi Arabia (the home of almost all pilots) is an Ally to the US.

Crashing airplanes into massive buildings is not that hard. I do it by accident every time I play flight simulator.