So, how bad is it really in Spain right now ? I mean is it really all just niggers and a bunch of jewish puppets at the top or is there any hope left ?
Any Spain bros here that could help ?
So, how bad is it really in Spain right now ? I mean is it really all just niggers and a bunch of jewish puppets at the top or is there any hope left ?
Any Spain bros here that could help ?
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It's pretty fucking bad, just considering the guy who won the elections actually went to france to talk with macron before talking to the king as tradition mandates
Most of the jewish puppets are on the right fyi, the far left here wants to make the banks pay what they owe and give the working class decent rights back. Anyone telling you otherwise is a FrancoNPC that acts as a gollem of the right cleptocracy sucking jewish and banking dick for a living.
that sounds shitty. Sanchez does strike me as a massive tool, desu
Franco was pretty based, though
Yeah, maybe if you're retarded, theorically fighting the francmasons, but practically genociding half of it's population.
Well, the Falanage party and Carlist party are at an all-tine-low. Maybe you could put your hopes on Vox but they're just reactionaries so it's nothing new. The actual president is a socialist with the support of the greens and some soft nationalist parties (not the radical ones, they despise him) so you can guess the level of Jewish control of the government there. Right now, the only hope for the country is, in my opinion, a right-wing republican party to get rid of the filth the country is chained with. Something like the republicans in the USA but without the corporations entangled with the party
>Economy is shit.
>literal EU vassal state.
>niggers, moors and sudacas increasing in number.
>literal feminist writing our laws.
>all political parties are pro EU.
>Autist Catalans.
>literal leftist shithole.
I just pray for another civil war to keep things in check.
>half its population
Do you even math, amigo ?