Should men and women who are not married by the age of 25 be taxed?

Should men and women who are not married by the age of 25 be taxed?

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Absolutely retarded. You’ll just provoke shit quality marriages and probably higher stress, which would be way worse for raising children in.

It would also further inflate women's value, which is already overvalued. Op is stupid if he thinks this will do anything but increase degeneracy and hurt men.

Single people are already taxed higher in Germany. Still low birth rates. Don't know about Kekistan.

The opposite
The married should be taxed

You are telling me I would have a year of jew free life if you were in power ?

You get relief for having 2 kids.

damn, I want her to sick on my dick

then people would never get married. kike

Fuck you

How about we lower taxes altogether


That's already happening.

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OP is retarded

>sexually attracted to trannies
>calls other people kikes

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unless the tax is like 50% income tax then it wont work, nice try shlomo!

single women should be taxed

Fuck no

People should get tax rebates for marrying early and having children. But only white people.

They are taxed. Filling your taxes as married rather than single can be a 4 or 5 digit deduction. Its generally viewed as "married people pay less taxes" but the right way to view this is "single people pay more taxes."

Single people already pay way more tax retard

make that 4 and if you have below 2 no state pensions

Checked. This.

That's unfair. Taxation already punishes the single person. Besides. This is a race\culture issue. White people are a threatened race because of things like high age of consent laws and telling people they can only marry roasties.

Muslims have no such issues.

women should be grinded into dog food if they arent married by 25

Close. You do the opposite.

Western countries need to increase birthrate to reduce the requirement for immigration.

You give rewards for raising children.

You pay for it by fixing the welfare state the boomers are raping.

Lowering the age of consent would fix a lot of these issues. But you know feminists and their cucks won't allow this. The age of marriage and consent should be 14. 15 tops globally.

then we expell all the muslims first

Autism rates in children of women who breed after 25, is a tax.

Single people already pay more IRS and Social Security, you double nigga. If you worked instead of being a lazy cunt you already knew that.

Only if women are stripped of rights and returned to their rightful status as the property of men.


But yeah. By the time people wake up to this though it will be too late. Actually it probably already is. We need some major global event to put us back on track.

Are you actually mentally retarded? Singles and couples both pay tax, you fucking flog.

>bachelor tax
>when gay marriage is legal
I'll just marry my bro.


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i'm pretty sure if you file taxes as single you're taxed at a little higher rate

is it a coincidence the numbers spike during a crisis?

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They already do, the government provides tax incentives for getting married and having children

This is so black pilled it hurts.