What is the strongest religion ever to exist?

Christianity or Islam?
>hurr durr Islum conquered Christian territories
yes, but Christians kicked them out of Europe and the only reason Islam still controls constantinople is because the (((British))) have aided the turks every chance they got.

Christianity have still conquered more territory than Islam


Attached: fear the Lord.jpg (607x608, 161K)

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>Christians kicked them out of Europe
That’s gonna happen again.
Screencap this

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Shitslam is a cockroach let to breed under the sink.
Stuck in the stone age, we could obliterate these primitive goat fuckers in literally hours with our modern military.
But the faggy peace treaties are holding us bad, because it would be bullying to nuke these parasites stone age inbreds.

Luciferian Judaism

>the (((British))) have aided the turks every chance they got
Wut? If anything, they did the most to kill the ottomans off. They even captured Constantinople and tried to give it back to the greeks at one point. But then they lost it again.

Theres many examples where turks wouldve gotten their asses handed to them but were stopped by the british.
for example in the Crimean war of 1853-56 the russians were about to eradicate every turk left on the planet and take Constantinople for themselves but the brits fucked it up


It's Beautiful

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Judaism, for convincing dumb goyim to worship a Jewish rabbi and defer to Jews in all things

Pisslamists can only drink camel piss.