Guess the country

Guess the country

Attached: IMG_20190613_072224.jpg (720x960, 115K)

I'll do one better.
St. Paul, Minnesota


Stupid fucking post. This is Minnesota

/s my good sirs!

You’re Canadian. /thread

He said country dumbass

>Bryce Svensson
I think not, ameridiot.

You should be getting ready for school Ahmed

The two Mohamed Ali's should fight.

Tedd, todd, keith bla bla fuck you nigger ameridiot.

trans in bottom right?

Londonistan have it's own laws and justice system (Sharia) and could be called independant if they were not sucking the money from the countryside.



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America, Minnesota I guess Minneapolis.

No dogs getting fucked so it can't be Leafland...
I guess "post the in-store prices".

Looks like the Yankoids are the Muhammads now.

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Look at the demographics of Minnesota.
Swedes can't stop importing Somalis, no matter where they live.

There is only one place with that many somolis and it sure as hell isn't Somolia.

Its Canada. Its a screenshot pic and Leaf took it at same time as this post was made so he went to choose a picture then took a picture of sibling or sons yearbook.

Also its mid June aka end of school year in Canada as July/August are months off from school.

Also notice that the 9 Abdis at the top are all from the same family-- the garbage bags look identical. The likelihood oje Aisha pooped them out is impossible, so Mohammed Sr. Brought in his 4 wives as aunts to get around Canadas polygamy laws which immigration authorities adopt as GBA+ policy not to be bigots. Then aunts are then placed in a huge toronto mansion for free where Mohammed Sr takes turns impregnating his 4 wives. Its likely he has about 25-30 kids, each of which earns him 1100/month/kid in chils care benefits, giving them an income of about 400,000 dollars a year tax-free.

Welcome to Trudeaus Canada.

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I don't know the capitol of St. Paul.

West Pakistan

Its actually Canada, either Toronto or Alberta; leaf took it as a screenshot 20s before posting it as OP pic, its yearbook season in Canada as July/August are summer vacation months.

This is actually a pretty White Leaf classroom; there are 5 Whites out of 36, or 13.88%. on average Canadian classrooms are about 1-3% White.

This is Canadas immigration minister, hand picked by Trudeau, a Somali Muslim rapefugee who cant speak english.
>Pic related is his Twitter page where he is with a Canadian Ottawa classroom who came to visit him

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