Brain fog lately?

Guys am i the only one experiencing brain fog lately? As in past few years.
Is there something in the food or something or the tv ... no irony.

Post your experiences and what you believe is causing it if you have it.

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Idk. Yesterday I was really productive but today I have brain fog and I just feel retarded. Also NoFap definitely helps with brain fog

Porn. Also social media. Also Jow Forums.

Get the oxypowder from infowars store. Powerful stuff, so go easy on it.

it happens plenty, in the morning

You need to drink more Jilly juice.

wrong thread

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Intense gay anal sex clears me right up

It's the conditioning. It's working.

no fap, train hard, eat healthy, avoid sugar.

Same here, increasingly over the last few years, definetly intentional attack of some sort.

Go bust a nut.

Turn all your electronics off when you sleep, your router doesn't need to be on either since you're only sleeping. This definitely helps me.

>Is there something in the food or something or the tv
Porn, and excessive masturbation
Fluoridated water with little to no iodine in our foods
Excessive cannabis and/or alcohol consumption
Excessive caffeine consumption
Lack of exercise
Constant EMF bombardment

Man I am really getting hit hardcore from time to time by this.
And it's not porn or computers since it was happening before I was ever using it.
Must be the vaccines.

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Go out to the forest for a while, you drone.

I do have brain fog when I've not been sleeping properly.
Turn off your fucking phone an hour before bed. Get off your computer.
Get at least 7 hours of sleep.
It's really, really simple.

I had brainfog when I was a dyel sugar addict. I cured it with the RVAF diet as promoted by aajonus vonderplanitz
Eat: all raw/unpasteurized/unheated
>milk/fermented dairy
>BRAINS (most important)

Also sleep in a room with absolutely no light or electronics for as long as you feel necessary.

Fix your gut - go look up duets to do this.

Das rite.

I had a major problem with this in my late teens. I was a NEET playing video games 12 hours a day.

"Magically", it went away as soon as I got a job and started working out

It's called being older, user.

Eat fermented “high” meat to fix gut

Plain greek yogurt.

Redpilled as well

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>additives in food tear up gut
>antibiotics in food and medicine form kill gut flora
>the gut is where most neurotransmitters are manufactured
>it is now hard to digest food and break down proteins into amino acids
>amino acids are needed for neurotransmitters in the gut and elsewhere

This is why SSRIs and ADD medications are becoming popular - industrial food production is destroying our guts, our health and ability to think and thrive.

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Stop drinking alcohol and caffeine cold turkey and start running and sleeping more.

Stop with this quack shit, its ridiculous. You're literally telling OP to eat raw brains to fix his minor mental ailment

Diphyllobotrium latum (raw seafood), trichinella spiralis (raw pork), campyllobacter/salmonella (uncooked poultry), prion diseases (uncoocked brain diseases), the list goes on and on. As much as intestinal and brain tapeworms may add to your existance, they're not a universally desired aquisition.

have sex

Well yeah maybe if you stopped masturbating and watching porn 6 hours a day it could go away you pathetic loser

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whipworms, giardia, campylobacter, salmonella, listeria species, E.coli, gangrene, candida and many other microbes and fungi, are all indigenous to humans.

Go take your antibiotics like a good goy for big pharma.

It's caused by over stimulation.
Take a week off from all screens.
No computer, no phone, no tv.
That's it, you're fixed now.
Read a book.

Do you consume energy drinks? That was the problem for me (that and sugar and porn). Took me a while to recover from all that.
If you top it all with the fact that my job was very braindead and menial I was practically functioning in auto-mode the whole day without realizing time was passing and day after day was all the same.

Feminisation of your male brain OP
Our ground water has been poisoned by contraceptives in female piss

Only drink distilled water

My brain gets foggy when I don't fap.

That's because you live in a mental prison

Are you

>not doing what you want despite wanting it
>repeating the same boring routine every day even though you want to break it
>constantly afraid of breaking your habitudes/going into the unknown
>extremely low on self-confidence
>constantly overthinking about everything

If that's the case then you have what i call a 'mental prison' issue and must break the conditioning asap. Don't be afraid user

It's probably because of wanking and social isolation. That's usually what causes it in me.

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This. Impacts sleep quality as well


You're being intentionally misleading, and indeed half of those things are indiginous to the GI tract. Campylobacter jejuni however isnt, and if it takes a hold I hope you enjoy shitting out your intestines

>Pic related, this guy ate uncooked pork and got Taenia Solium neurocysticercosis

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>neurotransmitters in the gut
Not sure exactly when or where but doctors used to call the stomach 'man's second brain' because of the intricate network of neurons in the stomach.

Whats that, you like deadlifting but feel a little weaker recently? Missing a bit of arm strength? Maybe you should have cooked that burger a little more thoroughly...

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Nietzsche talked about the importance of diet

Depression and suicidal thoughts. Doesn't help that I am on anti depressants.

Drink more water

It’s because you, like all of us, are on the internet all the time. Take a break if you can.

I'm on well water, everyone on the mains supply appears to have gone bonkers. Is it me or them though?

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>I do not say hehe so much
>yuo are delusional

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I have that because I let some girl sit on my face. I'd do it again knowing the outcome.

Same, Vyvanse, Ritalin, Adderall, et cetera helps clear it up BUT it's gets worse much faster under the artificial clarity. I have it right now, but I haven't taken one yet some for a few hours later today, I won't.

One more for the road, just to illustrate the point

TLDR cook your fucking meat

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You might be low on vitamin b12

I did an experiment when no one was around. I made a tin foil hat, no bullshit. I am aware of the amount of shit passing through us at all times and needed to see if it helped. I can honestly say my day was great, no bad thoughts, could focus, and generally was in tune to my surroundings. Sad that it has come to something so silly. I was able to line a hat so that you couldn't see it. I know sounds retarded, but honestly anons, it worked. I also got into doing coffee enimas, which gets rid of parasites, definately look into that. If you are hosting bugs, they will fuck you up, take your energy, make you ache, and a whole host of other shit. Again sounds crazy but if it works ehh.

Unlikely, as the liver has stores of several years. The only people who get B12 deficient have issues like Crohns, have an intestinal parasite infection (possible, though unlikely), are raging alcoholics or literally eat dirt every day.

Or vegans