Ideal Èurope?

What do you think of my map and what is your ideal europe?

Attached: 1560242954145.png (2988x2187, 504K)

Other urls found in this thread:ńsk)

Attached: perfect Europe.png (2988x2187, 890K)

>Kraut and hohoł having wet dreams about taking polish clay. One wanks off hoping to put some muslims here, 2nd wanks off hoping to make it into shithole like his own country.
>One has broomstick army, other one was retarded enough to give away his nukes.
Try us, bigger tried and failed.

Attached: Europa.png (2988x2187, 502K)

Fuck you

Attached: fixed europe.png (5976x4374, 899K)



Attached: mapwflags.png (2988x2187, 508K)

The least autistic one so far

Here map of Europe after ww2 if based fascists won.

Attached: received_230643591178061.png (4096x3028, 3.46M)

Failed? Lol
You were wiped off the maps. You were under occupation several times and always had to rely on others to save you.

love that shit

We came back after hundres of years of non existence and beaten the shit out of USSR

I call that fucking based. Kudos to my Polish ancestors I'm Polish and proud

Soon we will genocide all Jews & Germans & Russians once again and take what is rightfully ours

Attached: polskie-imperium-cenega_bymhj.jpg (540x352, 41K)

Literally every major and minor power in Europe has at one point conquered your pathetic country.

German North-Africa? Teutonic Poland? Also why does Romania have Transylvania, and why does Germany have Maastricht?
And is that Burgundy?? What the fuck is this meme map LMFAO

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Shut the fuck up you useless pathetic western cuckold. We owned Russians and occupied Moscow as only country in the world

We literally BTFO everyone until 3 major powers decided to gangbang us at once. Fucking Germ***c cowards, you lost every war with us when solo

Attached: 30blksx.jpg (1600x935, 487K)

epic TNO map, upvoted fellow ledditor

>that sweden

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meanwhile in reality all of polands history is being raped by germans and russians, while being ruled by lithuanian nobility.

pic related, polish being niggers
>be polish subhuman
>napoleon grants you your country and trusts you to be a good ally
>french haiti revolts
>napoleon trusts polish volunteers to put down the rebellion
>polish legion arrives
>see haitian niggers chimping out
>instead of easily putting them down, they join in and kill all the french on the island
>live out the rest of their lives perfectly on a nigger island
>they assimilate so well with niggers that the haitians call them honorary negroes
around polaks, never relax

Attached: white_negroes_of_europe.png (1287x237, 64K)

Yes failed, they had to attack us 3vs1 or 2vs1 to win, nothing to brag about. We won 95% of wars 1vs1 so go be a muttfuck somewhere else.

you seem to have made a few mistakes
but that's ok, i fixed them

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The Netherlands is the Canada of Europe, don't even reply to him. The tooth paste flag deserves to be as mocked and disregarded as the leaf flag.

Attached: Rotterdam-Pride-Festival-brass-band.jpg (800x533, 413K)

look like a couple white americans to me


>160 Polish traitors decide to back up nigger revolution
fuck off cuckoid

European Confederation

Attached: IDEAL EUROPE.png (951x693, 94K)

leave balkans alone nigger

Attached: perfection.jpg (700x394, 122K)

>they join in and kill all the french on the island
it's not what happened. Poles were used as a cannon fodder by French fucks so they were tired of constant fighting. Some of them decided to retaliate for that, others went back to homeland

It's fucking sad you buy into (((wikipedia))) propaganda. But what can you expect from Niggerlands

Attached: how_to_recognize_a_polish_soldier_by_janemin-d6tneg8.jpg (729x1096, 183K)

Go and die for Israel, burger.

>there are 400 SURVIVORS from the polish legion that settled in Haiti
So subtracting the ones that died in the fighting, and then the ones that didn't settle there, you come to the conclusion that the INITIAL amount of soldiers was 160. Nice polish math, with logistics like this I can see why you lost every single war in history.

Attached: perfecte werld.png (5817x2924, 564K)

idk man, I think Poland must perish completely.
also Austria doesnt have to be Anschlussed, they can stay independent if they want.

Attached: EVROPA.jpg (596x458, 26K)

>>there are 400 SURVIVORS from the polish legion that settled in Haiti
that's propaganda. the numbers were exaggerated by Haitans for political reasons. the actual number of Poles who thought for niggers was extremely low and irrelevant

ANYWAY these people ARE NOT POLISH. they choose to become niggers, so it works for me

Oh its beautiful

Attached: EVROPA.png (804x450, 781K)

400 is still a pretty low number

you know I love you Hans right? it's just banter

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P(h)ole, please

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Why are you giving an Ukrainian attention Andrzej?

Because retarded Americans and Hohols spread fake propaganda claiming Poles murdered German citizens of Gdańsk before second world war which is undocumented, has zero proofs and even they found Himmlers note claiming it was propaganda to justify annexing Polish lands

BUT in reality something else happened. Germans murdered Polish citizens, woman, children with cold blood changing ethnicity in Gdańsk for 600 hundred years

This needs to be explained and pointed out EVERY SINGLE TIME

wow, a pole uses Wikipedia as a scource. I bet they are a reliable source, no bias there at all

Eat shit and die, mongol.

>t. American
I fucking knew someone dumb Mutt will say something like that kek

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Poles dindu nuffin. Look up wiczskipedia. Poles wuz kangs.

>Butthurt memeflag is seething so hard it can't even stomach a direct quote
>Literally trying to sweep the fact that it got BTFO'd under the rug

Dude, YOU claimed americans made polish slaughter partys up. Why would they do that?

Btw, wikipedia always uses "sources". Look at the dates of these sources. All relatively new, for something that happened 80-hundreds of years ago. The fact that most of them are german doesn't make them more reliable, quite the contrary. Germans is the self-loathing capital of the world

everyone gets their own river-system and mountains.
No one can influence the others waterways.

Attached: river deltas.png (2971x2174, 3.35M)

>a consensus has been established
Through take-over of Danzig by the Poles, silencing of any dissenting opinions and destruction of any contrary archeological findings.
There was no Danzig massacre by the Teutonic Order. It is a 19th century invention by Panslavists to mythologize Danzig being taken over by foreign invaders. It is entirely disconnected from reality.

>hey guise look at my coloring book


Attached: best yurope.png (2988x2187, 541K)


Make frisia a country again you cucks

That is so horrendously inaccurate that I want to physically hurt you.

And we love Polish girls!

Attached: Europe map.png (5976x4374, 1.36M)

The exact same as it is now, but with Kosovo belonging to us and with Albania turned into a parking lot.


Attached: who even cares about the rest lmao.jpg (2436x2953, 1.54M)

Even if in the middle ages somebody captured a small village the way it was done back then, and turned it into a properous city, wouldn't justify killing 3 million unarmed civilians and talking 116.000 km2 of land and property 600y later, and after 80 years still complain of not having gotten more.

for fuck sake leave murmansk alone

Do you have any self awareness?

Best ending to the 80 year war DESU

Attached: Perfect Europe.png (6480x7480, 3.38M)

>polskie imperium
Keksimus maximus

The ideal Europe is the one in which Germany does not exist

Finland is not your land russhit the other way around actually

>rightfully yours

>everything I don't like is fake
good counterargument