Jordan Peterson, the controversial academic...

>Jordan Peterson, the controversial academic, has launched a new anti-censorship website that will only take down offensive content if specifically ordered to by a US court.

Peterson is launching a subscription based free speech site. Only $19.99 per month.

Attached: peterson.png (642x589, 269K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>rightwing academic...
And this, guys, is how you detect a newpapers which is going to need to fire 10% of its employees

He's rightwing bro. He is a self described conservative.

Attached: 20190522-214233.jpg (1000x500, 60K)

>Only $19.99 per month.

Attached: tom.png (447x459, 103K)

Pls tell me your pic is a joke?

>Only $19.99 per month.
This guy is pretty shameless.

Sam Harris charges only $5 per month. If you can't afford it, he's gives it to you for free. That's how he remains credible. Peterson in contrast just seems to be a money grubbing opportunist. Zero credibility with such people.

>will only take down offensive content if specifically ordered to by a US court.
So basically Jow Forums. That's nice.

juden peterson

>EPIC troll a libtard guy #482
>caves and falls back to the mainstream liberal opinion whenever directly confronted
>liberal youtubers and Jow Forumstards alike btfo his little talks
>reveres every faggy religion and god thats ever been invented
>nearly cries when someone counters one of his points
>falls back to his 6th joe rogan appearance this year to have a nice safe space where epic drug bald manlet can recharge his validity again

Hey goyim do you want free speech? Just pay me $19.99 and remember wash your dick

Juden Peterstein at it again

>19.99 a month to be banned for anti semitism

Keep in mind this is the same guy who thinks Quora is a focal point of important, valuable discourse on the internet.

Its not.
Why wouldn't you want to pay to read posts by Peterson and based Sargon

>subscription based
>reddit model with upvotes/downvotes that hides your post if you get too many negative points
Focus on your shitty paintings mr Peterson, your website will tank

>Only $19.99 per month.

Attached: 1560302012872.jpg (642x963, 132K)

>Comments on the site would be voted on by users on a thumbs up or down basis. “If your ratio of down votes to up votes, falls below 50/50, then your comments will be hidden,” Peterson said.
He invented reddit lol only you have to pay

Attached: 154830093312.png (645x773, 11K)

Free speech that you pay for? That's libtard tier double think.

>free speech but your comments get censored
is this leaf fuck for real?

>Its not.
Honestly who the fuck would even make that autismo pic tho. Pls link user.

So he's pretty much making astroturfing even more effective. Instead of seeing shills downvote your posts, you won't see them at all. But I guess who cares if shills are creating a dozen accounts to do so if he's making $20/month for each of their accounts.

P.s. PHP is basically a pyramid scheme

>worrying about shills
Nigga you'll be the one getting downvoted you dumb faggot

>Sasha Grey bothering to wear clothes

>He is a self described conservative.
No he isnt

>Free speech
>you have to pay for it
I hate that fucker.

Yes he is, one of the first things he wrote after he got popular was ''12 principles for 21st century conservatism''. He has shyed away from that label recently but its pretty clear he is m8.

>Peterson is launching a subscription based free speech site. Only $19.99 per month.

Attached: 1530712377140.png (952x1075, 1.35M)

The price of Free Speech™ is $20.

Thanks Jordan.

> They use the font from the transformers movies

The graphic desigb makes this look low rent as fuck

>free speech
>linked to your credit card
no thanks!

>Only $19.99 per month.

Attached: images.png (208x243, 11K)

>free speech platform
>isn't free

Attached: 1559547226291.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

thats $20/month

premium speech

Dude fuck this guy I actually need to pay for my freedom of speech and shit? This really is communism.

>This really is communism.
It's actually peak capitalism

>free speech
>you pay for it

freedom is never free

Attached: chartoftheday_6483_the_world_s_aircraft_carrier_fleet_n.jpg (960x684, 126K)

Horseshoes and hand grenades I am turning in money for the right to spill my marbles

>Blizzard can operate the biggest gaming servers AND make the game AND do the marketing AND provide community servers for like $15 a month
>Juden Patreonstein is asking $20 per month
made me think

>free speech platform
>shadow banned if you get downvoted
Is this ironic?

Jordan Peterson BTFO
Jow Forums BTFO

welcome to the formation of the new petite bourgeoisie, in order to finance your "freedom of thought" you have to conform to wage slavery in order to generate the income to buy your freedom

Attached: the problem with individualsim.png (720x551, 192K)

No it's 1984

it fits with Peterson epistemology of truth only being condition upon survival...

Attached: arthur-schopenhauer-philosopher-talent-hits-a-target-no-one-else-can.jpg (700x700, 83K)

Did he not see what happened with Gab? Good luck JP. He's going to become radicalized eventually.

Not real and homosexual

blizzard uses peer-to-peer to do the heavy lifting

>Juden Peterstein
>free speech
Let's ask his opinion on the JQ on his site, I paid 20 bucks, now give me that free speech you say you support

If he lets TRS tier stuff on, I will completely change my opinion of him

>(((Subscription only)))

why do you hate capitalism commie

Where is this $19.99 bullshit coming from? I don't see any source.

>$20 a month
>Reddit style vote system
>Forced to post at least 50 characters
Is Juden Peterstein going full kike?

kek I love how they're depicting sargon as a "failed MEP candidate". As if that is more noteworthy than his big youtube channel.

Attached: sensiblekek.jpg (224x225, 10K)

You have to be really pathetic to still follow him so he can charge his paypigs to sniff his farts for all I care.

I can't imagine how psychologically damaged the people that see this guy as a father figure must be.

>Paying money for something you can do for free elsewhere.
Being a fucking mark, has nothing to do with capitalism, future suicide victim.

Alt right academic.

Are those two at a Synagogue afterparty?

But this is not just any website, it's daddy Peterson's website. It's an exclusive club for radical centrists. $19.99 for the opportunity to be a part of Dr. Peterson's chosen elite is a STEAL!

Correction: the limit before you're allowed to post is 50 WORDS not characters lulz

>As if that is more noteworthy than his big youtube channel.
I mean it is more noteworthy to people who don't browse here or watch youtube. Most people in the UK know him as the rape guy/failed MEP lol

>peak capitalism
you too can have free speech!
if you can afford it

why does jordan peterson look so sad and sleepy all the time?

Juden Peterson is shameless.

The pills he takes.

all beef diet desu

Attached: diet.png (1064x186, 15K)

Loli website?

Attached: 1545961006085.gif (821x713, 794K)

>Only $19.99 per month.
Yes Goy, pay me your 20 shekels a month to use my site and don't forget to buy the matching rug for another 1000 or so shekels. Good Goy.

20$/month to fucking shitpost? Greedy little yid

Great, so mob rule mentality and shadowbanning. I don't like what you say therefore no one can see it.

That's his intellectual face

What are you talking about? You don't get to shitpost.

Free speech has a price. How was that not the first thing they decided on

>this is gonna be free right?
>oh of course. What kind of retarded nigger faggot would pay a subscription fee for a social media account?
>yea you're right. If course. Duh why did I even have to ask
>yea I'm a jew so let's just charge anyway.

Where did you get the 20$ figure?

it's the new meme kiddo just roll with it

Sasha looks like a tranny next to scrawny Elijah

Where does it say it cost 20usd a month?

where are you getting 19.99 per month? The plans for this site aren't finalized anyway. I haven't seen a price just "subscription based", which could mean subscribing to specific content creators as well.

you are retarded
must be the hormonal imbalance or some shit

>ust "subscription based", which could mean subscribing to specific content creators as well.

Attached: 1553274979452.jpg (250x238, 8K)

Pay to exercise your amendment rights goyim. Well then again is the internet considered public space anymore?

I will let this slide since I am sure Arabic is your first language.

So alt-right Quillette for $20 a month?

>20 bucks to be as neutral and passive aggressive as you want
Post to your hearts content

Onl the plus side he will only ban uses if ordered to by a court, or if he doesnt like what you are saying.

Checked but he should do freemium speech. Make users buy lobster coins with real world cash and then charge coins if they want to post more than once an hour.


>then charge coins if they want to post more than once an hour
exploiting human nature for financial profit, the more things change the more they stay the same

Attached: cesar quote.jpg (974x548, 100K)

>>This really is communism.
>It's actually peak capitalism
Same thing

Are classical liberals conservative now?
In b4 yes

>Only $19.99 per month.
this nigger can't be serious
the only thing that makes social media valuable is a large subscriber base
this will be a ghost town

>Just pay me $19.99 and remember wash your dick
Pay $29.99 and Jordan will wash your dick

Attached: 1586778242476.jpg (320x303, 36K)

>won't address holodomoor
>wants 20 bucks a month
fuck off you joyless boomer pos

How long until it gets shut down because people are posting cp?

So it's Reddit but you have to pay

>Free speech site

4chin is free

You know what is the funniest thing is. Cucks who think they're redpilled that frequent this basket weaving fourm WILL give the money over to him.



Attached: harder laughing good girls.png (854x480, 642K)

Isn't the same, a centrist 'free speech' publication?????