Give me a reason why America isn't the worst country in the world:

Give me a reason why America isn't the worst country in the world:
>pushing multiculturalism and degeneracy in other countries
>jewish controlled
>war mongering
>shit food quality
>a lot of fatties
>mega consumerism
>materialism > spiritualism
>no culture at all
>no sense of style/fashion
>most underdeveloped first world country, there are parts of America that are worse than third world countries.
>strong arrogance and ignorance towards how shitty their country really is

Last point is especially true, since you'll see Americans responding to this post saying "ur just jealous xDD"

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free speech


We are awful. We are the most evil country in the world, at least based on the actions of our government and corporations

What's the point of free speech if it leads to this?
Oh wow, you're free to say/do degenerate stuff, great.

>free speech
On Jow Forums

What would happen if I went to murica and called the first Jew I saw a fucking kike to his face?

Because shitholes like Pakistan exist you retard

We need you to stay where you are and keep killing Americans that are dumb enough to go to your country for vacation (in minecraft).


No jews and an actual culture, doesn't sound too bad. Sure they're poor and fanatics, but I'm sure Pakistanis in Pakistan are happier than Americans in America.

At least you don't try to push your degeneracy on other countries and don't start a new war every 5 years.

We are not killing them, they are overdosing on opiates they brought with them.

Go home Russia, you're drunk.

>the USA has some of the most beneficial geographic features in the world
>large navigable rivers and an I intercoastal water allow cheap shipping of goods.
>fantastic farmland and a wide variety of environments and crops
>geography that's almost impossible for an organized army to invade
>less socialism than Europe
>guns and free speech

>the USA has some of the most beneficial geographic features in the world
>large navigable rivers and an I intercoastal water allow cheap shipping of goods.
So what?

>fantastic farmland and a wide variety of environments and crops
then why is your food quality so shit? everything filled with high fructose corn syrup.

>less socialism than Europe
A certain degree of socialism is good, just look at how shitty your healthcare and your education is.
Hitler would agree.

>guns and free speech
free speech is only good if you do good with it, which isn't the case in America.
Guns are cool, I'll give you that.

You just described literally all of western Europe, minus free speech, natural resources, land, and gun rights. My grandparents are from Bern and I know Switzerland traditionally had pretty lax gun laws, but I've been keeping an eye on your votes as well as new legislation and you turbocucks are well on your way to undoing all of that.

Good luck defending your butthole from Achmed while I homestead on 50 acres and stockpile weapons.

Switzerland has less than 10% non-European immigrants. Quite a difference from the land of the 56%.

>small landlocked country surrounded by great powers
>voluntarily disarming yourself then thinking you'll be safe when Germany and France get completely overrun by browns

You only dodged Hitler because you're white and geographically insignificant and your people decided to take the gold-hoarding Jew route out of annihilation. You're going to get fucked raw once your neighbors are brown. Good luck.

You are already fucked lol. Even if you remove all shitskins from America, America would still be shit.

It would probably laugh at you and tell you to go back to africa.

>checks flag

Look who's talking.

Nah, there are 200 million non-Hispanic, full-blooded whites in America and a huge percentage of them are armed with high-capacity rifles and modern sidearms. White women have the highest racial loyalty of any group in our society. Our country is larger and more resource-rich than you're entire continent, the vast majority of our degeneracy is limited to urban areas, which constitute less than 1% of our total area. We only have two bordering countries and the longest adjacent border nation is white like us, the rest of our borders are oceans guarding us from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, etc. The living standards of white people in the United States are on par or better than Europeans in all metrics, any stat you could possibly point to to try and argue against that point is rendered null when you don't include non-whites.

The largest military on Earth is here, the best universities are here, the world's wealth is here, every possible category of resource is here, the largest concentration of white people in one country is here, the vast majority of civilian-owned firearms are here, infrastructure for the internet is here, an enormous portion of industrial infrastructure is here. I could go on and on ad naseum. Other than being older and better at killing your fellow whites, you really don't have much.

When you leave brown people out of the equation we are better than you at literally everything, and I would argue that the vast majority of our societal issues stem from Eurtrash not being able to handle their business (Communism, Facism, Jewish banking, multiculturalism stemming from colonialism, etc.).

TL;DR Europe sucks ass, white America is superior in every single way.

The first aid pack gets it. (((Free speech))) is a spectacularly evil trick. (((America))) is hands down a cucked quasi third world shithole.

>What's the point of free speech if it leads to this?
This is the retarded mentality of dumb third worlders.
>What is the point of being able to say what you want if other people will ALSO be able to say what they want?! WHERE ARE THE CENSORS TO PROTECT ME FROM THE HARMFUL IDEAS??!? MOMMY MOMMY HELP ME!!!
Which is why this third worlder is having this conversation on a website hosted in his country. Oh, wait, that's right, he's here on a website hosted in america because his statements might get him arrested by the thought police in his country. Somehow he doesn't see the irony coming to the place that has free speech to bitch about free speech being bad.

If you hate free speech so much, why stay on websites that operate under US law?

even without shitskins:
>no culture
>shitty food
>war mongering
>mega consumerism
>no sense of style/fashion

>free speech
Yeah right, they are the ones that invented political correctness and their tech companies are like a new inquisition censoring everyone who isn't a left wing cuck.

you forgot:
school shootings every day
opioid epidemic
the Kardashian family and their followers
The bible belt

>the vast majority of our degeneracy is limited to urban areas, which constitute less than 1% of our total area.

that may have been true 50 years ago, it's not true now. the poz is in ever community in america. all cities and most suburbs are fully pozzed now.

Yeah, but I'm White.

>there are 200 million non-Hispanic, full-blooded whites in America


Hey, self blaming culture is leftist feature, remember?)

It is not as bad in Russia as you think

Free speech is good if you have responsibility for what you speaking

Please provide some proof about American woman race loyalty.

You would lose your job and have your reputation ruined forever. Free speech doesn’t exist.

The whole earth sucks tbqh

but you are probably mulatto or some sort of mixed black.
But you have a big dick so it's all good

When was the last time someone listened to a Swiss movie or song?

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He’s not a damned sodomite though.

America is and has unironically been the worst country on earth.

>muh gun rights
Non existent soon. (((They))) and their followers are preparing for a massive gun grab. Look at how many shootings they've forced from regular Americans or even niggers.

>muh free speech
Non existant as well. If you say something right to Conservatives you will easily get fired, deplatformed, and shamed.

That's all incorrect. Even if it were true, half of those things are meaningless compared to our advantages over you. I would take firearm ownership over gourmet food all day long. But again, that's irrelevant because we have a greater proportion of world class cuisine than you do. I would bet my life that there is no food in Switzerland that I couldn't find a better version of in my state alone, not to mention all of the U.S. You're only proving that your societies are vapid.

Also don't forget that the two largest wars in human history were started by Europeans, with the largest ever fought occurring barely 75 years ago.

Also don't forget that Europeans are the progenitors of the U.S., and therefore the root of all our degeneracy.

how do you know? Most Dominican men are gay or bi whatever.

Most cities, yes. Suburbs, no.

>Give me a reason why America isn't the worst country in the world:

There's no doubting physical reality, my brown friend.

I'll take a degenerate wasteland with free speech over a "Utopia" without it any day.

The US's founding fathers were the FIRST people on the face of the Earth to acknowledge that all humans have unalienable rights and the FIRST people on the face of the Earth to protect freedom of speech by law.

These 2 developments alone resulted in hundreds of your feudal countries to rebel against your Kings and Queens. You all would still be tilling the lands of your Royal overlords without the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

But yeh, shit all you want - we still have free speech and the firearms to protect it from Royal intrusion while you dumb fucks already gave away your right to free speech when you gave away your guns and you all gave away your rights and responsibility to those rights for socialism. That's Central Africa-level stupid.

You all are dumbest mother fuckers on the face of the Earth to willingly give your rights away.

In the face of just how shitty Murica is right now, we still pity you. It really is sad and we truly do feel bad for you because we know that your mind has been taken by the State over a thousand years ago. You do not know what Freedom truly is and what Freedom you do know, you've been taught to fear it.

The degeneracy on that little continent is a humiliation upon the entire human race. You all WERE something and you gave it all away for lies and falsity.

30 straight weeks of protest in France
Bombs/grenades going off EVERY OTHER DAY in Sweden to the point that you all literally had a buy back program for grenades!
Britain???!!! - V for Vendetta WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FICTION!
People being arrested for making jokes
Sadik Kahn
POLAND is the best country in Europe right now.

I can continue but it just makes me feel bad man... I don't get strength from pointing out the failures of others like OP does. Just makes me pity you all more.

Everything you posted is true, and you left out a bunch of stuff too. But what you don't realize is that these points are also the reason why the U.S. is relevant while your country and your shit people are not.

America is ground zero for degeneracy, but it will also be ground zero for the happenings that will finally put an end to it, while you'll just be watching with your dick in your hand like your cucked nation has done all through out history. You are nothing to the world and the kikes simply use you to deposit their shekels in your banks.


I’m sure delusions like this are common to people like you who have twisted and perverted world view. You’re a disgusting abomination.

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Each time I see a post about "America degeneracy" I just remember that for every turbofaggot doing something fucked up and plastered on Jew media there are 10,000 whites taking care of their families and living normal lives. White Americans still have incredible potential, there are millions upon millions of us and we live in a veritable Eden still brimming with resources and space to roam. Europe is so fucking small and stuffed with people who all hate each other and they won't ever be able to separate themselves from their authoritarian tendencies.

If we can get a handle on this immigration shit there's still a bright future for us. I can't say the same about the old world. Good luck in that fucking rat nest, Euros.

>The US's founding fathers were the FIRST people on the face of the Earth to acknowledge that all humans have unalienable rights

How is that a good thing, you fucking boomer