The only reason alt right males are anti abortion is because it takes power away from them...

The only reason alt right males are anti abortion is because it takes power away from them, and because “hurrrdurrrr morals based on made up medical things and false science”. I am pro choice and thankfully I’ve been able to take my white girlfriend to a clinic in Colorado for a cheap and quick medical abortion in the past.

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No more sacrifices for Moloch

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>X is a personal decision not a legal debate


>because it takes power away from them
wtf does that even mean?

No it's because I vote for anything that makes roasties angry. Fuck roasties. They can all burn in a hole

>White girlfriend
Hey Rabbi

bUt aBorTiOn iSnT mUrDeR

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power to kill innocent babies

but it's not taken away from the alt right?

I just want whores getting back alley abortions again. Is that too much to ask?

>asserting something makes it true

I've been seeing this argumentation style more and more as the years go on.

I long for the day on which the all right wingers make the personal decision to slaughter every left wing parasite on this planet

>is because it takes power away from them, and because “hurrrdurrrr morals based on made up medical things and false science”
it is because it is an act of pure evil to kill a baby, a human being that can't defend himself. If you are serious about considering abortion good, you really need to start thinking about others. You are probably a very selfish person.

>people who think different from me are only motivated by ego

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>kids are not being murdered
Oh look there is so much power!

>The only reason alt right males are anti abortion is because it takes power away from them
No, it's because it takes away choice. Feminist preach that it's pro-choice, but if the man wants to keep the child -- then they tell him to fuck off. "It's not his choice! My body, my choice!"

Quit projecting, rostie. The only reason you're pro-abortion is because it gives you power which you're unable to control. I can't wait until artificial wombs become commercially available.

Why shouldn't men have control over our species reproductive process?

Giving women the right to abort children means they can fuck rampantly, which is only another form of unsustainable hedonism, a phenomenon known to lead to the collapse of civilizations.
Any other questions? Wanna eat my shit crumbs now?

you murdered what would otherwise become a human being. congrats.

it's funny -- all you needed to do was wear a fucking condom, but no, that's too much work.

Every law is a personal decision.
Every consequence is a both natural and in accordance with mans laws.

The only reason that I would support abortion is the fact that 4 out of 5 abortions in the US are performed on black women.

The other 1/5 should be made illegal.

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How exactly is abortion anti-men?
The biggest benefits from abortions have hedonist jerks at parties, who now don't need to pay child support or be forced to abandon their lifestyle.

Good. We don’t want you reproducing.

never got the anti abortion thing. Most of the babies aborted will end up being social parasites that will leech money from the welfare system.

Why should my tax money go towards raising future criminals

killing babies why not right? foking retard

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(pro life cuck)
(his vote causes more niggerbabies)
(pro life cuck)
(pro life cuck)
(left vs right reddit tier politics)
(pro life cuck)
(reddit spacing)
(pro life cuck)
(pro life cuck)
(pro life cuck)
Daily reminder that NIGGERS are the BIGGEST DEMOGRAPHIC that takes ABORTIONS!
All you right wing republitard cuckolds are vouching for nigger babies to be born rather than to be killed so they will grow up to be criminals and vote democrat.
GG american retards, you fucked up!
Kudos to and for being based and redpilled, they're trve/pol/ unlike you redditfags!

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Women only don't want to have to watch the videos of abortion because they know they'll feel bad and they seeth at Texas making them have a proper burial for the fetus because they can't sell it to doctors for Stem Cell research