
Attached: DRUMPF.jpg (948x778, 159K)

Isnt this exactly what theyve been doing for the last 3 years with the steele dossier? why are liberals so retardedly hypocritical?

also sage

Attached: freshsage.jpg (1024x768, 226K)

Are you still saying "tic toc"? That's so pre-Mueller report.

>50,000 tweets
Filter out the bots and you got the same 1,000 celebrity and msm nutjobs crying about Orange man.

Much resistance

The only people on twitter are mental degenerates. The only thing trending is idiocy.

>this time we really mean it!

its weird how the left suddenly get all nationalist when it comes to this.
usa good, Russia bad.

5 minutes ago they were all like fuck borders

Like the Steele Dossier?

I thought the new thing was he had dementia?

AKA five angry little checkmarks on twitter

>175,000,000 registered twitter accounts
>50k tweets
>muh large percent of the population
Ok. Sage faggot


I don't understand.... China and Israel can buy our politicians, fund NGOs to dictate public policy and fund lobbyists and provide material support to our politicians yet this is somehow swept under the rug?

yes, don't forget multiple 5 eyes nations spying on our presidential campaigns at the behest of our government

Treason is when you spy on a candidate, like comey, brennan and clinton did. FBI WITH NO CREDIBILITY JUST LIKE THE CIA, INSIDING ON PLAIN SIGHT.

8 years

John Adams to Thomas Jefferson on 12/6/1787: "You are apprehensive of foreign Interference, Intrigue, and Influence. So am I."
What would the Founding Fathers think of Trump?

Attached: adams-jefferson.jpg (1200x673, 67K)

>Ignores Obama's use of the British Steele dossier to spy on Trump's campaign
>"B-but it's okay when my candidate does it!"
Gas it.

When Obama does it, it's not illegal....

Look at the fucking leftards. Obama and the Christopher Steele report. Bwahaha!!!


Jefferson was literally a francophile who traveled to France multiple times

>who is Lafayette

#impeachtrump has been "trending" every day since the presidency started

Attached: sam shaun.jpg (368x364, 38K)

And? The quote is about Elections.

>we have evidence that HRC kills and eats children
>oh no that wouldn’t be fair for me to look at your evidence