Leftist language

Anyone ever notice there's some weird leftist trait where they switch between physical and metaphorical language more frequently than conservatives?

The Pope in pic related is referring to "walls" like ideological divisions while also alluding to proposals for physical barriers. I hear this a lot too when leftists say that slavery "built America," when that's physically absurd. They mean it in a metaphorical sense, like "money from slavery financed construction" or something.

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The Pope is Satanic scum and an effort to subvert Christianity.

>not the walls around israel and the vatican though

This is them rolling out the world government

fucking demonic nigger lover should have his worthless skin flayed off

God allows little children to die of things like bone marrow disease. God ain't gonna touch those walls you fucking pedo cunt.

The pope is a third worldist loyal to Hispanics first and European Catholics last

Start by yopurselfes pedops, tear down that vatican walls

For real, how haven't the fucking Catholics revolted on this faggot muslim

God stopped the construction of the tower of Babel, and forced men to speak different languages to separate them, of course the papist shaman in chief is referring to his "god", which is Satan.

Defend this cathocucks.. real Christian are EMBARRASSED by you and your "speaker for God on this earth" aka the pope.

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i hate this fucking faggot pope

Endless language games

god is a communist?

Is he the most jewish pope of all time?

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Reminder that Ratzinger was forced to resign so this NWO puppet could take his place.

I'm not even a believer and I know hes undermining the religion.

I wish someone would toss this niggerloving faggot off a rooftop.

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Oh so spiritual. The pope believes individuals are independent nations and that their barriers are metaphysical! SO BRAVE!

With a fuckin rope around his neck

This is not true, he is pushing faggot acceptance. We hate faggots.

Even Israel ? Un-fucking-likely the sky-man will do shit

N.B. Israel was just an example, y'all

A helicopter could work just as well, too.

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>Yahweh will destroy goyim tribes and make it so that Chosen will rule over them all from Israel, as Torah promised
Christcucks defensing this in 3... 2... 1...

Pretty sure gods little fortress at the end days has walls.

Explaining the Catholic church's internal politics is sort of like describing the Syrian war. You cannot possibly understand just how insane it is until you've been watching it for a couple of years. You have to look at Catholicism less as a unified entity, and more as a discrete political battlefield that has been in a state of civil war since Vatican II.

Here is an abridged version for this one. Bergoglio is an Italian who grew up in Argentina. He was allied with the Blue Slice faction of the Cardinal College back in the 90s (not sure what to call it in English) which was opposed to the Vatican Bank and the Vatican Library. Some of his goals are actually admirable, he has been fighting the Jews who run the Vatican Bank for years, to the point where he couldn't even stay in the Papal estates itself, he was hiding in hotels to avoid getting assassinated.

The Anglosphere and Germanic catholics, though, are thoroughly shot through with Jews, and Argentina is much the same way. This means that in order to get anything done he had to rely on African, Italian and South American Catholics, and that means pandering to them. Much as Ratzinger had tunnel vision regarding church optics, Borg has tunnel vision regarding his objectives in reforming the church's fiscal arm, and that means he makes compromises which to us look insane.

But they only look insane because we do not live in the same world. The Pope is fighting a spiritual war against the consumerist wing of his own religion. There's a saying among Catholics who have been involved in religious politics: "The Vatican is as large as the Sea," meaning that when you are actually IN Rome, when you are actually there, actually fighting the good fight, that one city is the world. You could spend your entire life fighting a nonstop battle against the forces of evil in the See without ever leaving it.

Is it surprising then that the Pope has forgotten that countries are supposed to exist?

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i hope god smites this heathen and his chatolic mafia palace


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Not my pope

God is a fascist. If you disobey him he throws you in a concentration camp that is both an oven and gas chamber at the same time, but the gas is sulfur instead of zyklon.

You support the faggot pope? Are you fucking retarded?

The Vatican is the most evil org on earth, sure the zionists are also evil but whose money are they handling? The Vaticans.

He must think about Molech.

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Sounds like The Godfather Part III.

A flaw I see in the explanation is that this Pope isn't doing any reforms that would fundamentally address the Church's main image problem of pedophile priests. All he has to do is make it so being a priest or nun doesn't come with lifetime celibacy, which totally craters the potential talent pool. Since he doesn't do that, it makes me doubt how reform minded he is.

I'm not even Catholic, I just pay attention to Catholic politics. He's shit on some issues but dangerously redpilled on others. His feud with the bank is an obvious example.

The Cardinal College is not going to make faggot marriage a Catholic thing or anything like that in doctrine, ever. The pope making overtures towards queers is disconcerting but he's doing it as a PR move while he's emptying magazine after magazine into the Jewish power structure of the banks. I can't really blame him. If I put you in a room with a faggot, a Jew, and a banker, and gave you a gun with two bullets, the correct answer would be to shoot the Jew twice, then beat the banker to death with the gun.

Killing the faggot is such an afterthought that you shouldn't even be thinking of it.

Fuck the pope

There's no way to address the pedo thing because the Catholic Left literally made it happen. They deliberately incorporated known homosexuals into the church hierarchy years ago as a way of "saving" them, knowing that they would later be able to use it as an optical weapon against the Catholic Right.

In reality, priests are actually underrepresented in sexual crime. Wildly underrepresented, compare them to school teachers, for example.

But because it is convenient for Jews to be able to accuse religious people of raping kids to undermine Christian moral authority, every single incident will be inflated in the media. Ratzinger was the one who tried to fight that, and he got bitchslapped by... Oh right, the Jews.

So the new guy skipped the middleman and went straight after the kike clique that runs the Vatican bank, because they are the actual threat to his power.

Not saying he's a good guy, but at least he's targeting the right people.

You're forgetting that this pope is spewing out Communist influenced liberation theology, and also had a hand in the Commie overthrow of Argentina.

This motherfucker is pure cancer.

If god tears down all the walls, the muzzies won't have any high buildings to throw homosexuals from.
Checkmate, cathofags!

God separates the people

People ignore this and force them all together

I had a theory that he might be up to some good and pretending to be a friend of the world. His use of vague weasel words which though sound bad technically hold no theological error gives him away. It's very "jesuitical" I hope it is an act.

Tell me more about the good things he's done and doing, also about Vatican bank.

tell me this isn't the face of a homosexual
Francis is the anti-pope

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Start with Israel then.

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He has a face of a girl I had a crush on when I was in kindergarten. I don't know how to feel about this, but that face is very feminine.

looking forward to seeing that wall around Vatican City coming down long before the wall in Israel falls.
And when we finally liberate Palestine we need to knock down the wall Titus left standing for good measure

Just shoot the three of them twice.

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This current pope isn't fighting the Jews, he is a mother fucking Jew. He's 100% Globohomo, anti-Christianity.

The current pope is in no way fighting the Jews, or their agenda.

This demented heretic needs to go btw open borders for israhell

He's the typical argie, they are charlatanes, deceivers, babble woody allen like since leftism was invented, they are know from beign sweet talking hustlers, they think they have a great lyrics when they are just spiting methaphores out of their ass, read this in a mellow voice thinking your above everything and you will know how a argentinian leftist intellectual sounds
"Inside a dream, theres another dream, and that dream is god, isn't it?" -Borges
"When you built a wall around ur country ur just close urself, the alternative is to build bridges" -Pope Francis

He is unironicaly not doing God's work.

This pope was the Jesuit Provincial in Argentina in his day.

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Papist a jew word inverting the reality that's their agent ain't that right kikealo

Do you have the quotes from the Torah?

Then he better starts with the walls around the vatican.

God will destroy the barriers between unwashed nigger feet and Bergoglio’s mouth

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how the fuck is anyone still a catholic in 2019 lmao
this clown pope does nothing but disseminate globalist corporate propaganda

Is he referring to the Palestinian/Israel wall?

that is the ot, read the nt. the separation is no longer enforced. you must take in the needy, they are your brothers

>Prots are any better

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What he’s proposing is the construction of a new Babel.
God will crumble it again as in the past.

I know this.
He was helping left wing terrorists hunt down kill priests and nuns who had sided with the more conservative faction of the church.
I.e. those on the side of John Paul II.

Francis is a heretic kike infiltrator
2 Chronicles 14:7
For he said to Judah, "Let us build these cities and surround them with walls and towers, gates and bars. The land is still ours because we have sought the LORD our God; we have sought Him, and He has given us rest on every side." So they built and prospered.

The Scriptures make it clear that national sovereignty, including clearly defined borders, is God's idea. In Acts 17:26, we read, "And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place..."

You might be interested in looking up the work of George lakoff.

In that case, looks like the Pope is the first wall to be removed.

Based and Inquisition pilled.

Of course, you think Judgement will just be a slap on the wrist?

God will not only judge the people, but also the mark they left on the face of the earth. The second earth - the earth under the 1000-year rule of God - will NOT look like todays earth.

First comes death, THEN rebirth.


Solid observation. I uh, agree. Personally am conservative, but live in metaphor. Liberals are more creative naturally pushing the envelope. Shills take advantage and play endless word games to charm the masses. It's like newspeak at it's most profitable

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>female bishop

The Pope is evil and part of the Synagogue of Satan.

I thought we are over God of the gaps, there's no God intervention in natural order.

Jesus man, if you're even serious.. that's such a primitive way of seeing things, it's like you never spent a second in your life to reflect over ideas.

Pope Francis is a son of a bitch

Still being a christcuck, why do you enjoy being deceived so much?

Pope is a dumbass God fucked off and left his son the mess to clean up.


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I hope God destroys the satanic catholic church

How about those walls, Mr Bergoglio...

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Haven't you seen how irreligious most Europeans have become? Don't you see that this is why the Catholic Church is supporting this mass invasion into Europe and America?

Pope's Wall
10 feet higher and Mexico paid for it

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what God created separate, let no man unite.

The Catholic Church has been infiltrated much like every other institution. It’s all divide and conquer. Christians should unite rather than focus on contrived divisions

>leader of the first transnational organization in human history says something against nationalism
>everyone acts shocked

Obligatory thread theme:

This fag is nothing but a piss boy for the kikes.

The pope wears a JEW cap.

Pape vermouillu, the worm-ridden pope

stfu heretic

pic related

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Thanks for the insight spanon. What's your evaluation of other Spanish speaking groups, including within Spain?

I’m catholic, and I wouldn’t wipe my ass with this devils robes

SSPX or FSSP? Traditional Catholics must unite and clean up the Church. Defend the faith but also defend the European people!

God scattered man to their own respective nations though.

Sure he will, after he slays the wicked

Pope Francis burn in hell

>In reality, priests are actually underrepresented in sexual crime. Wildly underrepresented, compare them to school teachers, for example.
You are pushing literal catholic propaganda. It is the modus operandi of the church to argue vehemently against the position pretty much nobody holds, to wit, that there are way too many pedophiles in the clergy. They do this to implicitly convince everyone that this is the crux of the scandal and not the fact that they were protecting the criminals. Cease and desist.

you are completely right, Im a former catholic and this makes me want to shit myself

no, it is actually true. Pedopilia is not the problem of the church. it is homosexuality. The homosexual mafia in the church are happy that the world thinks it pedophilia. Its normal homosexual behaviour: pederasty (teenage boys).