What was so special about living through the 90s?

What was so special about living through the 90s?

What don't Zoomers get to experience?

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Good balance between tech and real life

Convenience has killed satisfaction. Everything is so easy to get that getting it no longer feels rewarding.


Just get more of it lmao

Life without constant surveillance.

For example, my fraternity has to be RIDICULOUSLY careful with what we do, because literally everything is getting recorded in some way by some girl who thinks whatever we're doing will be great for her private snapchat story.

It ruins the fun. Of everything.

I feel like our lives are extremely watered down and cookie-cutter in comparison to former generations. I hear stories of what my dad and his brothers did in college and literally everything fun that they did would be punishable with serious prison time nowadays.

A sense of achievement. Especially when working things out for yourself. Not running straight to a youtube tutorial

Delayed gratification

America before "muh security".
America before helicopter moms.
America before annual chimpouts.
America before millennials whining constantly.
America where you didn't have to fear rape allegations if you weren't a rapist.
America and Americans with constant upbeat attitudes. Before rampant defeatism.
This is just a small sample. You missed alot.

>my fraternity
Report to your nearest degenerate removal facility for an immediate gassing