The best, smartest, whitest, richest, and civilised region in the USA is called New England. Isn't that ironic?
The best, smartest, whitest, richest, and civilised region in the USA is called New England. Isn't that ironic?
Grayson Nguyen
Other urls found in this thread:
Ryder Thomas
Daniel Rodriguez
Seems so, good sir
Christian Morgan
Even themountains are white
David Morgan
That's just because it's the furthest away from Mexico.
Christian Walker
Nigger tier cope
Nathaniel Brown
It's also full of Irish people. What mental gymnastics do you go through to cope with that?
Julian Morgan
Stay out of based New Hampshire or I will find you
Jayden Anderson
New England is the most Anglo part of burgerica
Liam Sullivan
I'm sitting in NH at this very moment. The "smart" parts are not the ones filled with Frogs and Britcux.