Don't forget to tip. Don't be so greedy, they don't get minimum wage.
Don't forget to tip. Don't be so greedy, they don't get minimum wage
Tipping has turned into a bullshit participation medal practice. Tip the person directly with cash IF the did a good fucking job. No more tips for simply making your transaction happen.
Never tip automatically on a computer like that. Even if the worker is good, tips get collected into a pool and split between workers evenly. Essentially, good workers get cucked out of their tip money anyway.
The owner of the business will get even less money when he pays out more insurance premiums for his broken windows.
Only 1 refill on my coffee in 45 minutes gets you no tip.
Jokes on you I tip the bare minimum
Yes they do. Min wage is guaranteed of they dont make enough tips to bring them up to it. Kys
Tips are such an American thing.
>15% is cheapskate
Fuckin entitled servers I swear. Fuckers do the bare minimum of take a order and then bring it out later and expect a massive tip. Bitch I’m not your employer, anything extra is a gift.
does anyone calculate this shit? I just tip what I feel like, always a rounded figure. I usually get called cheap but I literally don't care.
Fucking tiplets. I got no respect for those people.
Work in restaurants. The woman that work there are literally whores. God I hate them. I want a new job. I refuse to tip
then they just get fired
I always pay with cash at restaurant’s since most people don’t have tip jars anymore.
I went to a Pepe’s pizza and the service was awful so I left half a penny as a tip. I cut some pennies in half with metal cutters and keep them in my car
That´s ridiculous.
Get fucked tipping is optional, they made the choice to get a job that pays less then minimum wage, don't like it work somewhere else.
In short, get fucked sub wagie,
Call me bloody cheap, but I utterly despise tipping. Why the fuck do I need to pay people to do their bloody jobs? Waiters, for example, are the biggest entitled Cancer out because they expect the Sun and beyond for moving a plate from one room to another.
American are retarded on my aspects (not as autistic as us, but close behind), and their retarded tipping culture is their way of getting social validation for peers for paying the "don't spit in my food next time" tax. Unless someone goes way beyond their work requirements for you, they shouldn't be entitled to any extra cash.
I am no longer tipping above 10% just because of this get fucked
murika everyone
I don't tip.
>paying extra for someone carrying the food to your table
How absolutely fucked to you have to be? You pay for the food, not the cunt carrying it.
i hate tipping, thats why i dont go to restaurants. The price should be fix, i should pay fix price, not some tipping bullshit.
Norway discourages tipping by putting a 50% tax on tips.
It makes for actual living wages and a stable income for servers. Without them relying on tipping customers.
Do you have friends who work in the industry? I hope not or you will go even more ape shit. I have a couple and after they told me how much everyone shits on the customer and how everything is designed to milk the last cent out of you I have a sense of disgust for everyone working these jobs. How can they sleep at night is beyond me.
I hate servers, i was in every lart of food from washing dishes to serving to line cook to manager, you know what you signed up for when you took that job, and most servers make more money than anyone else just to go blow it on dumb bullshit rhe same night. Fucking entitled cunts, give good service if you want to be tipped and stop complaining online when your bitch attitude gets you no tips
>they don’t get minimum wage
Yes they do. That’s why it’s called minimum wage.
Tipping teaches roasties to hate niggers. Worth it for that reason alone desu.
>accept job with low pay and rely on tips
>complain when you rely on tips
These people are also all socialist
Tip: Your employer must pay you, not me, also bad service gets you in trouble.
Holy BASED, amerimuttyMcMuttshits FOREVER BTFO
>i'm not skilled enough to get a good paying job!
>subsidize my income with YOUR money!
maximum lol
Where do you draw the line?
Gonna Tip your Lawyer? Tip your kids teacher? Tip the Police when they arrest you and don´t shoot? Tip your mugger?
Got a donut at a place in Chicago where they dont even have an inside, you just walk up to a window and order. This person does nothing but swipe my card andhand me two donuts and ask if I want to leave a tip. No bitch, you did 30 seconds of "work" at most, I'm not subsidizing your expensive hipster life
none of that shit is ever happening
These things are incomprehensible for me, at least in the place of Spain where I live, if you were to tip you'd get a very strange look from the waiter.
Ok, someones gonna have to translate this
in your guys' culture, isn't tipping more or less saying "you suck at your job, you NEED this."?
>college student makes $20 pouring drinks
>you must tip as well
Fuck off capitalist scum. The state pays them too much as it is. They need a massive pay cut
>A tip increases 2% when wait staff writes thank you on the bill
Death to America
Simply put: No one expects you to tip.
Waiters is one thing. Bullshit tips for someone who types in my order and waits for someone else to cook it and call my order number is something else.
where the hell do you live, tipping is perfectly normal here if and only if the service is good.
yeah, but who's gonna turn down free money? be honest. As long as it's not an insult, they're gonna take that money lol
Where the HECK do you live? We behave like total jews in all places I've been to
>Not cooking everything yourself
Everything sucks. From cheap places to fancy cloth napkin $40 an entree places.
In the last couple years I have found zero places that have made food better than I can at home. Maybe it's just because I'm a good cook. Maybe it's because since I'm eating it, I meticulously wash and prepare the ingredients, maybe it's just because I know how much I want in terms of spices, salt, garlic, herbs, etc on a dish so I cater to my own taste buds.
But everywhere sucks because it's all made by filthy spics in the back of the restaurant.
Cook food yourself and you'll get a better meal and save a shit ton of money. I save hundreds of dollars of month cooking for myself and buying groceries. And it's a lot healthier too.
Cook for yourself, learn to cook.
I used to hate cooking, used to hate grocery shopping, spent waaaayy too much money every month on eating out/restaurants.
Then I just kinda fell in love with cooking. Watch Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cooking Course. Shit's JOKES.
Cooking for yourself is the first step to de-jewing your life
>more satisfying
Where did this bullshit chart come from? Absolutely unrealistic. If I tipped like this I'd never have a fucking thing for myself.
Fuck off with this shit.
>we behave like total jews
this is true but even then if the food is nice I tip a few euros. I'm from Galicia.
I used to be a waiter and always tipping 15%, but only if the service is good and usually it's. Whoever doesn't tip is literally a kike.
I find it truly baffling how Americans think cooking their own food is somehow an achievement.
You know cavemen did this right? They didn't have as many ingredients, but on other hand that only makes it more gourmet.
It's basic stuff, really. Nothing to be proud of guys. Noone's gonna clap.
Don't get me wrong - good for you, but you're like a retard being proud of being able to tie his shoelaces.
Based, mutts BTFO
>tipping a funeral
lmao you americlaps are so funny
>t.dirt farmer
>$20 at fast food counters
This was made in jest
>Airport shuttle bus drivers
Lmao what the fuck is this?
restaurants are for retards, make your own food
Tipping will go away once the so-called (((tipped minimum wage))) goes away. Some states like California have already done away with it, and it’s becoming more common to add a “service charge” that is split equitable among the staff, or is used toward providing complimentary add-one like free breadsticks.
You know, like the rest of the civilized world does.
That minimum should be 0, what the fuck is wrong with Americans?
I sometimes dump my pocket change in the nearest tip jar. I think last time I got takeout they got like $0.35.
>dirt farmer
Sometimes I wish I was desu. In the present day farming is considered a job for the pleb, but the truth is farmers make amazing money if they have the capital to start their business - because that's really what it is. And then there's that thing where every living being has to eat food to live - you know the one. And that thing where if you eat shitty food you end up with tumors or fat on your organs, clogged arteries or cardiovascular diseases? Yeah.
If you had your dream car you wouldn't pump the worst gasoline and oils into it. Treating your body with less respect than a car is a true mark of our times, and also of your falling, rotten culture.
So I guess it's really better to be a sophisticated corporate worker who gets his pesticide-rodden GMO food prepared by filthy coloured people. You won this one.
t. dirt farmer
>they don't get minimum wage.
Except for the fact that they do get minimum wage when they don't make that in tips.
Also servers notoriously under report their cash tips.
> be non-English teacher burger in based Nippon for first time
> realize nobody tips for anything ever
> realize the customer service is better in every aspect because of culture
Tipping a Jew tier scam services used to have customers pay wages. Why should I pay for people to walk food to me and fill up a drink? They make more than the depressed potheads moving TVs in the back of some Best Buy.
Well hot damn found the problem, amerimutts aren't people.
Americans need to learn to cook and stop going to Jewstaurants
The kike slave-masters don't want to pay their employees and instead want the goyim to pay them, and they somehow convinced their golem-attack-dog-country (USA) that it's "just capitalism bros"
Why does tipping get so much discussion on Jow Forums? Is it because this place is full of autists that feel great pressure to tip or not based on society? Really concerned what other people think about them?
I have never met an American who thinks the way you're describing. The people on this website are almost always outliers. Perhaps you shouldn't form your opinion on a people based on what Jow Forums tells you, okay sweetie poo-bear melonpie?
are you the polish user who posts all that disgusting shit you cook?
not cooking like a retard is a learned skill user. you'll get it one day, prolly
>1 post by this id
Uh not always lol. But nice try