What led to the fall of the alt-right as a serious political movement able to effect irl change?

What led to the fall of the alt-right as a serious political movement able to effect irl change?

>Dickie Spence's incompetence
>the universities and the police letting antifa disturb events
>social media censorship
>the Charlottesville debacle

good breakdown from Ryan Faulk:


Attached: antifa.png (1339x725, 768K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Spencer claiming he coined the term and taking over the movement

Doxxing nazis actually works. At their core, they are deathly afraid of being exposed.

>What led to the fall of the alt-right as a serious political movement able to effect irl change?
the fact that it never existed apart from a media labeling campaign and Agent Spencer

>What led to the fall of the alt-right as a serious political movement able to effect irl change?

The only thing that fell is the strawman the media propped up. A political movement that barely existed at all.

Attached: 1532047298593.jpg (473x312, 65K)


Attached: 1489400299548.jpg (501x585, 157K)

>media destroying what it itself created
Insane contradictory faggots that they are. "Alt-right" is yet another buzzword they made up to describe literally anything not deemed "left".

Attached: 1526389829644.jpg (750x500, 131K)

The fall was that it was controlled opposition and it wasn't needed anymore so its handlers killed it off.

The alternate right crumbled once they actually saw that Trump was unironically a zionist.

It hasn't fallen, I'd say it's just more charged up by the (literal) oppression by the left.