>Gives rise to the entire human race
Gives rise to the entire human race
Other urls found in this thread:
>proceeds to do literally nothing productive for thousands of years
I've always hated humans
>still believing "out of africa" non-sense.
Dross left over from the forging of steel, I'm afraid.
OP btfo'd
>stayed in comfy fertile africa while the rest of humanity migrated to challenging new climates and environments forcing them to innovate, adapt, evolve and develop civilization which they then brought back to africa
Africans never matured as a race, they are still in baby mode, which is why they still behave like babies demanding gibs and throwing temper tantrums when they don't get it.
All of humanity evolved to get away from niggers
Why are you still there?
>implying white 'modernity' isn't a bane on the planet that is causing mass extinction and global warming, killing the natural environment that other races have managed to respect and use wisely for millennia
>implying whites haven't been killing themselves and others en masse in scales that have shocked the rest of us peaceful, life-respecting races
Funny how whites have been the ones spreading misery globally through their conquest yet point to everyone else as the source of their problems. Funny how they're the first to call others violent when the top 4 genocies globally have been by whites (and they dominate the top 10 list). Funny how whites pollute the planet, causing climate disasters, and still think they are some kind of saviours. Funny how whites steal from other cultures, reappropriate them (ie making Jesus white), then claim that others have inferior cultures. Funny how whites are INCAPABLE of taking responsibility for anything. Funny how whites pine for a homeland while occupying foreign lands and refusing to leave. Funny how all evils in the world can be traced back to whites.
come home white man
>fighting mammoth and sabertooths solo in the arctic is preferable to spending time among Africans
I can relate to be truthful with you my brethren
Good fucking question. What is this invader doing on African soil? He deserves to be Tarranted.
You realize you are participating in white modernity right now by using electronics and what have you. Go live in the jungle with your ape cousins if you hate whitie so much.
And niggers came from monkeys, go worship monkeys you nigger.
I like it here.
I didn't invade anything.
>whites come to Africa
>force modernity upon us
>claim all land and require one to pay 'land tax' to farm
>make it impossible to live without participating in modernity
>"ha ha why you use our technology"
Fucking idiot.
No, humans are APEs not monkeys. Fucking American education on show. We share a common ancestor with chimps, and are in no way descended from monkeys.
AFRICA is for AFRICANS, stupid. Go to Europe and help your brothers being massacred by foreign invaders. All global problems stem from intermingling of races and cultures. If everyone stayed in their homelands everything would be fine. Unfortunately, whites love our resources so much that they can't live without Africa so they continue to invade and pillage our homelands.
Was any colonization beneficial to non-whites?
>countries colonised by whites continue to struggle to modern day
>countries not colonised by whites e.g. east asia continue to flourish
Everywhere whites go they leave a mess.
The only reason you know about genocides committed by whites(holohoax aside), is because unlike baby Africans we had written language with which to keep a record events. Africans have been in a constant state of tribal warfare since recorded history with millions upon millions that have been killed: en.wikipedia.org
It is also Africans that sold their fellow Africans as slaves after such tribal conquests.
No it's not. There are more than seven races for the seven continents, and even then, of the native inhabitants of Africa they keep fighting each other over it, so why can't Europeans do the same? Even then, if all humanity came from Africa, I'm just returning home.
>If everyone stayed in their homelands everything would be fine.
I'm all for ethnostates, but my ancestry dates back more than three hundred years, so I think I Boers have enough of a claim to the western parts of South Africa to merit that, Africans can keep the more fertile eastern part, we can get by in such a harsher environment.
>Unfortunately, whites love our resources so much that they can't live without Africa so they continue to invade and pillage our homelands.
Africans didn't even know you had those resources before the white man came and showed their value, and you pillages your own homelands countless times over and over. The khoisan, for example, have been systematically pushed further and further away from their homelands by Bantus long before Europeans ever set foot on Southern Africa.
>Gives rise to entire human race
The rest of humanity evolved. What's their excuse?
Yeah, that Bantu in the top right needs to get the fuck out of South Africa
I guess it's boer rekt thread time:)
>Bantu GTFO of africa?
You think that is nothing I haven't seen before and it will phase me?
How long till the Boer start killing these stinky niggers
What will likely happen is that things will reach a boiling point, civil unrest will erupt, the hordes will chimp out and many whites will be killed, but more are prepared for such an eventuality and will flee and consolidate towards the western part and regroup, at which point we probably will be able to stop them from advancing, form our own state, and watch them all starve to death like Zimbabwe.
They'll kill themselves.
>Yeah, that Bantu in the top right needs to get the fuck out of South Africa
How about colonists fuck off back to their historical homeland(s)?
watch this and be saved
Bantus can fuck of back to their historical homelands to the north of South Africa then, they are settles just like the Boers and didn't originate here.
They won't and nither will you or anyone on pol. Fantasies don't translate to reality And underestimating them is what got you in the place you are now and what will get you wiped out.
>Fantasies don't translate to reality
>Wah fuck of back to Africa.
Thank God your race is dying soon. I will make sure to behead any family members you have in front of you while you beg for mercy like the cowardly ape you are in real life.
please do, my dude.
>holohoax aside
You just proved my point. Whites are INCAPABLE of taking responsibility. You're faced with your violent ways yet instead of accepting it you have to point the finger ANYWHERE but your own people.
> of the native inhabitants of Africa they keep fighting each other over it, so why can't Europeans do the same?
If you fight with your mother can I fight with her too? Europeans fought each other for centuries for territory, does that excuse ISIS coming in to claim the land? By your logic, pic related is excused by the fact that Nazi germany tried to occupy Poland.
In-house battles are completely different from foreign invaders attacking natives.
Don't worry their end is Soon. They underestimated before and they will underestimate exactly as planned.
Well, you clearly aren't black, way too informed about the rest of the world for that.
I'm not going to argue for the holohoax, you won't pay attention anyway. Even I was skeptical about it for many years and I doubt you have the mental fortitude to surpass your cognitive dissonance and learn the truth.
What it comes down to is that blacks are puppets for a communist government that can't produce wealth, only redistribute it, and the only people with wealth left are whites because we aren't fucking idiots that squanders it, and now the ANC wants that too or they will lose power and popular support because they are all promises and no delivery, so they keep blaming apartheid for everything despite being in power for more than two decades and turns whites in to an eternal boogeyman.
South Africa is THE best country on this whole continent, and it is also the country with the most whites. If you want South Africa to be like the rest of Africa, then you are just signing your own doom.
Honestly looks like an ass shaped sack of literal feces. Also, ever notice how ever niggress has stretchmarks and pimples on their ass? How anyone could be attracted so someone who is the same color as shit is beyond me.
Wow, they revived 100,000 year old humans from Africa and made them sing in a choir?
Have sex. Fuck off out of my continent. You never belonged there and you will never be south Africa especially to outsiders.also get over yourself.
And the ad hominems start. At least I can post with my country's flag, you are probably in America, so much for "your continent" when you aren't even on it.
>Well, you clearly aren't black, way too informed about the rest of the world for that.
This is what I hate. Whites in AFRICA insulting AFRICANS. If you hate us so much, go the fuck home to Europe. Honestly, just fuck off.
>South Africa is THE best country on this whole continent
No, that actually goes to Mauritius.
Will be posting instances of silly whites like you getting BTFOd by the law for being racist cunts lol.
Let's start with Adam Katzavelos who is facing crimen injuria charges from both South Africa and Greece for calling blacks kaffirs.
The more you cope with the past the worse your future will be i.e genocide.all those flags are dead and got stamped out by the government.please have sex before we genocide you apes
>One word. Rhodesia.
Have fun starving nigger
There are lots of dindu tribes in Africa that you can go live with.
Humans evolved.
Here's his brother CRYING like a bitch.
Next up is Penny Sparrow. She lost her job and got fined so much she's poor and worthless kek.
blackbro, you will enjoy the white tears above. Good shit. Ruling over whites is great.
>If you hate us so much, go the fuck home to Europe. Honestly, just fuck off.
Truth be told, I don't hate Africans. I don't like them, but I don't hate them.
>No, that actually goes to Mauritius.
>The island of Mauritius was uninhabited before its first recorded visit during the Middle Ages by Arab sailors, who named it Dina Arobi.
>In 1507, Portuguese sailors came to the uninhabited island and established a visiting base.
Island off the the east of southern Africa that was uninhabited until whites found is the best country in Africa. Nice one.
>Will be posting instances of silly whites like you getting BTFOd by the law for being racist cunts lol.
Oh wow I'm so angry at that, look at me seethe with cope.
>please have sex before
I thought you didn't want us to breed?
>before we genocide you apes
You know, for all the criticisms of white genociding and how good we are at you sure are keen to be at the receiving end of that. Keep in mind that whites in South Africa never engaged in genocide and that the standard of living and life expectancy for blacks under Apartheid rule was better than the rest of Africa.
Do not mistake the benevolence of our cultural and religious values for weakness.
I want to punch every one of those smug niggers in the face
You can post all the cases of whites saying racist things and getting in trouble for that all you want, none of that matters.
For every one white that loses his or her cool while having to deal with Africans, there are thousands that don't.
>>The island of Mauritius was uninhabited before its first recorded visit during the Middle Ages by Arab sailors, who named it Dina Arobi.
>>In 1507, Portuguese sailors came to the uninhabited island and established a visiting base.
You quote from wiki and conveniently leave out the very next sentence that says:
>The Portuguese did not stay long as they were not interested in these islands.
Here's the truth:
>The majority of the population are Indo-Mauritians (people of Indian descent) who make up 68% of the population. Creoles (of African descent or mixed-race) are about a quarter of the population. There are approximately 30,000 Sino-Mauritians from the Hakka and other Chinese sub-ethnic/linguistic groups.
And they were brought there by Europeans who already set up infrastructure. Also:
>the majority of the population are Indo-Mauritians (people of Indian descent) who make up 68% of the population.
Not very African.
Whites going to prison and being bankrupt for being racist is hilarious. Eat shit, white boy.
Next up is Vicky Mombery who got two years in prison for calling a policeman kaffir 48. She has gone through five legal teams and must now represent herself because her last lot of lawyers quit kek. If whites dare disrespect us on our own lands we will LOCK THEM THE FUCK UP.
whites can do it in the middle of highly developed white nations. they're called amish
fucking niggers can't even into primitive culture properly baka
I'm in Africa, in your land, can you lock me up, kaffer?
Your claim was that Africa is the best because it is
>the country with the most whites
That's false. The country with the most whites is not the best country in Africa. Take your L and move on. Or keep moving the goalpost, your choice. Like I said, whites are INCAPABLE of taking responsibility.
Post a video of yourself calling me a kaffir on social media and link it. Make sure to show your face so we can identify you. I dare you.
>african nation
>created by portugese
>majority of indian descent
why are niggers this retarded?
Don't worry we do that too you here everyday. Remember fantasies don't translate to fantasies
Oh yeah I almost forgot about the rising white homeless poverty rate it's at 30% of the total WHITE population already.the ironic thing is that they want gibs from the government lol.
Mauritius isn't exactly "in Africa", pic related.
You first.
BASED! Why can't those whites at least clean up their shithole they live in? Apartheid was an entire system of gibs for whites.
>In 1975/76, the state spent R644 annually on each white pupil, R189 per Indian pupil, R139 on a coloured pupil, and only R42 on an African pupil.
Whites in Africa LOVE gibs.
Yes ok. Your a 24/7 walking target ready to be shot at literally any time anywhere. Not sure if you know the situation you are in kek. Or can you not think that far outside the box?
>BASED! Why can't those whites at least clean up their shithole they live in?
You've never seen a black squatter camp, have you?
I'm well aware of the dangers of living in this country.
It was a fucking waste of R42 from what I can see you under-evolved ape
Trust me, that person is not black. Coloured, maybe, but not pure Bantu. They don't English like that.
So you pick moving the goalpost instead of taking responsibility. Got it.
Next up is the farmer in court for putting a black into a coffin. Boy does he look like a sorry piece of shit as he faces the law. The bitchass cumskin and his compadre got TEN years for their hijinks. That'll teach them to fuck with superior BLACKS.
What goal post am I moving? Do you want me to respond to you posting about whites getting in trouble? Aren't you moving the goal posts?
>SA is best because it has most whites
>OK, Mauritius but its white
>OK, not white b-b-but its not black either
>OK, Mauritius isn't in Africa because of course continents can't have islands
That is what is called moving the goalpost. That's what whites do when they can't take responsibility and admit they were wrong.
>everywhere whites go they leave a mess
I think you mean they leave you with massive infrastructure and technology, the likes blacks could never even hope to produce. I honestly feel sorry for you if you arent larping, blacks like you must be seething with inferiority complex, completely aware of how dumb and useless your kind is.
You're a silly motherfucker, aren't you? You don't understand evolution. By virtue of having stemmed from a common ancestor, everything alive today is equally evolved. There is no such thing as 'less evolved' or 'more evolved'.
>brags about being the midpoint between apes and humans
This statement is completely wrong.
T. Known Boss
>these retards falling for the turks bait
You should know better by now
>there is no.black race or homogenous black.people and east africans arent negroid
US military, over 70% white, is the world's biggest polluter, eclipsing any black nation. Whites are the asshole of the human race, shitting everything up. Whites are synonymous with pollution and destruction.
Fuck off faggot Turk.
Get a life already.
East africans should wipe out the evil ugly orc bantu expansionist menace
Fair enough, I don't have time to read everything in depth as I research it, but you are dwelling on technicalities.
Mauritius is not majority African, was settled by whites who who brought non-whites as slaves, most of them not African, and in so far it being the best country in Africa, it's a fucking island more than one and a half thousand miles off the coast of Africa.
So if you want to go and call that the best country in Africa, you goal post is all fucked up to begin with.
Still, even if it isn't white, it's still not black either. So score -1 for blacks regardless. Best country and second best country still thanks to non-blacks.
Exactly what counts as the best country is not something I'm going to go in to right now, which is why I'm just working with your arguments given, hence why it looks like I'm moving goal posts.
This thread is about Africans being all that, which they aren't. That goal post was set when I started and still stands.
Strictly speaking, you have no other leg to stand on but a technicality of semantics. Great argument.
My god are white incapable of taking responsibility. Quit bitching about Turks, Jews or whatever fucking villain is the flavor of the week and address the gallons of oil your shithole country is leaking into the world's oceans.
>Last week, mainstream media outlets gave minimal attention to the news that the U.S. Naval station in Virginia Beach had spilled an estimated 94,000 gallons of jet fuel into a nearby waterway, less than a mile from the Atlantic Ocean
If it weren't whites, some other race would be the biggest polluter. We just kicked ass at industry first.
Any other race would have done the same in our position, and you know it.
>In an alternate reality we wouldn't be dirtiest race on Earth!
Just own up to your shit, you fucking slimy worm.
Then we also get credit for everything we have given blacks, including education, medicine, infrastructure and technology. If you have a problem with the bad things, then give back the good things.
You can't just pick the good parts of what whites have brought and chastise us for the bad.
>including education
We gave ourselves education. under Apartheid, blacks were NOT educated by whites. See: > medicine
Ahem, what you brought was the fucking bubonic plague that devastated the naive Khoi you dirty whitoid.
> technology
Technology is a collective human achievement. Indians discovered the number zero. No zero, no binary, no education. Oh, and the cobalt in your electronics? Straight outta Africa. You're welcome.
>No zero, no binary, no education.
education should be technology
>east Asia wasn’t colonized
wow I thought you were larping but it turns out you weren’t pretending to be retarded. The reason East Asia is flourishing is because their average IQ is much higher than that of Africa.
>We gave ourselves education. under Apartheid, blacks were NOT educated by whites.
Africans didn't even have written language until whites showed up. That is why African languages are written en European alphabets, there were no symbolic scripts to use. Also, R42 is better than the R0 which was basically the case before we arrived.
>Ahem, what you brought was the fucking bubonic plague that devastated the naive Khoi you dirty whitoid.
That only affected the Khoi, and like I said, you can't take the good without the bad. Also, the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital is the biggest Hospital in Africa and was built by whites for Africans. The disease that came with whites was was not a conscious decision on the parts of white since no one had an understanding of germ theory back then. Unfortunate, yes, intentional, no.
>Technology is a collective human achievement.
Not individual technologies, and many of those where white inventions or discoveries. Still, whites brought modern for the time technology to Africa. Cobalt is a mineral, not a technology, and whites brought the technology to mine cobalt.
Saying technology is a collective human achievement sounds a bit like moving goal posts, ignoring the direct contributions whites have made technologically. You bother to identify Indians as having invented zero, but then act as if whites invented or discovered nothing since?
>Africans didn't even have written language until whites showed up.
Africans do have precolonial written languages. Admit you're wrong first before I address the rest,
>b-b-but not South African!
You said AFRICANS.
>whites brought the technology to mine cobalt
Kek, I'm going to stop you right there. When copper is mined, cobalt is a byproduct. Blacks had no problem figuring out how to mine copper and African countries have been using cobalt to colour porcelain for centuries. Your understanding of world history is piss poor. Admit you're wrong and I'll address the rest.
Human race is collective disgrace. The human race as a whole is mistake.
The only thing they gave rise to is the crime rate.
>Africans do have precolonial written languages.
I wasn't counting northern Africa since the Sahara forms a natural barrier and those peoples had contact with European and Middle-Eastern peoples that would have been able to pass on written language.
>Admit you're wrong first before I address the rest
I was only wrong in not being specific enough.
For southern Africa(and most of Sub-Saharan Africa), none of the written systems were developed before European contact.
>You said AFRICANS.
You can bicker about minute semantics all you want, I have no problems clarifying the details. I just don't bother clarifying everything since that would take forever, so I go with generalizations for expediency.
I don't mind admitting I'm wrong, but the question is one of capability and capacity. Having the capability to derive cobalt in small amounts, and having the technological capacity to do this on a large scale, are different things. A lot of technological improvement has to do with efficiency over previous methods instead of new capabilities.
You seem overly obsessed with proving any and every minor detail of what I say wrong as if any kink destroys my whole argument. Based on what I have read about cobalt extraction, I'm doubting it was a major industrial resource in Africa that can compare to the production of when whites arrived and had a need for it enough to develop more sophistical large scale industrial processing practices.
So far, your best counters hinged on semantics.
>I wasn't counting northern Africa since the Sahara forms a natural barrier and those peoples had contact with European and Middle-Eastern peoples that would have been able to pass on written language.
But this is flat out WRONG too. Latin was inspired by Grecian written language which was inspired by Phonecian alphabet which was inspired Egyptian hieroglyphics. The transferral of written language went from AFRICA to Europe, not the other way around.