hehe benis shadow :DD
>be israel
>false flag urself
>double cross urself
>forget who's jewing who
>end up appealing to logos
>blow up second temple
>build 3rd temple
>logos is teleological equivalent of Christ
>realize only when it's too late
Christian controlled Israel 2020. Change my mind.
Wrong. Jerusalem belongs to Spain and the surrounding land belongs to the Arabs.
One way or another Israel will destroyed. They won't see it coming through their arrogant view.
The King of Spain (current) holds the title King of Jerusalem
Can I get sauce ?
Thats a paintball gun
Israel destroyed means all jews will spread back across Europe and USA, or do you think they'll stay and fight until the last breath?
Lol, once they realize their pet goyim aren't coming through, they're outta there and straight into the embrace of bleedin heart americans and europeans, kvetching and oy veying like never before.
How would an Israeli civil war work?
Would they stab themselves in the back and betray themselves?
It would be very confusing but hilarious.
damn, I was thinking that the Mizrahi jews were revolting against their Ashkenazim puppet masters
>Israel destroyed means all jews will spread back across Europe and USA, or do you think they'll stay and fight until the last breath?
Thanks fren
It also means their is head is the first on the chopping block when western Europe becomes a caliphate
Europe won't become infested with Migrants without the Zionists and Israel shipping them to Europe. Fucking kike.
Why not turn Jerusalem into a city-state, like the Vatican?
it's almost like israel shouldn't exist
I truly believe that's the end goal. An Arab state surrounding a Vatican-like Jerusalem where all are welcomee.
I'm like fuck I can't be the only one that notices, right?
inshallah brother
Lol yeah right into the hostile Muslims they imported
>The King of Spain's title is:H.M. Juan Carlos I, King of Spain (according to the 1978 Constitution). However, the titles borne by previous Kings of Spain have not been abolished; thus: His Catholic Majesty Juan Carlos, By the Grace of God, King of Spain, Castile, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies, of Jerusalem, Navarre, Granada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Mallorca, Menorca, Seville, Cardeña, Cordoba,Corsica, Murcia, Jaen, Algeria, Algernon, Gibraltar, the East and West Indies, the Canary Islands, and the Oceanic Colonies, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant and Milan, Count of Habsburg, Flanders, Tirol and Barcelona, Lord of Vizcaya and Molina.
sounds like a larp desu
This isn't from the onion? That's a fucking paintball gun.....
That's a paintball marker.
>I asked about the photograph of Donald Trump holding the dove.
>“He was 32 years old when I took that photograph, in 1983.” Bill explained. “He was attempting to (independently) negotiate an agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians at the time.”
>Trump had a plan to work with Russia to cut back nukes in 1987. Might he try it now?
>The Trump Files: Donald’s Nuclear Negotiating Fantasy
>In the 1980s, Donald Trump became a global symbol of wealth and success who wasplanning to buildthe tallest skyscraper in the world. But the one deal hereallywanted to cut was an arms reduction treaty with the Soviet Union that would take nuclear missiles off the Cold War’s battlefield. It’s now clear that Trump knowsquite literally nothingabout nuclear weapons, but then he fantasized going toe-to-toe with the Russkies at the nuclear bargaining table.
>Three years later, growing even more alarmed about Libya and other rogue nations getting the bomb,he toldauthor Ron Rosenbaum that he was indeed working with the Reagan White House on nukes. “I’m dealing at a very high level on this,” he said.
>Trump was frightened about the spread of nuclear technology—he seemed at one point during the interview to suggest the United States should bomb France to keep it from selling nuclear know-how—and worried about the deal-making skills of American officials. “They have no smiles, no warmth; there’s no sense of them as people,” Trump complained. “Who the hellwantsto talk to them? They don’t have the ability to go into a room and sell a deal. They’re notsellersin the positive sense.”
>“I used to laugh when I thought back on Trump and me in [the 21 Club] talking nukes,”Rosenbaum wroteforSlatethis year. “I’m not laughing anymore.”
Wait wait wait... That's a random jew with a paintball gun. Did they fuck up and get some random picture that looked like an assault rifle and not notice the context? Great.
and they say kikes are all the same... huehuehuehue
The King of Spain also holds the title of the King of the Two Sicilys and the basis of your shill-like behavior for months depends on that larp having any substantial value.
Kek! Is that a fucking tactical kippah?
I'm dead hahaha
Spain's Motto is also Plus Ultra the name of the society that Trump is thought to be in.
why are you reading jewish media, kike?
Nope, it's held by the house of Savoy.
>if they use paint ball guns no one will die.
funnily enough, this matches biblical prophecy
Biblical prophecy dictates Israel must become a fully Jewish state. This is what is meant by "The Star will Gorge itself on clay" from the Jow Forums prophecy. Before the final battle begins Israel must annex the remainder of the land. That's why Trump gave them Jerusalem and Golan.
hahah fuck me
no shit