Zoomer cope

Fucking hate this shit. Fucking Jews. Fucking Banks. Fucking niggers.
I didn't ask for this shit. Fuck you god for making me born in such a shitty time period.
There will be no grandhappening, only the slow decline of western civilization. Optimimism is cowardice.

I smoke weed and shit to get rid of the massive depreseion. I just fucking hate all this shit. Fuck fuck fuck. I don't want to do anything. I just want to be left alone. Leave me here to die. Just fucking fuck fuck.

Attached: RcNFZvU.jpg (800x600, 68K)

Stop smoking weed and start lifting homo

You wouldnt last a day in the middle ages

Yep this is it

Who said i wanted to live in the middle ages? And even then, that's a stupid argument because if I was born in the middle ages I would have personally adapted to whatever is needed at the time.
People are like that, and again ...i don't want to live through the middle ages.
Tried. Too lazy. Not overweight so no modivation.

Pick yourself up white man. Don't shame your European ancestors who were fighting off hordes of Turks and Muslims. Be a strong fit cunning white man who is ready for any task or quest.


fuck off pothead stop being a degenerate and face the abyss like a man

It's motivation you retarded stoner
Weed will only make you more depressed in the long run. It interferes with how your brain produces dopamine.