Guns, Germs and Steels

Can this be renamed genes, genes and genes?

Europeans gave Native Americans diseases and not vice versa because of genes.

And Europeans had guns and steel because of genes.

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How am I a fag? I'm pointing out the genetic superiority of whites. Which Diamond basically argues for in this book without realizing it.

This book is literally arguing that Europeans and all of history was just a massive coincidence.

how is that academic?

The book is utter shit. Pop history masquerading as academic, this is what earns a Pulitzer Prize.

No he does not. The entire point of his book is to dispel discussion of genetics.

Which it utterly fails to do

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Europeans lived in much higher demographic concentrations, thus germs.
We're immune to a lot of shit because we were nearly wiped out several times until we adapted.

There's a gene for guns?
Natives gave Europeans sifilis you moron

Basically by thinking he’s arguing against genetics, Diamond is actually arguing in favor of genetics.

Guns, germs and steel are all caused by genetics.

You have to have some intelligence to develop high caliber guns.

Yup, alt hype fuckin destroyed this book in a vid.


It's not even necessary to go into as much depth as he does desu. The fact that it has 5 sources cited makes it not worth considering.

the moral of the story is you may have a book on your shelf to show off how much you read to others, but dont come here to find moral justification for reading it

>vice versa
The natives didn't travel over the Alantic. If the did they could brought something other then STDs.

Jews jewing, rewriting history, and propping up blacks again

No, you dipshit. Diamond is arguing that the environment was why Europeans were more successful.

or the need to do so.

Genes come from the environment, doofus.

That’s my whole point. Diamond basically spends hundreds of pages unknowingly arguing in favor of white supremacy. (At least except for the part where he praises Papua New Guineans.)

How about the need for a wheel or written language? Because niggers didn't invent those either...

Jared's brother Neil was the superior pop philosopher.

And why would they have those different genes? Natural selection due to different environments

I was only clarifying the author's point. Though you can take your correct point and use the same """logic""" that Doesn't
Diamond uses to basically say Europeans didn't do anything special because the environment selected their genes. Either way, he's trying to discredit Euro supremacy by saying they didn't do anything. It's all retarded.

I believe it was eastern islanders that developed super high social progress until they run out of food and collapsed

>guns germs and steel

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It's blood libel that ignores all scientific evidence and academic rigor to smear white Europeans

The thesis of his book is that abos are superior to whites



That’s only the thesis of his intro. The rest of the book is basically a guy who unintentionally argues for white supremacy when he’s trying to argue against white supremacy.

well its obvious you didn't read the fucking book.
>Europeans gave Native Americans diseases and not vice versa because of genes.
it sounds like you don't know how genes or diseases work. diseases that wreak havoc on the human physiology are crossed over to humanity from animals, animals are the source of diseases. its called zoonosis. the disease is attuned to the physiology of the animal, what provides little discomfort to a cow can cause serious damage to a human. normally these diseases can not effect humans but through repeated unsanitary exposure to these animals the disease can cross over. the old world had many farm animals that they lived close to in giant populations centers with little to no sanitation for centuries. there was no sewage system, human and animal shit was everywhere, alot of people's drinking water was contaminated with fecal matter, effective filtration wouldn't be invented for thousands of years. this is the perfect breeding ground for diseases to crossover and begin infecting humans.
meanwhile in the new world
>barely any animals suited for domestication
>low population that lives away from major animal contact
as a result diseases don't cross over. genes and immunity only come from exposure to the disease in the first place.

The book discredited it self whe the author refused to accept the scientifically agree upon migration pattern in the islands around New Zealand to prop up his theory.

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You miss OP’s deeper point my son

Shhhh we are not allowed to talk about this book here on Jow Forums. It doesn't agree with their 'narrative' that they are superior to everyone else even though they have never achieved anything, never will and are universally despised by 95% of the world

But indians did give europeans diseases. Some nasty stds that spread like wildfire through europe