Can this be renamed genes, genes and genes?
Europeans gave Native Americans diseases and not vice versa because of genes.
And Europeans had guns and steel because of genes.
Can this be renamed genes, genes and genes?
Europeans gave Native Americans diseases and not vice versa because of genes.
And Europeans had guns and steel because of genes.
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How am I a fag? I'm pointing out the genetic superiority of whites. Which Diamond basically argues for in this book without realizing it.
This book is literally arguing that Europeans and all of history was just a massive coincidence.
how is that academic?
The book is utter shit. Pop history masquerading as academic, this is what earns a Pulitzer Prize.
No he does not. The entire point of his book is to dispel discussion of genetics.
Which it utterly fails to do
Europeans lived in much higher demographic concentrations, thus germs.
We're immune to a lot of shit because we were nearly wiped out several times until we adapted.
There's a gene for guns?
Natives gave Europeans sifilis you moron
Basically by thinking he’s arguing against genetics, Diamond is actually arguing in favor of genetics.
Guns, germs and steel are all caused by genetics.