How do I become as smart as Ben Shapiro?
Ben Shapiro
Jonathan Parker
Andrew Anderson
Talk really fast so that no one can hear exactly what you're saying.
Justin Murphy
Go to harvard
Austin Kelly
holy shit the podium is as tall as he is
also godam benji gettin thiccc
Isaiah Davis
Drink 3 metric tonnes of gallon every morning. Work out by taking dick in the arse for 2 hours straight. Now its time to clean, head to the showers and get semen poured on you for 5-10 minutes. Now back to drinking cum. Repeat for 3 years.
Owen Taylor
Xavier Brown
>Drink 3 metric tonnes of gallon every morning
what did he mean by this
Oliver Roberts
Be Jewish.
Justin Cruz
Argue exclusively with retarded college students.
Dylan Watson
Ben Shapiro isn't that smart, you might not have to do much.