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Other urls found in this thread:


Why don't you lurk for more than 5 seconds dipshit


>Jews have been sliding hard all day.
>bitches he can't see 4 threads on it.
Do you know what 'kys" stands for?
Kike You're Spotted.

What can Trump even do?

>intelligence lies to you
>your generals lie to you
>allies lie to you
>allies lean on you for retaliation
>congress calls on you to act
>mainstream news gets public support

How can you just tell everyone to fuck off and say "everyone is wrong, I am right?"

Go fuck yourself majoosi scum. No matter how many conspiracy threads you spam, you ayatoilets will be pay the price. Prepare to get ass raped.

sorry I was at work all day, unlike you.

what did (((they))) mean by this?

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he kept talking about draining the swamp but never built up his own network of trustworthy people
he didn't draw advisers and bureaucrats from the tea party, pro-gun, pro-life, pro-family values organizations
he just put everything in the hands of michael cohen and his jewish son-in-law and when the swamp didn't get drained went "oops, oh well, nothing personal, witch hunt amirite" and left to play golf with lindsey graham
this presidency was worse than a disappointment, it was the death of traditional conservatism in america

he can go and suck more jewjew cum

We've already had TWO false flags during Trump's presidency.
Both of the chemical attacks in Syria were false flags. Now proven, but anyone with a brain could have figured that one out.

Trump is not orchestrating these false flags. They are being orchestrated by the Saudis, Israelis, and the neocons in our own deep state. They are then used to pressure Trump, who they view as a useful idiot who can be manipulated.

whats going on here?

>it was the death of traditional conservatism in america
imo that died long ago


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its just simply not surprising
we all know they want war with iran

Excuse me, are you telling me you don't believe Israeli intelligence?

well he is a useful idiot
>banned bump stocks
scopes are toys

andrew jackson did that when it came to renewing banks ability to print money

>house, senate, public overwhelmingly support bill
>goes to andrew jackson to sign
>I think not
>scramble to challenge veto
>letters incriminating banksters causing money supply shortage on purpose to harm america and witness testimony of a bankster bragging about it after the fact leak
>everyone blocks bill
>andrew jackson vindicated

a blurry pic of a goddamn TUGBOAT. wtf

hey rabbi, watcha doin'?

Trump is complicit, you fucking homo.

>we live in a timeline where the phrase "false flag" has become part of common parlance
At least there's that. America jumped the shark with the Syrian war.

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Who's really to blame?

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And nothing will happen, the clown world gets alittle more clownish, Brazilian nigger monkeys post degenerate retarded shit, tiz the way of the world and Jow Forums

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He can do what he's already doing about it. Say some stern things on twitter, but never go to war. It works out because people are too jaded to fall for all the hysterics about needing war with Iran. Someone's working pretty hard though to try and force his hand.

The fact that Trump hasn't gone to war over the last few false flag is a good thing. And no, bombing an empty airfield isn't going to war.

Shills here paint Trump as a war monger before he's done anything.


This is proof war is necessary

>Iran, a country known to be participating in the spread of false information online, says it's a false flag
>Conspiracy theorists eat it up
Assume the US does nothing about this shit. What would it actually take for you idiots to believe that Iran is a terrorist state that does what it wants without fear of the consequences?

They keep trying because their influence isn't as powerful as hysterical media headlines would lead you to believe. Trump has given them little more than rhetoric to a very suspicious American public.

>The fact that Trump hasn't gone to war over the last few false flag is a good thing. And no, bombing an empty airfield isn't going to war.

Thats true. Trump only did a symbolic response to the Syrian false flags.
But, you have to ask yourself why Trump has surrounded himself with neocon psychopaths as his top national security advisors. Doesn't Trump take some responsibility for the people he hires?

It says a lot when America has lost so much credibility in the Middle East that people are more willing to believe Iran. Everyone knows what America's game is at this point, stop pretending to be clueless.

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a few more bad polls and he's going to war to try and win a 2nd term
just like he said obama would do in 2012

>TWO false flags
More than that.

- Parkland
- Las Vegas
- Chabad San Deigo
- homo Synagogue Pittsburg
- Thousand Oaks

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>you have to ask yourself why Trump has surrounded himself with neocon psychopaths as his top national security advisors
Good cop bad cop. It's a bad look for him, definitely, but so long as he never pulls the trigger it's only going to serve to get more people riled up at the flagrant war mongering the US has been perpetuating for decades.

It would take Iran appearing to do something which also appears to tangentially benefit them or be in their interests.

"Hurr durr we gonna attack ships for no reason so the US invades us and Israel can gain regional hegemony'" isn't convincing.

>muh polls
>muh war is good for reelection
What he said about Obama was retarded and wrong for the most part. Obama did manage to get suckered into expanding the Syrian war, but it had nothing to do with pleasing his constituency.

It's not "America's game". The fake chemical attacks in Syria implicated the UK and of course Israel, for example.

WTF, nigger, we've been talking about it all day, just because you only now got to Jow Forums doesn't mean it hasn't been discussed. Faggot.

One of the favorite tactics of the establishment is to label information they don't like as a "conspiracy theory" like the syrian false flags and then connect it to even crazier conspiracy theories like lizard people or some shit. Thus implying to normies that its is "crazy" to believe in the syrian false flags.

I suspect that is what your post is trying to do. You see a lot of this on Jow Forums.
If you genuinely believe this, take it to Alex Jones. Don't bring it up here. The adults are trying to have a serious conversation about foreign policy.

If alex jones believes it then you know it probably isn't true.

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I know it isn't solely the US, but when talking about who has the most influence in driving narrative regarding the conflicts in the Middle East no one can compare to America's might.

whether or not war is actually good for re-election, trump certainly thinks it is

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The shills are out in full force right now guys. This is a serious happening, all the shills working late shift getting paid overtime. I've never seen shilling this hard before.


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now they're saying they were removing it from a ship on Faux news??


trumps telling you whats going on

people have been wating 70 years for a president to say this and nobody bats an eye when one finally does

Then he should have hopped in on one of the many chances he's had over the last couple years. I'm thinking Trump doesn't take that meme so seriously now that the decision making has real consequences for him.

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Initial reports were that Iranian ships had come to assist the damaged tankers. The video doesn't prove anything at the moment, other than Iranians were in fact on scene. To help or hurt is another question that requires scrutiny. My bet is no answers will be given and we'll hear some dick waving from foreign policy makers on both sides until this whole event is forgotten.

>what did (((they))) mean by this?
Oy vey did you see that grainy photo goyim! It's time for war with Israe... I mean America's #1 enemy Iran!

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Eisenhower and JFK have both mentioned the dangers of MIC.

we talked about it all day, nigger.
literally from morning til night.
what more do you want?

LOL we need some tugboat ww3 memes stat.

in the crowded landscape of media retards, Alex Jones stands alone as a singular paragon of retardation.

actual bomb placing ship from iran actually placing bomb.

try harder iran.

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I don't know what a Majoosi is, but I'm pretty sure the guy isn't an Iranian. It's just such an obvious false flag, that's all. Kinda like when Assad gasses his own people everytime Trump says he wants to pull out of Syria.

Any proof its a false flag other than Iran denying it? I'm open to possibly but need an alternative other than saying da joos did it with nothing else to go on. Personally if it is fake I'd suspect a saudi/israeli set up rather than a US government false flag.

maybe. i think he's trying to time it so the war news distracts from the democratic primaries (and maybe helps netanyahu in his election in september)

maybe he can HIRE JOHN BOLTON

and then ban bumpstocks

>try harder iran.
This is you.

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Info wars is pozzed

Removal or planting requires knowledge of the device. There are 15 types of naval mines. Each type has hundreds of designs. If you removed it:
- You planted it. You're not going to risk life and limb to remove it even if you think it's a "dud".
- Even legit EOD teams will blow their own shit up instead of try to recover it, except in very specific scenarios (ie: lots of deaths possible, nuclear device, etc).
- If a legit EOD team was unfamiliar with the device, they'd blow it up 100% of the time. Worry about how it works after collect the pieces and put it back together as best you can.

tl;dr: removal still indicates, very strongly, that it was placed by Iran

Iranian freoign ministers views on this whole (((situation)))


>distracts from the democratic primaries
Why would he want to distract from that shitshow?

>tl;dr: removal still indicates, very strongly, that it was placed by Iran
You are a shill. How much do you get paid to start wars for welfare queens over at Raytheon?

>thinking Iran follows protocol like us
user I....


Because it's bullshit. Iran threatened to bomb ships if Trump didn't relent on sanctions. He didn't and now a ship gets bombed. Put two and two together, retard. Not everything is a false flag.

"Legit EOD teams will blow up a naval mine on the side of a ship, fulfilling the naval mine's purpose"

Yeah nah dawg, that's retarded.

>Iran threatened to bomb ships if Trump didn't relent on sanctions
No they didn't you liar.

>americas game
You mean Israels game faggot. We're just a pawn

See pic.

>Hurr durr, they're going to go up to a device that they know NOTHING ABOUT and fuck with it! They're smarter than us!
Seriously. If they didn't plant it, they wouldn't know if it had a proximity sensor, sensors to detect certain specific types of engines, etc. What you're doing here is showing us how much you DON'T know about EOD.

>Hurr durr, lets risk life to save a ship!
Talk about retarded.

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who is the only party who has anything at all to gain from this you goddamn retard. Israel

>tell the world that you're going to attack shipping in the gulf if Trump follows through with more sanctions

>Trump follows through with more sanctions

>the thing you said you were going to do, happens

>ZOG has the perfect excuse to attack you

My money is on the false flag argument, but god know the retarded nigger brained mudslimes running Iran walked right into it.

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after a couple debates there will only be 3-5 serious candidates left and it won't look nearly so silly as it does now
the more attention he takes off the eventual nominee the better it will be for him in november 2020

You believe Iran? Ok

god damn it you mongoloid faggots hes been "blackmailed" and hes limping along with their plans. Stop being such limp-dicked faggots and masturbating your elaborate fantasies into the sandbox about how the world works. Some of you faggots don't understand how absolutely cripplingly complex all this is, but yet, you can't simply realize how someone would go about things when you have a global ring out to murder and dismember absolutely any nobody on this planet to convince you that you better go along with the plan or there will be more blood on your hands.
If you faggots want to go do something productive, go take a walk in the woods and masturbate onto some fungus. If you aren't /x/tier enough to understand why that is productive, take your meds, retain your semen, lift some weights, eat whole grains, and go to bed. If I had a dollar for every time ive sporulated onto some dirty patch of turkeytail, i'd have more money than the amount of combined braincells this board possesses. Im so god damn tired of the confusion you retards seem to display. This board prides itself in it's larp, but all I see is more inane rambling grasping at straws garbage the NSA has to sift through. Most of pol has been more than a worthless cog. A serious waste of resources because you clownworld sadomasochists want to disseminate your bullshit pandering, as if you were political analysts, instead of going out into the world DOING something. You are not analysts your're anal cysts ready to be extracted by globalist bbc. And then something happens. They take the dick out of your asshole, and you schlop schlop schlop it up. Keep dreaming of assholes. Wise man once said, go to sleep with itchy asshole, wake up with smelly fingers.

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>See pic.
Your shit use of memes proves you're a shill. Shill harder faggot shill. Who do you work for? CIA, Mossad, MI6, private media company? Fuck you is all i gota say. Fuck you.

The trouble is that the population of the west doesn't actually know anything about what the Iranian government says. We get what our government reports to CNN reports to us, there's no route for information without a bunch of middle men. Iran may have been doing and saying all the right things all along, we'll only ever know what we're told.

Not going to read that wall of gibberish oogabooga nigger speak.

>Seriously. If they didn't plant it, they wouldn't know if it had a proximity sensor, sensors to detect certain specific types of engines, etc. What you're doing here is showing us how much you DON'T know about EOD.
the fact that you know details like this means they're relatively common knowledge and could thus easily be faked by the US.
Still waiting for anyone to explain to me why an attack on a Japanese ship in Iranian waters is any of that fat greasy wop Mike Pompeo's business.

>the Iranians would never demine a ship part of a nation that is meeting them near their waters, that have zero care in how to demine while going through a lengthy bureaucratic investigatory process WHILE BEING WATCHED BY AMERICANS THAT ARE OBVIOUSLY AROUND WATCHING THE SHIP
lmao k

Most conservatives have no idea yet how awful trump has been.
When trump won, I imagined a best case scenario for trump, and a worst-case scenario, and HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT IT HAS BEEN SO MUCH WORSE THAN I EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE.

Everyone has *something* about trump that rubs them the wrong way, but we all got past any issues and voted for him.

AS PRESIDENT he has showed only his worst traits while not exhibiting any of the badass leadership that he appeared to show during 2016

>tweeting stupid shit
>tweeting as if he isn't the president (somebody do something!)
>not fighting back against dems
>hiring shitty people
>not explaining his positions very well
>golfs too much
>beams with pride over "beautiful" letters from Korean dictator

If I had known how absolutely cucked trump is, I would've tuned out 2016 all the way through 2020.

He should fucking radicalize if he knows the kind of opposition he is up against. That's the only way he could win.

Or it could mean that I did EOD in the United States Air Force, so I kinda have a fucking clue what I'm talking about. Hmm. Are you legitimately retarded? Just curious.

Well I just read every word of your of limited worldview. Absolutely invisible, you are. Goodbye, NPC. Don't die in in 10 years in your mandated self-driving car that you won't be licensed to drive.

a bit jaded

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They wouldn't if they had no knowledge of the device. They would tow it out to sea and blow it up.

Did you steal that pasta from bill krystal's twitter feed?

We are all talking about there are approx. 10 threads about this shit schizo...

Cool story kike.

Dear Men who prefer the company of other Men,

Iran knows Trump doesn’t want and can’t get re-elected with another foreign adventure.
They also need to bump up the price of oil to take the sting of the sanctions off.
They also make the Saudis pissed and nervous.

They know the Russians will throw their weight around for them also.

These little stunts are a win all around for them.

They’re playing this very well.

IRGC sailors bravely removing a mine laid by Zionist infiltrators.

Trump cannot be questioned unless you want to risk treason.

Do not ask why he won't release the 9/11 Pentagon videos. Shut up and kill yourself.

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Andrew Jackson had a fucking army of loyal soldiers that he served in combat with.

i said relatively, you illiterate jarhead fuck.
you think you're the only person who ever did that job?
i don't give a rat's ass about whatever bullshit that greasy dago came up with to justify it.
it's none of America's business - Israel can defend itself for a change.