When did we go wrong?

When did we go wrong?

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>Legalizing LGBTP
>Feeding niggers with welfare check
>Accept anyone born there.
What went wrong?


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There have been many steps in the process. The 17th amendment is probably the worst. The US is explicitly set up to function as a Republic - not a democracy, which the founders all said would lead to ruin.

We didn't send the africans back after the civil war like everyone wanted, the Jews wanted to keep them here so America couldn't reach it's full potential.

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>raised by a nigger with only 4th grade education and 15 siblings

And people are wondering why black people are so different...

letting the blacks stay

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Disgusting Mutts

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Not enough cryonics enforced by raised standing army.

Niggers on our neighborhood blocks.

19th Amendment


Rare. Also you forgot
>let the Jews run your country

2008 turning millennials into socialists



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Guess I was late to the party, sorry.

When Rosevelt #2 ended USA's Neutrality, introduced the FED and Income tax, and financed the Bolshevils for over a decade, and generally turned the US on the reoad to Socialism.

Roosevelt imho was a british-jewish subversive agent.

I’ve thought about this for years. Posted and read a lot of posts on alt history forum. Honestly, it’s baked into the cake. The entire liberal, democratic system without a state religion caused the current situation from the beginning. Even if you sent Africans back in 1865 Americans would be still as cucked as Canadians or Australians. Also, there’s basically no way to keep Ashkenazi jews out without a redpilled elite but that’s not happening before interacting with them.



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You conveniently forgot to mention the spics

Allowing Jews from Europe into our country.

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When we won the revolutionary war. You don't just defeat the most powerful empire in the world without making a deal with someone. From then on, the bankers owned us.

Politically? 1914, and again in 1944 (a focus on Neutrality should have been pursued)

Religiously? 1517 (or 1054 for the Orthobros),

Culturally? 1954 (Disneyland+other things),

In the Family? 1969, and again in 1973,

Philosophically, much earlier (The Humanist movement)...

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We made a deal with the French, who then imploded

Whenever it was that you allowed Jews to immigrate into American society

In 1776.

When you let jews in

You rejected your parents.

19th Amendment


1965 Immigration Act which was created and pushed through by Jews. That was the beginning of the end. Before that America was 90% White.

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Lol. Your US History needs work.
But yeah, FDR was openly a kike puppet. Most kiked cabinet in US History.

>The entire liberal, democratic system without a state religion
Literally none of that applied to the US in 1776.

So, what could have altered the situation then?

No 1971?

When you sold your sovereignty to a banking cartel.

for neither the first nor the last time

women voting
nigger rights
importing spics

This is the point where you started going down..
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Cold war.

The FED. NEVER trust bankers to run your shit.


America is without a doubt the least advanced or developed out of all the first world countries. I would go further and say that America is worse than many third world countries even. If you look at the flyover Republican states, they are ghost towns that have descended into deep poverty and drug addiction. A third world country like Thailand or Cambodia may also be very poor but at least they still have a strong family culture, a sense of community, and national unity, all things which are lacking in modern day America.

Let’s take the topic of worker rights for example. In America, ever since Reagan, the unions have been destroyed. Did you know that union employees make 30% more than non-union employees? The rich capitalist class took over both parties and brainwashed the retarded white trash conservatives that unions are bad and that workers should have no rights at all. If Republicans had their way, it would be legal to send 5 year old children to go work in a coal mine for 16 hours a day. And I am a guy who used to be a big Trump supporter until I finally realized that Republicans are psychopaths who want to destroy the rights of the common man.

The same issue is there in the UK and to a lesser extent in Australia and Canada. It seems that white people are brainwashed by Christianity to think suffering is a “virtue” and that they should be grateful to be forced to work 70 hour work weeks. The white race is fucking stupid and I’m glad that whites are going extinct. I am white myself too, by the way.

The national memeplex of Americanism, call is rugged individualism, was inferior to globalist memeplexes of nihilistic consumerism and communism.

You didnt
Litteraly perfect country in all aspect.
An example to the rest of the planet.

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A lot of things. Mostly just """progress""". Hard men make good times, good times make soft men, and so on.

>If you look at the flyover Republican states, they are ghost towns that have descended into deep poverty and drug addiction.
I'm dying!

>Did you know that union employees make 30% more than non-union employees?
Almost... almost like union workers are shit.

You can't blame this shit on MUH africans. Africans don't run this newly minted shit hole.
It's white fucking men... whether you want to accept that or not. You guys made these fucking decisions.
Now. I love you guys and what was set up here until GWhitemanHB came around with pack of FUCKING animals... but take responsibility for the poor choices

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Thank you for noticing Senpai

All of which was done under white male leaders.

Yes or no?

You, sir, are a nigger

Your opinion has been deposited into the circular file.

Fought the wrong enemy in WW2

>Going full democracy
>Giving women the vote
>Medicare ( now 61% of the budget ) and welfare
>Not taking down monopolies
>Baling out banks
You guys are fucked unless:
A) you start STOPPING people trying to come in
B) You take down welfare and you open your borders
But you can't do either untill women vote.
Cause women won't accept welfare taken down, i mean, what about muh single mothers?
They would need to find a husband that provide for them!
Patriarchy, REEE!
And you won't stop people from coming in, cause it's bad, muh feelings.
So you will die, like we are dying in Italy and Europe, cause even if you keep your welfare, sooner or later you will have to import people, and you won't take down welfare ( like we are doing ).
Only way out? The true way out?

It's all the plastic microfibres in your water.


Some very convincing arguments you present there, faggot...

Unironically, kill yourself.

Using niggers instead of Italians as farm equipment. Not using Irish for house slaves because their pale skin burns in the sun. I say this as a man with Irish and Italian backgrounds. I would allow myself to be subjected to that kind of slavery for a white America.

Also we done goofed by letting women and minorities vote. How fucking dumb were our ancestors...

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Unironically go fuck yourswlf



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A Country born from heretics and ruled by freemasons.
I mean, what could have gone wrong?

When you let Jews take over every aspect of society

Nice attempt at an ad-hominem, Mutt.

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Thirsty white boys supporting female compassionate movements in the hopes it will get them laid. Blame Jews all you want but white liberal males are bigger scum.

Basing a civilization on tax evasion and permisiveness

the final nail in the coffin was War in Iraq which ruined the economy and the Patriot Act

I get that we sold weapons and such but really you cannot blame america for having war declared on it after a surprise attack

This. Check out their flimsy justification in the official narrative(wikipedia)
>According to Judge Jay Bybee of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, those in favor of popular elections for senators believed that two primary problems were caused by the original provisions: legislative corruption and electoral deadlocks.[11] There was a sense that senatorial elections were "bought and sold", changing hands for favors and sums of money rather than because of the competence of the candidate. Between 1857 and 1900, the Senate investigated three elections over corruption. In 1900, for example, William A. Clark had his election voided after the Senate concluded that he had bought votes in the Montana legislature. But analysts Bybee and Todd Zywicki believe this concern was largely unfounded; there was a "dearth of hard information" on the subject.[12] In more than a century of legislative elections of U.S. senators, only ten cases were contested for allegations of impropriety.[13]

>white people are brainwashed by Christianity to think wageslaving is good, not the Protestant work ethic that my countrymen indirectly created
insufferable germ

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Feminism, feminism, and more feminism

The biggest mistake was spending money on wars instead of on alternative energy sources.

All the lives we lost and money we spend could ahve been avoided.

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Right around 1965.

when you revolted in 1776

when we left our christian roots to rot

when we imported a bunch of blacks honestly

im surprised people on Jow Forums even realize this. morning pol is at least 10 IQ points higher than evening pol.

but in my opinion, the 17th amendment (1913) occurred because the rich were preparing for income tax (est. 1913) and war.

coastal elites wanted control over the nation's purse, and appointed senators from states got in the way of that.

one way to do that is to take over the senate by force. but an easier way is to take it over through funding. appointed senators stood in the way of lots of things for the wealthy, and they couldn't have that.

the income tax in my opinion was a compromise between the wealthy and the government: you take our money, we take some of your power.

alexander hamilton wanted senators appointed for life...

also why am i solving 40 captchas...

by the time women and minorities could vote, voting didn't matter anyways.

if everybody can do it, it doesn't matter

Search your heart

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we let the Jews take over. Andrew Jackson is a hero who stopped the Jewish menace by a hundred years.it's no wonder that they want his face off the twenty dollar bill.


Kennedy Assassination
Immigration act of 1965
The Great Society
USS Liberty

Yeah, dude was a grade a POS. Yet way before him
>Federal Reserve Act of 1913
That was where it all began.
Also this. Blacks should never have set foot on American soil, period.

>that image
Lol what the fuck kind of pseudo intellectual bullshit is that? Looks like something made for a video game.

>Working too much should be illegal
>People should be given everything without any work or effort
>Whites should not reproduce, and go extinct

Marxist theory in a nutshell.

No 1941? Really?

"All men are created equal"

Pretty much

It's all Lincoln's fault.

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>white liberal males
aka Jews

They took God out of schools.
All the degeneracy stats have since gone through the roof.

You guys seem to know about your stuff.
It's getting rarer and rarer to see Americans actually making sense on pol.

Congratulations, gentlemen.
That is food for thaught,


>Honestly, it’s baked into the cake. The entire liberal, democratic system without a state religion caused the current situation from the beginning.

The Japanese know.
I repeat! The Japanese know...

Bringing over Africans
Not genociding every Native

From the start.

>Also, there’s basically no way to keep Ashkenazi jews out without a redpilled elite but that’s not happening before interacting with them.

All Christians should be red pilled about Jews a priori.
Not only did we have lots and lots of warnings from both Romans and Early Christians, we've had the "mantra" of the Catholic Church on the Jewish Question up to the Vatican II:

>Jews can live,
>But not proser.

Not to mention the constant branding of the Jew as the other, a constant detail and condemnation of their shannanigans and, up to Napoleon (1807 give or take) the compulsory system to have Jews live in their own ghettos appart from the Christians in order to not corrupt the good Christian people.

It's not a question of "hate".
Is a question of internalising the idea that "others" exist, and that they are "not one of us".

It's not hate, it's ethno-religious awarness.