She makes a good point...

She makes a good point. Maybe we should just focus on tax cuts and deregulation and leave the religion stuff out of politics

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Based and redpilled

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Correct. No more extra, government-enforced, rights for the lgbt community. Finally we can agree on something.

that may be true but at the same time freedom, personal responsibility, and limited government don't stop spics from flooding in and turning our country 0% white

>stop focusing on the shit that actually matters and just worry about money, goy! money is all that matters! as long as you have money then everything is fine! forget the trannies sucking each other off in the middle of the street, just worry about making money!
fuck off kike

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Found the shill.
Hmmm which religion stopped Ahmed Islam to take over Europe in the Middle Ages? Hmmm Christianity.

Keep shilling Rabbi

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So this thot wants us to focus on pleasing her corporate masters and to cuck out on morality. I'm assuming this is her conniving way of saying, "stay out of my vagina XD" while still pandering to whatever thirsty reddit base she has left.

>female opinions
lol shut up.

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WTF has the religious right to do with limited government? Maybe she means the economic right or maybe she's just stupid.

stop listening to women