Redpill me on anarchism.
Redpill me on anarchism
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power vacuums always lead to struggle for dominance by centralized factions
anarchism doesn't last, it's stupid and leads to nothing but conflict
Anarcho-capitalism cannot answer the Fermi paradox of political systems. If it is so good, then why hasn't an ancap state survived and thrived in recorded history? This absence from the historical record indicates that Ancap 'states' cannot survive in the Darwinian pool of geopolitical rough and tumble. By comparison, even a system as fucked as Marxism survived for 70 years in the Soviet Union.
>tl:dr - Less viable than marxism.
Used by intelligence agencies to destabilise societies.
not just ancaps though, the other forms of anarchism as well
anarchy means no rulers not not rules
oh please nigger intel always funds authoritarian regimes like china and ussr
Anarchists are always purged and executed by the Communists that they, for some fucking reason, always ally with.
Look at the old Soviet Anarchists before the Bolshevik Revolution in the February Revolution.
For any Anarchists reading this. STOP ALLYING WITH COMMUNISTS.
you mean anarcho-commies who are retards anyway
communes =/= communism
Fair point - I forgot what colour denotes which flavour of anarchism. I think the Ancaps have the strongest arguments of all varieties. Anarcho-communism is dazzlingly contradictory and beneath contempt.
Modern day anarchists are teenagers who want to stop feeling alienated so they read up on an obscure ideology to feel like they are a part of something. It was relevant during the 1800s-early1900s as a counter to monarchism but now is a choice for teenagers too edgy for mainstream leftshit parties.