I recently did some research into the Waco massacre, which I initially thought was just an attack on a cult.
Now I’m not so sure.
Waco: Assault on the second amendment?
Other urls found in this thread:
What happened there?
FBI murdered a bunch of kids.
Federa government burned down a religious compound, and slaughtered 82 people
Some US citizens thought they had constitutional rights that had higher priority than the Yankee government. The Yankee government disagreed.
Both of these
Tfw government bad
A sect of the Seventh Day Adventists broke off.
David Koresh molded this branch into a cult.
ATF suspected they were stockpiling illegal weapons.
Koresh offered to let the ATF inspect their paperwork but the ATF declined.
ATF obtained search and arrest warrants.
ATF claimed Koresh was running a meth lab - they weren't.
Branch Davidians learned about the raid - Koresh said he intended to talk with the ATF.
ATF decided to go through with the raid anyway as planned.
What happens next is up for debate.
>ATF says Branch Davidians shot first
>Branch Davidians say ATF shot first
Branch Davidians called emergency services within a minute of the shooting beginning to ask them to stop shooting.
2 hours of shooting went by.
Local sheriff called a ceasefire - though the ATF readily admitted they were for the ceasefire cause they were running low on ammo.
Branch Davidians let the ATF get the dead/wounded.
6 hours later ATF breaks the ceasefire.
FBI comes in now.
FBI cuts all Branch Davidian contact to outside world.
Some negotiation happens and the Davidians let some children out.
FBI let Branch Davidians make a video but decided not to release it to the public because it would garner them sympathy.
FBI started fucking with them more.
FBI starts driving Bradleys and M728s around, playing music/slaughterhouse sounds all through the night.
FBI cut all water and power.
Koresh ordered more Davidians to leave - they did and were arrested.
Janet Reno and Clinton okay'd the siege.
FBI decides to blow holes in the wall and pump in tear gas.
Sometime FBI fire pyrotechnic rounds despite instructions not to.
Fires started and everyone remaining died.
A month later the site was bulldozed destroying any remaining evidence.
Possession of an automatic firearm is not inherently illegal. Especially if one possesses an FFL or the appropriate tax stamps. Now the often argument falls upon whether or not they were using m16 Sears to be combined with ar15 lowers. This would be illegal except for two things:
The branch Davidians possesses a FFL and ran a gun store out of the compound called the mag bag.
And two, you would have to prove ill intent given that they had a FFL. Ie. That the FFL holder was not intending to sell them to government officers for the purpose of their duties nor that he possessed them for personal use such as luxury/runnimg a gun range.
Koresh swore the paperwork was done legally. He invited the ATF in to inspect both the guns and the papers. They refused. They also conveniently staged the siege while the FFL holder was out of state selling guns at a gun show.
>Branch Davidians did not have mines - court documents talking of mines were speculating of mines and concealed bunkers and planned accordingly
>Branch Davidians did not have .50 cal rifles
This is what they had:
61 M16 type
2 M16 type lowers
61 AK 47 type
34 AR15 type
2 AR15 type lowers
13 Shotguns, 12 gauge
11 FN FAL types
10 Ruger Mini-14
7 35mm Flare guns
6 .30 M1 carbines
5 M11/9
5 M14
3 Galil
2 HK SP89
1 HK MP5
1 Air rifle
1 Sten
23 Beretta pistols
13 Glock pistols
8 assorted revolvers
6 Safari Arms pistols
5 Sig Sauer pistols
5 Walther pistols
2 Taurus pistols
The Branch Davidians did not have any M82s. The only evidence ever presented of .50 cal was hearsay provided by 2 people: a neighbour who said he heard a big gun and assumed .50 cal, and a former Branch Davidian who was kicked out. These claims were never confirmed despite having an FBI undercover agent in the facility who frequently shot with the Davidians and Koresh. So these claims were unsubstantiated.
Of the above guns, only 46 were automatic, but as noted before, automatic =/= illegal.
Secondly, of explosives, they had all of 4 live M-21 practice grenades. That is it. And once again, owning explosives is not inherently illegal.
This is completely ignoring the fact that the ATF refused to make any attempts to de-escalate the situation, refused to make any arrests when available, refused cooperation by the Branch Davidians, etc. ad nauseum.