Why can't you call Blacks monkey?

Why can't you call Black people a monkey? If you call a Black person an ape they will go mental and everyone will be angry with you, why is this?

If I go to a White person on the street and call them ape or monkey, they will laugh with me and have a talk, they would never ever get angry about that, and people nearby wouldn't care AT ALL, but if that person is Black then suddenly EVERYONE is going mental and that person will most likely try to kill me.

Why is this? I'm serious, why is it only offensive to call Black people monkeys? Why is it not offensive to call a White person monkey but it is to Blacks? And this has nothing to do with history btw, children know this shit.

Looking forward to your opinion

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>If you call a Black person an ape they will go mental and everyone will be angry with you, why is this?

Same reason it's not kosher to eat reptiles ;)

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I don't because niggers are worse than monkeys. dont disparage the intelligent chimp or the noble ape for niggers, fucked up man.

This. White man came to a land of beautiful and diverse animals and we gave the dumbest ones the tools to destroy themselves with.

>Why is this? I'm serious

Cognitive dissonance.

I had a fat girlfriend once. She's get EXTREMELY mad at anything that even remotely suggested that she was overweight. Deep down she knew she wasn't healthy and beautiful and therefore did everything she could to reject this fact and insist to herself and others that she IS healthy and beautiful and everyone else is at fault.

Same thing with disgusting, subhuman, negro scum. They know they're intellectually inferior to all the other races. Ugly, smelly, useless. They know they're the most primitive of all the human subspecies. So they deny it and try to convince themselves that nah, they wuz kangs, we'd be all that if white man didn't keep us down.

Same nigger enabling whites. All white people know blacks are inferior. All white people know that blacks commit all the crimes, stink, consume welfare, don't work, etc. But it would destroy a white person's mind to realize that we have allowed these these things to breed, multiply and call themselves human so what does the white liberal do? They convince themselves that blacks are actually equal to whites and that it's just systemic oppression keeping the black man down. Suddenly it's okay. It's okay we've surrounded ourselves by niggers. It's okay that we didn't exterminate them all when we still had the chance, because they're just like us!

Cognitive dissonance OP.

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Because whites know it's not true. Call me a monkey or an ape, and i'm like 'Well, humans are off the primate archetype.' Calling someone a monkey is insinuating they are uncivilized, an animal. When this label is applied to white people, it simply isn't true (95% of the time). Applying the label of uncivilized to blacks IS true most of the time, which is why they get insulted.

Monkeys are better than niggers and brazilians. You shouldn't offend them.

You can Howard Cosell did it look it up

Because it was traditionally used as a racially motivated derogatory term towards black folk. If you had more than 2 brain cells rubbing together and even an ounce of critical thinking skills you might've figured that one out yourself.

it is because it is true. They are indeed very closely related to the gorrilas

That's because THEY KNOW
Same thing here with Caucasus chimps here although many more of them are intelligent when compared to niggers

>y-yes master

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I post it for you, there you go.

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So basically some people are biologically lazy?

Because you should have called them APES. Even negroes know that monkeys have tails and apes don't.

>And this has nothing to do with history btw, children know this shit.
If you read the original post you wouldn't have emberassed yourself, leaf scum.

>If you call a Black person an ape they will go mental..
Literally first sentence of my post.

>nordic cuck pretending like he's not a worthless faggot that can't even look his own countrymen in the eyes on the street


PS, you seem to be too retarded to understand what the word "traditionally" means.

No, that isn't why. You know the exact reason as to why.

>Because it was traditionally used as an objective term towards black folk.

Even maghrebi were aware of this. To quote Ibn Khladun:
>"Therefore, the Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because Negroes have little that is essentially human and possess attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals"

Asians call whites monkeys, Chinese at least.

Then again, Chinese have limited leverage over out lives and those living in China, they have options but still complain.

Why? I mean, I get that they resemble monkeys in terms of looks more closely than other races, if that's where you're going with this. But that is not mutually exclusive with what I said.

>call a human monkey
Oh silly user, you are funny
>call a monkey pretending to be a human a monkey