Who's against this?

I want a list of names

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Sounds like fallacy to me.


OP is a fag.

Positive "rights" infringe upon the rights that must prexist for these so called "rights" to even be proposed in the first place.

>t. Hoppe literally 40 years ago.

Now here's the kicker; what do you do in a civic space with a 100 million brown ghouls who don't even have an internal monologue, let alone understand what any of the above means?

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The people who are going to be forced to pay for it at gunpoint.

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ok, sounds great. now how are you going to do all of that?

All democrat candidates are a trojan horse.

resulting in someone being forced to provide these things. They're also so vague they could mean anything. Especially since the government that provides these things will also determine their meaning.

It means you becom the jew

Can we just leftists implement this stuff so it crashes the country? Tired of giving them the hypothetical leg up

How can these things be made ‘rights’, honestly?


Same rights as a prisoner.

I don’t belive in human rights but leftist have a hard time understanding the difference between negative and positive rights

all that exists in countries poorer than america you slaves

Pol told me to hate jews, so fuck bernie.

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Quality healthcare for white people.
A good education for white people.
A good job that pays a living wage for white people.
Affordable housing for white people.
A secure retirment for white people.
A clean environment for white people.

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all buzzwords
this kike will provide none of these things and in fact he'll do just the opposite

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how can it be a fallacy if there was no argument presented? It is a deontologic statement.
"Janitors deserve to be paid" can't be a fallacy

Communists should be fucking killed. The inability or lack of motivation to fend for yourself does not give you the right to steal the fruits of other people's labor.

44% tax in Denmark, 55% for the rich, and with a recently elected red government, this is likely to take a turn for the worse.

To the Americans out there, do every single fucking thing in your power to avoid becoming us. Money is forcibly extracted from us to pay for a centralized state media spreading commie propaganda, transgender lies and diversity positivism. Denmark is most certainly going down the shitter within the next century or so.

America is the only Western nation I see surviving the coming centuries. All of it hinges on whites fixing their birth rates, naturally, but somewhere along these last generations, freedom under responsibility was traded in for absolute freedom. The majority of young people today don't consider the fact that they have an obligation to their nation, to their countrymen and to their people. They just want to indulge in degenerate debauchery in order to experience oblivion. For the past many centuries, white people have recognized life as being suffering, and acted accordingly in order to progress and mitigate this fact, without fiddling with the basics: family, freedom and nationhood. This has changed dramatically, and now we're at a crossroads. The longer we wait to choose the right path, the true path, the path that'll lead to greatness and prosperity for our future descendants, the more overgrown, derelict and non-viable it will become.

t. Dane who knows what Bernies enacted vision actually looks like.

>economic bill of rights
>social issue
>social issue
I hope he dies soon because he's a fucking retarded disaster and so are all of his retarded supporters. Also he won't win.

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That's a fallacy, janitors do it for free.

Economic bill of rights
>You have no personal bill of rights
>Quality Cuban tier healthcare
>A good North Korean education
>A good job that pays a living wage (all jobs are now glorious revolution jobs that pay all that you need)
>Affordable commieblock housing
>A secure retirement for those over 105 years old.
>A clean environment. 50% less people in graves or gulags means 50% less pollution.

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>putting billofrights after whatever retarded twitterati based cause de jour you've come up with today
Bernie is such an insufferable moron that it's hard to watch. How he has any supporters after he kowtowed to the DNC and the Clinton cartel is simply beyond my comprehension.

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>when you double your net worth while promising equality

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>economic bill of rights

paid for by citizens like me...

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I don't see America lasting at all. It's large and it will take more time to collapse.
>Brown orc hoards
>White man = evil
Western Europe looks fucked. Same (smaller) boat.
In America now, but the future looks grim. Nothing and nobody wants to work here anymore. Planning of fucking off to Balkans and S Asia. Someplace fucked up enough feral niggers and jewish merchants won't come.

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Why work? I used to claim 400k/yr. Taxes are crazy. Now I have a tax liability of ZERO. Fuck Israel and feeding niggers and roastie single moms.

I'm in when there's racial laws.

which translates into a bunch of armchair bureaucrats throwing money at things they have absolutely no understanding of solely for the sake of political payback
as if they dont throw enough money at the worthless education system so we can have 12 years of pointless garbage and emerge without a single employable skill besides jockeying a cash register.

hopefully one day people will realize the government doesnt spend money to help, it spends money to control

school must be out. the shi||s are back

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>Quality healthcare
Vague term, and the state running healthcare will destroy it completely.
>A good education
So, the same education system that has been "good" for so long is suddenly not good? Where does this retarded shit come from?
>Good job that pays a living wage
You're not entitled to shit, faggot, if you're a low-IQ low skill lazyfag, just accept you'll make nothing.
>Affordable housing
It exists, but you cunts want to pay $200/month to live in a luxury apartment. Not gonna happen.
>Secure retirement
We should stop taxing the fuck out of people to let you save more and invest more for your retirement since the government has proven it can't help with that. So, then, why are you pushing for more taxation so that you'll have less to save and invest? Do you really want to retire with nothing by supporting Bernie?
>clean environment
The environment is pretty fucking clean. I'm guessing this means "MORE REGULATION AND TAXES ON ALL THINGS", because Bernie can't fund shit without finding a few trillion dollars each year to make his delusional fantasy shit work.

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Daily reminder Bernie is retarded:

>Sanders wants to shut down a nuclear power plant that provides 25 per cent of New York City's power in favor of renewables.

In order to replace that one plant with wind turbines you would need to build 140% more turbines than New York has built in the last 20 years. If you wanted to replace nuclear in New York entirely, it shoots up to 550% more turbines than New York has built in the last 20 years. The sheer footprint of that is completely ridiculous, never mind the wasted resources, maintenance costs, lower efficiency etc.

Not 500%. 550% more than the past 20 years. There are currently 542. To meet the demand they would need to build another 2981. Bringing the new total up to 3523 turbines. There is already roughly 58,000 acres taken up by the current 542. The construction would take up another 321,000 more acres giving you a grand total of 378,000 acres wasted by this shit.

Keep in mind those are approximate numbers as many wind farms don't list their acreage in publicly available format.

By comparison nuclear, including decommissioned plants has taken up 2921 acres exactly. Hell, had Shoreham gone as intended it would have prevented 3 million tons of CO2 emissions per year. And it's half the size of two of the plants included in that nuclear acreage.

The ONLY acceptable economic bill of rights:
If I earn it,
I keep it.

goddamn thank you and one of your ministers for calling out Bernie back in 2016

cuba unironically has better healthcare than america.

it pains me to see people scream about american exceptionalism as this country falls further and further behind even 3rd world countries.

>lets pay for more bombs than we'll ever need but obviously we can't afford healthcare lol

>when I was poor they said I was jealous of the rich, now that I am rich they call me a hypocrite.

no they dont. universitality does not equal quality. Also entitlement spending is greater than military spending. Also its not one or the other you dumb faggot, cut both of them and stop wasting my fucking money

>cuba unironically has better healthcare than america.
>I've been there. Everything is shit.
>My neighbour is Cuban. Goes back once a year. Says everything is shit.

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Hey goyim, if you pay 70% of your paycheck we’ll be able to pay Shaniqua enough so she won’t have to work and can shit out 7 fatherless children.

right wing retards dedicate their lives to suffering so that the top 0.1% can live like kings

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literally not an argument

regarding your pic, the estate tax kicks in after $11 million, it only affects the top 0.4%

you have to be a fucking retarded to think it affects you

u fuckers are pure brain dead retarded

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What the fuck is with all these vague terms? Can you provide some definitions, Bernie? How about some min/max ranges? What do you consider a secure retirement? What do you consider quality healthcare? It sounds like you're asking for a ton of resources people just don't have.

Probably already pay 70%. Add up all the taxes on everything and you realise you don't make shit. Govt still goes into debt to feed niggers. There will never be enough for roasties and niggers.

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Nice argument.

>the atlantic
also says that it is best at providing the minimum MANDATORY care without any specialization. So if you have a terminal illness you are fucked. Also doctors have no rights.


yet cubans live as long as americans and do so for 1/10th the cost.

you're conflating issues trying to pretend that if we get universal healthcare we will suddenly have our economy destroyed by US embargoes.

So i can only care about things that directly affect me? What about farmers who own a lot of land? Or upper middle class people who are in real estate markets?

You have to be real poor to believe this doesn't affect you.
Also, estate tax/unified credit has an expiration date. It always goes up/down depending on new president. KYS

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Do you know how fucking expensive it is to run a business? "Oh, but they still have $3 million dollars!" And what if their business needs $9.9 million dollars to stay equitable? That is a common thing. Are you saying they then don't deserve the $100,000 in profit they are working hard for, and paying hard for? This mindset kills dreams.

All your natural rights bullshit has been refuted

why the fuck would u delusional brain dead morons think that a 70% tax rate on income OVER $10 million would affect u? stupid fuck

>What the fuck is with all these vague terms?

You are looking at a small picture used for advertisements you fucking mongoloid.

Literally fuck off. Cuba can trade with everyone who hates America. Plus international trade is a capitalist spook, so how can you be dependent on it?

lmaoooo the farmer meme

at least be honest and admit that you're just to shill on behalf of billionaires and protect them

almost no farmers are affected by the estate tax and the ones that are, are insanely wealthy

just be honest and admit you're here to shill for billionaires

Attached: estate tax lol.png (700x700, 447K)

Explain how it affects me

Free Unicorns
Your own planet
A new woman every day
12" cock

See, I can promise make believe things too.

How? Are you one of those people who thinks all rights are spooks? Then why are you advocating for any ideology retard?

the estate tax doesn't affect me or you, you will never be worth over $11 million you pathetic little broke ass bitch

>uses dishonest marketing tactics
>user it out
>user is the mongoloid

u don't own a business worth over $11 million and u never will but keep dreaming u delusional retard

Then please, elaborate.

Taxation is theft. Statist like you belong in a noose.

Don't see anybody floating on a raft to move to Cuba. Wonder why?
Govt will only fuck up universal medical care like they did with Onegrocare. Fucking costs doubled because merchants can really overcharge now. Fucking insurance companies were 100% for it and pushing it. If US govt (current) controls anything it will be fucked retard tier that tax money just disappears into. Medicare and social security are really fucking great. VA too.

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No, they don't. They count infant mortality different than we do. We include many more people who live less than a year than Cuba does. This has an ENOPRMOUS impact oj in life expectancies. Cuba does not even count infants who die at 6 months or less as ever having been born. If you think Cuba is so great, move there, asshole.

>if you have a terminal illness you are fucked

>have better cancer treatments than america

>live as long as americans at 1/10th the cost


Nope. Not even close. Explain how it's theft.

ad Populum is not an argument especially since the only first world country that currently exists is the USA. Obviously what we're doing works better.

>pooer than America
Really makes you think.

Because, scumbag, if it is okay to steal from people who make a lot of money, it is also OK to steal from everyone else.Theft is theft, no matter how much money the victim has, just like murder is murder, and rape is rape, regardless of how much money the victim has, you fucking low IQ piece of shit.

>>uses dishonest marketing tactics

Good luck trying to find a single politician that puts the exact details of his policies on small thumbnail pictures used for advertisements.

I know you either must be very young, so this might be your first election or something in which case you might want to lurk a bit more. Get educated etc

Or you are a high school dropout of some sorts in which case please stop posting on a politics image board.

Fucking mongoloid

can you back that up in any way or are you just spewing bullshit?

You're a nigger that thinks other people's stuff belongs to you. Problem is when this shit system fails, real niggas are going to kill you for being uppity.

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I bring up farmers because they are the ones with most of their assets tied into land which is extremely valuable. I also mentioned others you commie shill. yes not subsistence farmers but farmers who turn into businesses and produce excess. I thought we were talking about 11 million, why did you deflect to billionaires? I'm shilling for people to not have their wealth stolen for literally no reason. Even if you believe in rich people paying their fair share the estate tax is not taken as recompense for public consumption but for literally dying.

Taxation isn't stealing when most Americans consent to taxes you fucking idiot
>“The IRS Oversight Board conducted an independent poll in 2005 that found 96 percent of the respondents agreed ‘it is every American’s civic duty to pay their fair share of taxes.’

>The Pew Research Center in a similar study in 2006 found 79 percent of the respondents said that cheating Uncle Sam was ‘morally objectionable.’

Look thanks for the links, but I want to now what YOU believe.

He's a Jew so fuck him. Not to be trusted.

Not relevant

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I own thing. Someone else takes it by force. The literal definition of theft.

I don't have to in order to understand that this will harm people who do. As much as people who flirt with tax loopholes like to hide behind the term "job creator," it's true. Moreso than being job creators they are service providers. Businesses are not monolithic entities, they don't spring up out of the ground. They pay for goods and services in order to keep their business afloat. They pay workers. They pay property taxes. I agree that wages are not equitable when met with average living costs, but increasing a minimum wage or enacting socialism will exacerbate the issue. Money has value because of its scarcity, it's like the UBI argument - If everyone had $1000 a month, the value of $1000 would be far less. That $1000 wouldn't go nearly as far as it does in a world where not everybody gets $1000 a month.

It's like this - A business has to make money to stay afloat. If they get taxed to oblivion, they will raise prices to match the difference. This will drive down sales. This will kill businesses.

Your ideas kill property ownership. Just admit that's what you want to do.

so make it voluntary. If everyone will pay it anyway, what's the issue, faggot?

>implying its that simple
>implying giving every retard and crack head all that is sustainable.
>implying bernie isn't one of (((them)))

Jesus fucking Christ
People have been murdered for far less

The law isn't voluntary to follow either. Should we also abolish the law since it uses coercion?

Just do what I did, and look up how infant mortality is counted in each country. I always have a good laugh when people with IQs 50 points lower than my own call me stupid.

the link says it literally doesnt cure cancer. also its effects are unknown, which is because they dont really have an FDA like we do. Funny that Ireland has lower medical costs because they have less restrictions on new drug patents, but you would complain about muh evil pharma, if we tried to implement that

his plan for making sure this happens? tax whitey to death so Tyrone and Paco can live in nicer houses

>If everyone had $1000 a month
Shit nigga. I'll be living gud. Economics n sheeeit? Wut that? Let's go get drunk and get our smoke on wit dis govt money.
t.Average non white, onions boy, skank

>cuba unironically has better healthcare than america
yes, I too would love to be operated on with rusty implements used on other patients before in a dilapidated building that could collapse on me at any moment. the best part is that I don't have to spend any of the worthless money that I have only because it's illegal for me to possess the version of the money that is legal to exchange for other forms of currency

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Start here, scumbag. Then, do a little more research on your own, if your low IQ is capable of it.

everything about this is wrong.

first of all, a UBI does nothing to cause inflation because it's not just printing money out of your ass. the total amount of money in circulation doesn't change. you have no idea how the economy or inflation work.


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The three bears.
This fairy story is cultural appropriation.