RIP Germany

Press F to pay respects

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As every other white country votes right germans vote green?

I think WW2 was a huge genetic selection moments. All the men with non cucked genetics died
All thats left are cucks

Nations come and go. Thats the way of life.
Whatever yours is, it won't be eternal either.


I sure hope so, I hate this masonic shithole almost as much as I hate your cuckberg shithole.



Ecofascism is the way and since AfD denies manmade climate change the only way to vote is green so at least the ground we live on is healthy when the people are not.

>afd keeps losing support

The other parties haven't changed their stance on immigration, have they

Germany was raped by the Soviets after the war. All the "Germans" now are just Slav rape babies.
Germans in America are more German than Germans in Germany.


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The Greens will flood our shithole with Muslims and Niggers even harder than Angela Merkel herself.

It will total Babylon once they take over in 2021.

F indeed.

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>I think WW2 was a huge genetic selection moments. All the men with non cucked genetics died
>All thats left are cucks
Just like your country.

Closing up shop is painful. They should have paid me when told to

Only the genocide of Germany now can show the world the folly of multiculturalism. The world demands this sacrifice and Germany is ready to give.

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Honestly, why even bother with Germany? Move to Pennsylvania USA and go to Amish country. They speak German as their main language there.

Honestly, why even bother with USA? This country is going to become Brazil with everyone speaking spanish.

the greens don't care about the environment, they care about niggers and faggots.

Best case scenario for Europe is for Russia to invade and turn the clock back 100 years

>Germany is ready to give.

Only our corrupt Jewish government.

I will never leave this place.
I rather die here, taking some pieces of shit with me.

>Conquer half of mexico's country
t. Brainlet.

There's no reason AT ALL for non-whites in Germany.

Pretty retarded cope fellow muttfaggot

massive population explosion very green very good for the environment. why is there not a right wing "green" party? the whole green movement should be right wing

How can one be for the environment but also support importing niggers? Very counterintuitive.

It's almost like Varg is right in that we're so kikes that any oppositional party is inevitably comprised. It's easy to do when you have trillions behind you.


Don't worry it is not that bad being le 56%.

Both of you faggots should kys

germany has much more serious problems than just social democrat voters going over to the green meme party

Sorry about my inconvenient truth.

>You should abandon your country go-guys it is a lost cause
Whatever Chaim

Well, thats a unique way to see it.

sure thing mutt

Fuck you cunts, I'll be tucked away and comfy while the rest of the world burns

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Friendly reminder that even with all immigrants both eastern european and muslim ones Germany has birthrates on level of Japan

obvious vote rigging is obvious

sure thing mutt

The German dialect they speak is not mutually intelligible with standard high German.

Sure thing, muhammed.

why you let jews count the votes in the first place?

Meh,social democrats lost about aa much as the greens vote.

Bullshit, it's German, I don't care what some kike article says.

It's simply German accelerationism.

Only watch and see how the Greens will radicalize Germany's stance towards Eastern Europe. Greens will increase conflicts, strengthen tensions and the new social order will come about more quickly. Greens in some way are a populistic party like AfD.

Germany, more than any other country, is a country of what I like to call deference to lawful authority. Whoever or whatever the Germans perceive as having lawful authority over them, they follow. Thus, they are uniquely susceptible to whatever narrative their betters are pushing, especially in an area of social media. The Germans will follow anything as long as it comes from their own government.

It doesn't matter to the German whether he's in the Preußische Geheimpolizei, the Gestapo, the Gehlen Org, the Stasi or the Bundesnachtrichtendienst - as long as he can rat on his neighbors. He doesn't care whether he works for Zeppelin, Fokker or Messerschmitt, as long as he can build planes. He doesn't care whether he's in the Deutsches Heer, the Reichswehr, the Wehrmacht or the Bundeswehr, as long as he can guard stuff and prance around with a gun.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is: the Germans will go along with whatever they think is the most legitimate/lawful/squeaky clean thing to do, and in this era of easy propaganda and social media, the most legitimate/lawful/squeaky clean thing to do is to support pro-immigration, internationalist, neoliberal-friendly climate change action. And so, that is Germany's future... in the short and medium term, because in the long term the Germans, and therefore their traits, will become irrelevant in a sea of brown people and a gradual process of Brazilification.

wow as if not the same thing happend with afd pre votes and with Hillary predictions.

Well thats what you get for buying a shit ton of bots.


I hope the Greens win so Germany can serve as a bellwether to the rest of the West to how self destructive leftist and left-environmentalists are.

WW2 was a long ass time ago you dumb shit

I'm really happy that Austria isn't a part of Germany now.
Sure our politics aren't that great either but that a party like this could become the biggest one in the country is just disgusting.

>Don't worry it is not that bad being le 56%
shut the fuck up muttley

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>Greens in some way are a populistic party like AfD.
Greens are purely populistic as they barely have presented any long term solutions to the problems they complain about (besides raising taxes).

But it should be with Southern-Germans,Swiss and German speakers in Elsass. But i would call it hardly German, to my ear the German spoken by some groups like the Amish sounds like Ebonics to a Brit,i understand it but i recognize how heavily bastardized the language has gotten,really sad.

Stop pretending that this phenomenon is exclusive to any particular European country. We are all guilty of this behaviour. The Americans talk a lot of shit but they are right about one thing, Europeans seem to have a desire to follow, and be ruled, as opposed to being independent and autonomous. I've seen this trait displayed ubiquitously in almost every European country I've visited. This is why we fail.

It is just retarded zoomers who never paid taxes voting for the first time. Problem is, all our parties are quite shit. The whole system is fucked and corrupted.

How is this possible?

Maybe they're eco-fascists

You're right, we all do it. But you underestimate the differences between European countries, and in particular you underestimate just how much the Germans still have that internalized peasant attitude, that urge to blindly follow their betters.

This to be fair.
After what happened in Sweden, blatant voting fraud that people could see (also in UK, when they were 1.5x more votes than voters in some areas) I don't trust a single so called democarcy in this den of degeneracy we call the west.

The Greens stand at a higher percentage of the vote according to this poll than Germany has

shut the fuck up you retarded spic

>your country
It's not your country anymore goy.

very based, i plan on voting green in 2020

That's just a meme, Germans also have a revolutionary spirit and protestantism was born in Germany and a recurring theme in old German song is "zu Streiten".
The meme of the German who follows blind orders is one created by the Anglos and French to badmouth the Prussians and Nazis. But even the Nazis many times said how important the indovidual is.
And don't forget,you're country has it even worse than Germany but congratz, you stopped killing your right wing politicians, good job.

lol americans just want a big strong daddy to follow duder
that's why they elected trump

I read somewhere, they're like watermelons, green on the outside, red on the inside.
Completely agree on the right wing green merging thing also.

Don't make me laugh, you fucking mutt cretin.

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>2 generations
>a long time ago

People that fought are still literally alive.
Soros was a nazi informant and is still very much alive and kicking.

Chinga tu madre, pendejo.

sure sure tyrone

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so you have any idea how many Mexicans lived in the Area the USA took from Mexico? There were more European immigrants and Natives there then Mexicans

Mutts mad

I'm not the one beating down the door to your shitskin country, pendejo.

Meme flags will be ignored.
Meme countries will be ignored.

Ecofascism will become a legitimate and powerful movement in the decades to come. Of this I am certain.

fuck germany


I agree, politicial parties are ruining politics through causing societal divide and stagnation of the status quo.

>RIP Germany
If only Germany would end, but it doesn't.

Germany has more right to exist than your flimsy excuse for a nation.

It will eventually thankfully due to the unpayable pension system

thanks papa

I would rather have my Fuhrer or Kaiser than this joke of democracy. At least the guys wanted the best for their country and theirpeople.

Kys mutts
I've noticed a lot of germans either have
>slavic blue eyes with bags under them
>beyond balding or big fat oval heads because only cucks were left behind

An official Spanish census of December 31, 1792, records 247 male mulattoes, 167 female mulattoes, 15 male Negroes, and 19 female Negroes in a total population for Texas of 1,617 males and 1,375 females.

In 1836 there were probably 5,000 blacks, 30,000 Anglo-Americans, 3,470 Hispanics, and 14,200 Indians in Texas

>let in 100 million invaders
>implode currency
>gibs run out
>chimps chimp out
>behead all native g*rms
>native replacement program concluded

That's German efficiency for you, even beat the 2020 quota.

Germany decided saving the environment was more important than its people

AfD is full of so many retards. 0 strategic thinking or political sense.
all of this climate bullshit is to distract from th fact that your country is flooded with arabs and groids. young people are as hysterical and paranoid as never before.

thi9s comes from Bismarck. he used cattle strategies and it worked.
but the youth is way more anti conformist nowadays.

>sweden cringe

What race is your prime minister?

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>but the youth is way more anti conformist nowadays.
That's the illusion they're given, Hans. What are the youth doing? They're protesting for the same, except more of it. More immigration. More taxes. More homosexuality out in the open. They're building an even more docile Germany, a Germany of producers and consumers, not people. That is more profitable, and it makes them feel better about themselves too.

When Germany finally snaps, it will be an event that makes the Rwandan genocide look like a minor scuffle.