Sweden is the whitest country

Swedes are:
- Highest IQ people in the world
- Most successful race of all time
- Most good looking people (men and women)
- Best warriors
- Best musicians
- Best bankers aside from Jews
- Best scientists
- Most successful entrepreneurs and businessmen per capita
- Best hockey players per capita

If you're not Swedish, how do you even cope?

Attached: Papi Sweden.jpg (1024x640, 345K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Jow Forums posters you recognize

why are Swedes the luckiest people? well, they've got world's best neighbor

My family owns a resort in a popular Brazilian area that is frequented by well to do Swedes.
They escape to Brazil to drink with me and feel free to lament how their homeland is being invaded and fucked.

I have no ill will towards Swedes...they just can't speak vocally about what is going on without being screwed.
May you fine people retake your land after regrouping and organizing in my homeland.

and yet you throw it all away

Attached: sweden_explosions3.jpg (1200x800, 272K)

btw, ethnic Finns are whiter than ethnic Swedes. Finns possess the highest frequencies of light hair and eyes

Finland has the best hockey players per capita

Sweden in 10 years

Attached: stockholm.jpg (1300x867, 350K)

How about you close your fucking mouth and do something about your country becoming a shit tier 3rd world country. It's over. Sharia law and roaming packs of migrants own your homeland. You are nothing, you have nothing, you live in a decaying nation of savages.

Attached: 1558574549487.jpg (566x480, 54K)

Youre close but youre not quite the best white country

>flag related

Finns aren't even related to Europeans

no, but they are bleached Asians

Then they are Yellow, not white

Attached: Finnois.jpg (1144x648, 280K)

So does albino niggers. Finns cant compete with aryan swedish facial features

Highest IQ, nope Asians.
Most successful, nope Jews and Anglos.
Best looking, yes. But only the men and they are pretty equal with Spaniards, Russian women take it for the ladies.
Best warriors, yes.
Best musicians..............

The last 3 are Jews, Jews and Jews.

I like the leaf that gets mad at pony posters

Swedes are overun by niggers and shitskins. Crime, rape, explosions, segregation, murder, robbery, trafficking. What have you. On top of that you have an establishment that lambasts critics of niggers ruining society and a globohomo agenda that you are not allowed to question.

Sweden used to be based. Now it’s not even scrapping the bottom of the barrell it used to occupy.

Attached: 6C7B7B91-9270-42B2-8483-F86A213FBB25.png (713x611, 26K)

Didn't see the hockey one hahahaha

Nope, Russians and Anglos (Canadians)

All of thats true, but it wont be in 30 years when your entire country is overrun by shitskins. Why would you let this happen, Sven?

>- Highest IQ people in the world
>(more crap)

Attached: sweet_dreams_little_prince.png (740x491, 201K)

>albino niggers
Image a nation of albino niggers

>Finns cant compete with aryan swedish facial features
Finns are the perfect blend between Germanic and Russo-Mongol. European lightness with Eastern neoteny

Naive was coined after Swedes. I hope you burn, and get what you deserve.

If you don't shut up I'm gonna tie you to a wheel Dane and burn innards with a glow-torch from your asshole

Its lost. Right now we focus on preserving the swedish race, look up ”free sweden - house of the swedes”

I think Sweden will be split into two, where swedes will be occupying northern Sweden or Gotland.

Swedes are definitely more aryan and better looking than finns. The finnish man is on par with poles or russians

Before migration sure, they were top tier ethnostate. A mostly desirable government that worked well cause few people leeched. Then they imported terrorists

gay and homosexual

>30 years
Kek, it's over already.

This thread nosedived quickly. (Also I like hockey I just know it's not relevant to anything meaningful politically-speaking).

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Attached: ftjlx.jpg (600x398, 27K)

Professionellt tips; de kan inte

Attached: Swemalia.jpg (1000x541, 135K)

Hope you're still with us
Just out of curiosity. Do you speak with them in portuguese or nah?

Atheism has done wonders in Europe and Scandinavian countries in particular.
Atheism creates strong large families and nations.

Attached: Swedenistan.jpg (1200x800, 656K)

You can come home and fuck my sister

>Imagine living in the middle ages
>Ugh, we're so good without religion interfering us

>0 historical accomplishments
>strong perhaps strongest cuck genes in the world

In English, but some do speak some Portuguese.
I prefer English as a middle ground.
These people are very well to do, they speak English fluently.

After about a dozen gallons of beer, we can only speak English LOL

>lst post tonite boys, 14 captchas and 5 we're slow af fade in/outs. Googles after me

suomi here, swedes are the jews of finland

heh for once pic is kind of based, it shows Swedish police removing a gyppo camp

Hope the swedish reconquers their country someday, they're not bad people, they just have bad rulers.
Just like us, oddly

Did you know, in Sweden it's against the law to be criminal?

Attached: äcklig.jpg (480x271, 14K)

>Highest IQ people in the world
>Makes the mistake of endorsing and promoting feminist into central power and government
>Makes the mistake of allowing Africa unrestricted access to their shores and borders.

Sven, I.....

>they're not bad people
they're not evil but they have peasant mentality

>they just have bad rulers
Who keeps electing them? Time and time again...

I guess

Same thing can be said about Brazil, tho
You just have to be cucked to the extreme to the point people can't take their shit anymore
Worked for us

>- Best musicians
I like Abba, have a Volvo Penta outboard and scuba using Poseidon dive gear. Plus I drive a SAAB. Am I an honorary Swede or do I need to work on my cuckshed some more?


Attached: CYKLON-B.jpg (600x390, 28K)

Can't beat a Canadian hockey player. Inb4 USA USA! 90% of your players are Canadian.

Attached: wayne-gretzky-1996-40.jpg (436x600, 40K)

Maybe! I don't see it tho. Svens have a certain mindset. Dead certain they're right, when it shows otherwise they stick their head in the sand and keep living in denial. Also, how far should it go? We gotta have cities burning before and average Sven starts thinking?

historical accomplishments

Attached: 1143350.jpg (1106x1012, 90K)


I'll admit I'm kinda lost in here, I've seen people claim that swedes are becoming more furious overtime, but also heard that they are becoming even more cucked
So how cucked is the average sweden?

kek, Swedes are fucking soiboi losers, controlled by their women.
Get a grip.

Well really its a divide, the cucked are becoming more cucked, the based are becoming more based

aren't we all under the same fucking (((rulers)))?

They ironically make fun of Brazilians that have the intelligence to learn english but disavow our warnings cause of a monkey soup meme.
The world is so fucked.

At least I have guns now.

>Highest IQ people in the world
>Importing 10,000,000 chink Muslims is a good thing!

Pick one Baldor.

>Ruled by a woman for 15 years straight
Yeah okay dude

Last election showed a lot. Many scream "rigged!!!" ect, but I don't believe that. The votes didn't change much. After 4 years of complete failure, the same incompetent fools gets a majority. Again.

There are plenty of Svens with their eyes open, far too few tho, and growing far too slow.

Try a civil war then
UN might intervene and fuck up the place, but it's better than having mudslimes raping your daughters I guess.
Yes, but the change of left wing to right wing government is a evolution nonetheless
Just a step closer into third way

because it is a mixed bag. Some Swedes points out the obvious and get scolded for it, so they get angry. Other Swedes are too stuck up and double down on their stupidity, because admitting Muslim mass immigration is idiotic implies losing face. Society is becoming more polarized, as is the general trend is Western Europe

Kekd and rekt

You cucks are banning the most based of your characters, because racism.

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>Society is becoming more polarized, as is the general trend is Western Europe
That's not exclusive for europe, that's happening in the entire world

Das Right

Attached: finn_swe.jpg (1690x544, 209K)

lmaooo I thought LA was bad.
(It is, but still)

You are the biggest feminist country in the world, your politics cares about nothing but trannies and immigrants. Your population is pathetic, you have no power in this world. Shut the fuck up Sven.

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>Other Swedes are too stuck up and double down on their stupidity

Not really. SD (nationalist party) will probably get the most votes next election, although they are not as based as they used to be

Calm down, Hans... You're just as fucked.

Swedish people are too arrogant to take action. I will drop truth for intelligent anons.

Bulgaria defend Europe against Ottoman Empire (turks shitskins)

Transylvania/Romania defend europe against Ottoman empire

Poland winged hussar defend against shitskins


Gay niggers

>Gay niggers

Attached: tub5Csd.jpg (256x256, 12K)


Attached: Argie.png (680x541, 558K)

When it's the next election?

When you first encounter a Swede he is defensive...buy him a few caipirinhas and all of a sudden he tells you how shit is fucked up.

the next day, when they are sober, they become complicit...then I bring on ayahusaca,

That is the point where they break...they no longer have "drunkenness" as an excuse, they become disturbed to a level they don't return from.
only 1 out of 10 go on to ayahuasca, but the ones that do go back to Viking pride.

I have faith you will pull through and retake your country.

Here is my DNA, as you can see you are not related to us

Attached: My DNA - Genetic Similarity K36.png (959x838, 156K)

Yeah cause germany is so much more based and totally not cucked like all other western countries. Stop lying to yourself

Attached: lAHssNWl.jpg (640x429, 70K)

quality neighborpost

Swedes are the best and the most superior of the germanic peoples..you shits dindu nuffins through history

Poor Finn
That kinda makes me feel empathy for them

>Karolus Rex
Based enough for me

Are Swedish nazis a thing?

Attached: IMG_20190614_210024.jpg (2304x4608, 2.29M)

In 3 years unfortunately. By then the nationalist party will be the biggest party, they are growing bigger and bigger. But the other parties will probably conspire against them in that case

That's 3-4 more years man, and I doubt it. Why would it suddently rise if it didn't this time? The amount of "cultural enriched" bullshit that took place before the last election was off the scale, yet precious little it achieved when it came time to vote.

>Swedish people are too arrogant to take action
yep, me thinks this is the diagnosis. the import of turd worlders has become some sort of source of pride. this is also why problems are not being fixed

Wish you luck, swede fren


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The ones that do accept they are fucking angry are very special because they allow themselves to "feel again"

Very similar to Brazilians who are brainwashed. It takes a lot to go against everything you are told in order to accept what is really wrong without fear that your interlocutor is not seeking to sell you out or betray you.

we live in fucked up times my friend

What do you mean "rise"? Its already rising. Sure, it didnt win last election but it certainly increased a lot since the election before that and it is still increasing now

>Very similar to Brazilians who are brainwashed. It takes a lot to go against everything you are told in order to accept what is really wrong without fear that your interlocutor is not seeking to sell you out or betray you.
You have no idea how true this is, man

Then stop calling yourself the "whitest" country. It's not only bullshit, it also doesn't mean anything. We fought the barbarians for centuries while you sat up there on your asses in the snow.

>n sheit
Next time you're gonna sperg out the HRE meme (althought I miss those times)

Finnish ethnicity is second most popular etnicity in sweden.

That's why some swedes are blonde.

Attached: scandi_finns.jpg (1793x744, 151K)

haaa, sorry to say, but you're well on your way to becoming Sweden. Mein Fruend.

Attached: German army.jpg (500x1028, 49K)

I fucking do bro...
I have had only one other Brazilian person in my family partake in an ayahuasca rituals with me (my wife)..only foreigners want to go through the experience.

we have been brainwashed very young, since Xuxa LOL

>If only you knew how bad things are, the pic

Yes our general army is trash but at least the special forces are really good.