4 Billion Blacks by 2100


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>inb4 3 billion niggers dead from starvation.

I wont even live to 2050 let alone 2100, why would I care what's going to happen in the future?

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how can we actually compete

What would happen to the graph if we stopped feeding you? We are outnumbered sure. Like a dog’s master is vastly outnumbered when his bitch has a litter of puppies.

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boomers have the same mentality

Lol 2 billion chinese. 99% of their population eats dogs.

Don't worry, China will go full nigger genocide in Africa before they ever allow them to reach those numbers.

These studies assume a normal frontier to developing to first world country trajectory similar to Chile or Poland- obviously this isn't going to happen jej

>chinks have no problem letting other chinks starve
>China buys Africa

I wonder what will become of the niggers?

how is that going to happen when your politiicans are in the pockets of shlomo and he will make you tax payer cucks give food to feed those billions of niggers?

>inb4 hurr u are worse
thanks mutt but i already know canada is a lost cause

No, it will eventually not be feasible. Besides, these mother fuckers will genocide each other if no one else does.

Let's just say that they'll be wishing that whitey would come back.

The entire nigger race should be genocided. To destroy them is no loss. To preserve them is no gain.

There will be mass famines all over the world by 2050-2060. This model of growth doesn't account for thinning resources or the resulting instability it will cause.

Who cares we will all be dead by then

This is actually plausible.
I don't see chinks slaughtering them with machine guns, but I can totally imagine chinks sterilizing them, either in secret through the water supply, or by giving them incentives to only have one kid.


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Reparations are coming wh*te boy. And that will just be the beginning. We gonna take whats ours. WE own the media. WE create all popular culture. WE built this country and WE will rule it. Its OVER mayo cumskin. Our DICKS are genetic weapons of mass destruction. By our dicks alone we may conquer you.

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wtf happened to niggers dying from aids?

>kike demoralization thread detected

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>tfw 10 yo boomer
I’m a boomer and I sure as fuck don’t have that mentality. I’m still gonna be around in 2100 fuck. Millennials need an attitude adjustment. Big time.

The UN sucks at predicting things...

I wonder if the blacks will eat the Chinese or if the Chinese will discover the hidden power of melanin and poach niggers to extinction for boner pills?

came to post this.

So, you're going to eat each others dicks when the chinks cut off your fucking food? I fully believe you will.

This is how it's going to down. The Chinaman is coming for you. And he's coming with a bunch of money. He is going to own Africa. He's going to make you his lapdog. He's going to feed you, and pump money into your whole country. Then, he's going to fucking eat you, because that's what chinks do to dogs. He's going to put so much money into your country that you wont need money from us. Then when the time comes the chinks will let you fucking starve. Maybe they get tired of you, maybe they starve you on purpose, maybe you start some south Africa shit and start demanding they all leave either way you starve.

And over 90% of them uneducated.

You are you going to tax enough white people to feed them?

couple things

1. the vast majority of africa doesn't get aid
2. countries that receive a lot of aid mostly aren't even in africa
3. europe by 2100 won't even be white outside of russia

It's okay, the world is ending in 12 years.

Loan forgiveness tho. The Jews and Chinks will own their asses soon.

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Nah, not enough deranged White christucks to continue feeding them.

we are paying for their medication just like we're subsidizing the faggot populations in our country with obscene healthcare costs for everyone else

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>22% HIV
We have to go on a Crusade. I can smell Chaos.

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>4 Billion Blacks by 2100
All doctors and "humanitarians" that go to Africa to aid niggers get the rope first

In the future world it's possible that the existing systems of debt won't even mean anything.

It's not like Americas (((debt))) means anything today.

Africa is interesting because almost all that ails it is some freaky plan by some white person Jew or not. Aids and Ebola were manufactured, most warlords or civil unrests are funded by the CIA, wherever possible the governments are compromised one way or another, and before all of this the countries and their people were exploited or killed by the millions.

What's happening in Africa is really fucked, and yet the population is going out of control which is pretty amazing but understandable when you realize how large the country is and how the people are.

It's also worth mentioning this is god's will, what you're talking about. Somehow for all the evil that's being done to Africa, just as much if not more good is being done for them.

>4 Billion Blacks by 2100

Imagine the smell

we're literally sending countries in Africa hundreds of millions of dollars per year for things like getting more women into government, legalizing sodomy and other degenerate nonsense.
Meanwhile, china is just taking everything of value

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Fake statistic.

That's the real one.

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*if current trends continue

BBC will descend upon the world yummy!!

Africa is in a state of perpetual proxy war
the Chinese are winning in my eyes, they are getting all of the resources

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yeah probably

By then the US will have collapsed, Europe will be having ongoing large scale police actions to deport their Muslims or will have been taken over by Muslims, and China's colonial project in Africa will be in full swing. Combined it will mean Africa will be getting zero help from anyone. They'll even have a hard time even getting fertilizer and pesticides for their crops. They'll still be having kids like they do now, but they wont be able to feed them. Between starvation and military action by China, Africa is unlikely to see its population rise this much.