Carbon Date Refugees

Why don't they?

Attached: carbondate.jpg (810x1081, 527K)

isn't carbon dating only effective on things at least centuries old?

>American education
There are ways to tell the age of refuges though. It would probably be considered racist by most lefties.

I can confirm, I had a teacher who basically acted like isotopes were magic

on things that are dead and died before nuclear tests started

Carbon dating doesn't work with that degree of accuracy and it only works with things that are already dead and are therefore no longer consuming radioactive isotopes of carbon.

Because carbon dating only works on dead things and is only accurate to within decades.

You fucking cretins are so fucking ignorant it would be best if you all got sterilized so your idiotic genes stop polluting the planet.

thanks for the input Hans

Fuck off creationist retard

1. Carbon dating only works on dead organic material, because it measures the proportion of C14 an unstable isotope in material and if you are alive you eat things with C14 in it so your proportion of C14 in your body is more or less the same when alive and it only gives you a range in decades.
2. there are several ways to check the age of people (within range): The structure of your mandibles and teeth, the state of your carpal bones, if the child is very young the state of the cranial bones and there are some very new epigenetic methods (change in "genetic activity" over time) that give very good results

The problem is, that forcing people to get age-verified is illegal in some countries. (It's not in Germany btw, there are just ways around it and (((asylum rights organisations))) are eager to help them finding those loopholes)

Also, carbon dating isn't accurate for things alive after the Bikini atomic tests, which altered the ratio of carbon-14 to normal carbon.

Has it occurred to you that they just don't care.

literally a troll image
you know that makes you more of an idiot if you cant understand jokes right?

So kill them first.

refugees caught lying about age like this should receive no less than 5 years hard labor

Before you can carbon date, first you need to

Carbon dating gets you years-since-death though

>kill refugee
>"lab results are in: He was born sometime between 1995 and 2015"
>at least we tried

Attached: bce.jpg (608x402, 45K)

because carbon dating is pre4cise within a margin of 100k years IIRC

Dental records can show age, don't need to carbon date them morons

Just cut off their limbs and count the rings.