Chinks are offended and mad, national uproar, again!

Yet again, offended!

Feelings hurt!

Serious consequences demanded!

Never forget that chinks are just a bunch of easily offended sore losers.

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Probably a cultural barrier here but fuck Red China, I’m with you there Chang.

RIP dude, the gommies are gonna kick down your door. Take as many as you can out on the way down.

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Chinese think their nation has no fault, and if there is one instead of admitting it they will instantly deflect it by trying to say something bad about another nation to get China out of the spotlight.

>T-The tariffs aren't working
>it's just sick pigs america, everything is fine here
chicom cope.
in a related issue, how do you feel about the prospect of being extradited to a mainland concentration camp for political prisoners if you say something that pisses the party off?

Welp, looks like it’s back to fish heads and rice for Chang and Chong.

Fuck china. Chibks are ugly

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>china doesn't export pigs
wat. most pork products in Australia are from chinese pigs
What happens to Australian pigs is a fucken mystery desu

boomer meme

Lmao no. We have mostly Canadian pork with anything containing a bone Australian.

a lot of bacon is chinese

Strong doubt

Pork shall be replaced with canine.

you never see a mass purge of dogs because they have some doggo virus, do you? dog meat is healthy and redpilled.

Hahaha based, underhanded bitchslap

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Fuck China in the vagina.

The Chinese are a disease.

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They go to RMIT and do media studies

Is the protest going well, Jackie?

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It's futile.

Shit Meme my man

Chinks are fucking animals. Just get rid of them. We already know how to make Mandarin chicken and cheese wontons. Why are we still keeping them around?

A bunch of troglodytes made out of pork grease, and all they do is steal and force everyone to be like them. Truly a rot on humanity.


But do you know what is way worse than China?

They’re both jews