Why are jews more intelligent than whites?

>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf

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Survival of the fittest. The nazis made the mistake of killing off jews, and since only the most capable and smartest of jews remained, they proliferated, spread out, and became even more hypersmart and true rulers of the world.

Jews are not more intelligent than whites ya retard

Ashkenazim are white. They also invented the standardized test.

>Swastika memeflag
>Complementing Jews whilst posting copypasta

Are they employing Ethiopian Jews nowadays, bloody hell, atleast try to shill

It’s just Ashkenazi Jews. Mizrahi Jews have an IQ comparable to Arabs, Sephardic Jews comparable to whites.

Ashkenazim descend from a small group of Italian Jews, and they’ve undergone intense selection for IQ over the last 1,000 years.

They shit their kids out into books and force them to read until they are 45. The only people even close to forcing their kids into academics so hard are the asian immigrants.

the IQ thing is largely bullshit
they're not inferior
they're just different
and when they are diaspora, they work to their own group's interest, and to the detriment of the majority ethnic group

Their religion is heavily geared towards scholarship of the Talmud, and as part of their religious studies they need to be extremely adept at language, with memory being crucial to success as well.
I would also guess that the European approach to Jews (as in, most of the time being unwilling to fully expel them; but also forcing them into ghettos and barring them from centers of learning) acted as a kind of genetic bottleneck in favor of the kind of behavior typical to the civilizational parasites we're stuck with today.

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They're not

Also show flag

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political/military leaders in general will have higher IQ than the rest of the population dumb kraut

mountain jews should make an alliance with jews.

I bet Goebbels was off the charts.

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No. The Jews humiliated us, defeated us, crushed us and buttfucked us when they used their golem to make us abandon our banking secrecy law, just because we didn't want to give back the gold of their dead ancestors.

You won that round, happy merchant.

Look up the average iq in Israel and try again

Those were the people who said Jews are inferior. And they were right. To the Nazi leaders, Jews were nigger tier. Stop coping, muttjew.

thats the ones who ran off to the states instead of fight for greater israel. them and us, we are not (yet) enemies. but we are also different. we will side you, if you side with us. no funny business. a favor for a favor.

How come the nazi leaders lost while the jews won?

they're not more intelligent, they're just a subversive, infectious, parasitic species
a parasite that kills its human host is still not as intelligent as the human itself, it just infects and destroys as natural instinct

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Accidental animal husbandry is a bitch.

Askenazi Jews are Europeans who have gone through over a thousand years of constant survival of the fittest while their culture and environment has selected for intelligence. Jewish culture is practically national socialist with education focus. Other Europeans could achieve that with eugenics focus and without the genetic diseases Askenazi have since the gene pool wouldn't be so insular.

maybe, because the war wasn't between the jews and germany?

>which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world


If your ethnic group comprises around 800 million people (white) the amount of people on your side of the fence who have extremely high IQ's eclipses theirs.

This is why your people and identity are being erased. Or at the very least divided.

Nobody divides jews based on ashkenazi, sephardi, african, etc... but they are very quick to divide the idea of white people based on italian, irish, english, french, etc.

Jewish people are very talented cognitivly. This is their talent. They have succeeded in almost nothing else. Art...nope. war/conquest...nope,....So per this talent they desire an equivalent rival. They have none. Jews want to play a high level game of deception. This requires significant intellectual power to play, and is somewhat disqualifying in terms immediate honest reality... or Truth.

S Stop me at any ti m m e....

A GNAT came and said to a Lion, "I do not in the least fear you,
nor are you stronger than I am. For in what does your strength
consist? You can scratch with your claws and bite with your teeth
an a woman in her quarrels. I repeat that I am altogether more
powerful than you; and if you doubt it, let us fight and see who
will conquer." The Gnat, having sounded his horn, fastened
himself upon the Lion and stung him on the nostrils and the parts
of the face devoid of hair. While trying to crush him, the Lion
tore himself with his claws, until he punished himself severely.
The Gnat thus prevailed over the Lion, and, buzzing about in a
song of triumph, flew away. But shortly afterwards he became
entangled in the meshes of a cobweb and was eaten by a spider.
He greatly lamented his fate, saying, "Woe is me! that I, who can
wage war successfully with the hugest beasts, should perish
myself from this spider, the most inconsiderable of insects!"

Jews stole the principles of eugenics and applied it to themselves. Controlled breeding let them do away with unwanted genetic traits.

>S Stop me at any ti m m e...
are you having a heart attack?

Fuck you.

Fuck your defeated country.

Hitlers was not dimensional enough to get the job done. He left the entire future of european identity in ruins. I'm not having a heart attack, I'm having a goblina attack....

>no funny business. a favor for a favor
>no funny business
>no. funny. business.
Sorry Rabbi, I don't think this is something you can deliver on even if you tried.

we are pretty funny yeah
we can do serious business though

>Controlled breeding
It's called incest, but I wouldn't expect someone from a country full of sheep fuckers to see what the problem is.

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If you can put $20 on the ground and walk away, maybe the world doesn't have to burn. Seriously, I want you to try this for yourself, I want you to see what we see. If you can do this there may be the tiniest sliver of hope this planet doesn't end like every other spark of life throughout time.

There's a reason the stars are empty, no one deserving has arisen yet, coincidences have a way of karma.

lmao id like to see an american do that

Years of genocide.

If you systematically exterminated niggers, their IQ would raise by 20 points because only the smartest would survive.

Goebbels and Hitler were 1,40m manlets and they didn't have a proper mustache. No wonder they lost.
Unlike this absolute beast of a man. He knew how to reign a nation thanks to his far superior mustache.

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Verbal IQ is higher, on average. Hence The effectivness of their propaganda.

But that's where it ends. Gentiles are better at math by a LOT, more creative, higher spatial reasoning, and are physically superior in every way. And we aren't that far behind verbally.
They're also better at avoiding miscegenation so their Gene's aren't ever muddled.

>meme flag

No one here says Jews are inferior. We say they're a disgusting and vile race of pernicious and veracious liars who infect their host Nation and appeal to the sympathies of the naive who then quickly find themselves inundated with New Media and novus-cultura and "Kulture" depicting eccentric and unwholesome ideals and immoralities such as homosexuality, bestiality, promiscuity, adultery, etc.

Wagner didn't call the Jews inferior in Jewishness in Music. He called them foreigners who work towards the destruction of the great German culture.

Stop posting this. Just enjoy the world.

They're not, it's a rumor they spread, jews are undersocialized childish faggots who dindu nuthin' & only understand threats.