Origin of US Jewish Control

It is often said that Jews control America, but can anyone pinpoint when exactly that began? It doesn’t seem like it was always this way, so was there some kind of power transfer, either deliberate or otherwise? Or perhaps it was a certain time period marked by separate, yet interrelated business dealings and/or political initiatives?

Where did it all begin?

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did it never occur to you that they are G-d's chosen people? and that they control major companies, organisations and political posts because its G-d's will?

Jews killed JFK

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agreed, it would be interesting to have a rundown of how it happened.

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I knew that would be an early response. I know that their international financial control naturally had influence in early America, but I’m looking for how and when Jews as a collective group established themselves in American society in such a way that can be reasonably considered the beginning of Jewish success in America. I expect many different theories to be posted, I know there isn’t one objective event.

if you dont write God, then you're a jew

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Ha, I wanted to make this thread the other day but was too lazy. Basically the same questions: how did WASPs lose their power to Jews?

jekyll island

And they even admit to killing JFK.

Attached: JFK.Jews.png (957x620, 109K)

they trusted the jews and gave away the power to create money

Federal reserve act in 1913.

I don’t know, that seems kind of early. The Fed Act is more of a symbolic beginning if anything, but it seems like Jews established themselves closer to the Second World War. All of a sudden, they dominated entertainment, banking, and politics, and more. Before that, they were quite powerless and inconsequential, for the most part.

It all began with King George III, or at least, the English crown's use of Jewish financiers to pay for expeditions to the East and West Indies. Such services do not come without interest, and we're not just talking in pounds. When George didn't begin the globohomo process as soon as the Jews wanted, they turned to funding another subversive group (via French and Spanish Jews) , the Masons, who eventually created the United States of America. Since the US defaulted on their debts shortly after attaining freedom, they shifted their focus to France, then Russia, then Germany, then back to the US, slowly building networks of Jews in each country of interest along the way. So it's not so much that they focused entirely on the US, but they seek to join themselves with anyone who could be a superpower. China included, nowadays. You can see this by Israel attempting to align itself with China by giving them trade agreements as well as US defense technology.

My jew detector just went of the scale

Also this

They came over with Columbus. A lot of Portuguese were jews that were driven out of Spain during the Inquisitions. There is reason to believe that America was more or less understood to be a real thing at the time. The Jews of the time likely had the idea to make America, before it was ever known to be a real thing, their new zion.


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Jews have had a huge amount of power going back for centuries. It's only now that (average) people are beginning to take note.

They held a huge amount of sway in the British Empire too. The nature of modern society makes it increasingly difficult to hide the obvious.

Really, the 1950's/60's they reached a point where there was no longer even an effective opposition in the US. In a way, this poses a problem for them - it makes them more visible. And the Isreal worship is impossible to disguise.

I stopped eating live oysters as soon as I heard.

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Dont ask question

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I don't know the answer to this but I think it is probably with newspapers. Look into the popularity of Sandy kofax the Jewish baseball player. He was shilled foe relentlessly by Jewish owned newspapers to make Jewish minority palatable and acceptable. Whenever they came here en mass into a country they don't need to establish themselves because already moneyed Jews from international finance cheat code their way into control and the nepotism game begins for the Jews that aren't independently wealthy.


>Jews established themselves closer to the Second World War.
No, just in 1917 they proved their supremacy over the USA by bargaining american lives against a piece of Palestine.
I mean, Balfour wrote his letter, and the jews whistled their dogs. Simple as that.
Monroe doctrine, ever heard of it ? It was cancelled by your masters in a single letter.

You can learn about the Jewish role in the discovery of and early trade with America here.
There was a good YouTube channel that I forgot, and is likely gone now anyway, that discussed the Jewish plans for America as a new zion. I don't recall if there was any hard facts, but there was compelling conjecture. It makes a lot of sense when you learn about the Jewish connection with the Masonic lodges and their important role in the founding of America. The revolutionary war could have been a psyop and engineered by Masons on both sides, much like the civil war may have been

This video discusses how Templars may have known about America before Columbus. They have an interesting relationship to Masonry.

1947 was a fairly important year

They took over our banking, then used that wealth to take over literally all of our mass media. It's not hard to follow. Jews are totally evil and their elites are parasitizing us as intensely as possible before abandoning the host civilization for Israel. Why do you think they are so desperate to get us to fight wars against their enemies while we still can?

Frankfurt School moved to USA in 1935

>They took over our banking, then used that wealth to take over literally all of our mass media
That's essentially what they did in Europe , centuries before America was ever discovered.

>centuries before America was ever discovered
Or at least officially

No, that happened because they were defeating / had defeated the only resistance on the globe left. So they went all out, there's a reason amerifags killed the Nazis, they were the good guys but you were brainwashed by kikes to do their bidding and die for them all along

I would say 1913 was the first nail in the coffin.

>they were the good guys
There are no good guys. This isn't a novel and Hitler wasn't your Messiah. Hitler was just as Zionist as everyone else was. Pragmatically, he allowed Zionist to have their own news paper which encouraged Jews to immigrate to Israel, before war broke out. It's no small thing that he ended up becoming the most significant force for Zionism in two thousand years.

>centuries before America was ever discovered
Shows how much american are aware of European history.

>because its G-d's will?
Why did he make you kikes so dann ugly then?

A suspicious tick in time is 1974.... look for yourself, check your state laws.. they all reference 1974

Jews had setup the first form of banks as we know them during the crusades. More than that, they were the money lenders for European nobility and as such acted as tax collectors protected by the king himself. Separate and not equal in their own ghettoes. Many times they were expelled such as in England, only for the Normans to bring them back because they were the funders of the fleet necessary for the invasion.

Adam Weishaupt

Russia has a unique relationship with Jews. In what is modern day Ukraine and Poland many Jews existed quite separately from everyone else, to the point of major inbreeding. They employed themselves as money lenders among other things and were persecuted by the Cossacks eventually. It left them extremely vengeful and they likely had every intention of wiping the Cossacks out once they gained power after the Bolshevik revolution. I have met Jews, to this day that have never forgiven the Cossacks, because many Jews fled to America.

1776 The Wealth of Nations
1776 July 4th Declaration of Independence
1776 May 1st Order of The Bavarian Illuminati established.

Interesting topic
I would say they already had most of the power before the civil war


1776 The Wealth of Nations
1776 July 4th Declaration of Independence
1776 May 1st Order of The Bavarian Illuminati established.

Isn't it obvious America was built to introduce the Devil into World Power in completion of the Magnum Opus?

Attached: Permindex - JFK assassination 1.jpg (1743x1152, 483K)

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Google up Paul and Felix Warberg and their connections and trace the line back.

Kikes founded USA through their Freemason shabbos goyim. The fed reserve... Etc etc. Culminating in the kikes assassination of JFK and full takeover of our government. The people who killed JFK we're never brought to justice, and they are in charge till this very day. And those in charge are kikes.

Hate for Latin Americans. Judaism technically allows parenting without compromise. Which is what Islamists hate. Means they were known for harvesting and rearing. In turn many ran Asian whoredoms. I’ve been analyzing sexuality in regions with their heavy presence and realize a lot more women are in pain and neglect it. Means they were victims of their ushering and claimed Latino. Only to realize they travelled Latino world to find nothing that looked like them. They realize their parents were from some remote village in EurAsia and worked human smuggling. Usually out of a network of whorehouses so their looks are not too off. But not found in travels.

It's unclear to me just how much they ran things in a recognizable way at the time. The masons definitely ran things during that time. Generals on both sides during the revolution were masons and as soon as the war concluded they helped each other avoid things like hanging. Jews, to my knowledge were present during the war as traders and gun runners. It got to the point that some generals began to chase them off because they would follow them around and keep the troops in booze and whores.


In Jewish communities like NY you’ll realize children born to a Chinese parent and a Caucasian parent get nappy hair.

>Where did it all begin?
from thr very beginning

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It cannot be separated from banking influence. 1913 is when they gained enough control to bring it to the point we are at now, WWII is when they became ingrained into American society after millions immigrated.

Let's see

Haym Salomon - funded the Revolutionary War

If this kike didn't exist, you wouldn't have the money to finance an uprising against Britain. So they literally, unirniocally created America.

Which is not to praise them, because they backstabbed The British Empire for a business opportunity lmao. When the Chink era is up, you're next.

Freemason faggots are the shabbos goym society for jews and very much responsible for the structure of the US system.
After the civil war during the Paris Treaty of 1783 the ownership of the colonies were handed over to the Crown, but not the royal crown but the 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild)
And the Rothschild call themselves the king of jews.
Img source:
>The Rothschilds: The Financial Rulers Of Nations by John Reeves
video source:
>Jacob Rothschild admits that he's a jew (first minute)
So in 1913 the control of the money supply which was handled by the freemason faggots in the US was handed back to the freemason faggots in the UK because Baron Alfred Rothschild created the Federal Reserve Act:
>Secrets of the Federal Reserve
Long post short? It began a long time ago.

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So Judaism is to keep the genetic logic case locked. One of the legends involving mirabal sisters is not necessarily their death but women from remote regions marrying Asian men and doing children robbery earning financial income that way. Hate Latina women with passion. Also raising none of their biological children. Many children don’t have to go through that but it’s terrible how some worked. Which is why many women from the same community chose to marry cono sur men. Whom don’t play with genetic codes. Touch their vault you get the biggest explosion for the littlest act.

They are strictly Designation of Origin for American genetics. The secret is O blood. Which means they need the reverse transcript to even duplicate it. Israel can multiply it. But they’ll never get attest of it. Which is why Soviets promoted Taino instead of Eurukittian (arowak) in the region. To give them close proximate feel. All parents could do to show them comfort is to depricate a little. As many heard rumours of the million sq mile bomb for a group of submarines. Many threw themselves into blood lab companies. And as if the old were more stupid even spoke several languages around them. Sneakiness becomes a tool. Like speaking English with the most intense true Floridian accents. When they reject to speak it. Or Arab, Persian even Eurukittia.

The rolling D for the genitalia state.

When they abandoned their former puppet, the Ottomans

Yes they speak Southern Uppard English. They also spend times mentioning like hey you know she’s an Uppard. Apartado bitch.

Like so and so gets paid just to hit that Dixie note. Just to remind them of home.

Areas with Jews are called CataTombs. Basically racketeering using faith. BackTombs. They all watch their backs. As well as Eye Tombs. They live with no identity just social affiliation. The people whom live around are not an exact representation of the natives at all. Who Di Os? Their idea is to create highly urbanized areas to rob anyone getting in. Leave them in and get out. Connect dots. The excuse is Sell ‘Tas. Celtic we are being tended to. We are prisoners...Sell oooh las.

Mu Ni Si Pio.
It’s Le Gal.
Es Core Pio.
Uh uh Flor Ida.
Ow Gust In. Dixieron. Dije Ron. Ve Gas.
Whore Ya! Uppard!

Apartado. Apartado.
Talla Ha See!
Mi A Mi.
Ever Glad Es.
Ni Agarra Faes?
Tour Onto? Uppa.
Que Bec?
Masa Chuse.

Mon Real!
New Brownswick :-/
Tan Here. Virginia.

Don’t thread on me (slice slice). Par Is! Ber Lin! Use esta be ki stan! Pa ki Stan! Mos Cow. Fin Land. Is Real. I slam. Whore Dan. Liviano.

If anyone says anything other than 1776 or further back they're delusional. You need to wake up to this reality.

They also married their way into European nobility, who knows if there are any of them without kike genes.

A Romulo y Remo.

Ni Tal Indio.

Hollywood.... obviously was a HUGH part.

1917 Woodrow Wilson FED.

But they controlled US media before this


Learn some history. We were the original eugenicists. WW II changed that.

I personally don't believe in the "Jews control everything" conspiracy.
However, if it were to true, it would've started around the end of the Wild West (Red Dead Redemption era) and the start of law and order.

Pic related.

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The freemasons literally FOUNDED america.
They call it "the great experiment"

Washington was a freemason.

It's the sabbםiגד jews can't use computers user



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