Take a look at the future that awaits us all

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that type of sickness has no place in public speech. back in the closet.

I propose that whoever is closest to the him, find and a d put him in a hospital for a couple of months at least. Do that while drunk and then even if they catch you, they won't be able to do much. God forbid is your first offence. Slap on the wrist

Oh no he's not going to act on his illness this is horrible!

Kek that's not new, some french "intellectuals" wanted to legalize pedophilia in the 70's

Found the paedo

Can't you see how to even utter such a thing is a step towards towards acceptance and normalization?

As of now paedophilia is considered a mental problem, but so was homosexuality up to a few years ago.

So why fight it let all sexual perversion be legalize, let there be no moral taboo, doing so it will erode society even more and let foreigners conquer it much easier.

Pedophilia wasn't even thought of being a bad thing one or two centuries ago. Go ahead and lambast pedos who don't want to act on their impulses, and watch how you drive them into secrecy and instead of having people seek help, they just act on their impulses. You want to hurt children

>censors his username

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If that's the future then I'll take a loli wife without asking, like muzzies do. Their fathers are either absent and/or cucked, so why shouldn't we take them before they're ruined.

In this scenario who is the worst person? The participant in an event that admits he has a sexual and mental health problem and attends an event tailored to those with unnatural sexual habits, the kid for being brainwashed into being in a pride parade, or the parent of the kid for forcing their child into a parade that attracts these types of people who then at like giddy women when they make eye contact?

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I understand that, but the vast majority of pedophiles are not known to the general public, and all you'd be doing is giving a bigger reason for them to be more careful when they rape kids

>Go ahead and lambast pedos who don't want to act on their impulses, and watch how you drive them into secrecy
I want to drive a shovel through their skulls

Got in on Reddit. They censored it.

They had a pozzed identity name for this pedophile shit. Can't remember what it was.

was a reply to

>censors username
the wolves need feeding

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Jow Forums mods ban people for exposing the pedos
this is the world we are living now
#protip: Jow Forums mods are red*ditors

>Got in on Reddit. They censored it.

you shoud stay there, then

Oh yeah, Minor Attracted Persons (MAP). Seen some freaks on twitter carefully implementing it in their profiles subtlety.

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>blanking out his name


Oh hell yeah, time to attack this guy for saying he hates sexual abuse

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His account is public, fren

Yes it is, and I don't understand why you want to attack someone who has done nothing wrong

"I am sexually and emotionally attracted to someone, but I do NOT act on that attraction."

Not how it works, pal. I can scarcely believe Twitter would allow a child molester to have an account, let alone air that shit. Those who are able to hack and destroy that platform, should.

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It does not matter that he "doesnt act on it"

He is sick, and broken. He must be purged.

This isnt some case of a 19 year old and a 16 year old. This is some grown ass freak talking about a 7 year old girl "eyeing him". A child.
What the fuck.

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Child Molester and pedophile have different definitions, this pedophile is not a child molester and expresses a desire to not become one

shutup leaf


>Pedophilia wasn't even thought of being a bad thing one or two centuries ago.
Uh this is not true
>In Rome, there never, ever was any time when it was an acceptable societal value. Rome's first historian, Polyibius, rails against it (calling it a foul Greek custom) as does its last, Ammianus Marcellinus (because the Germans did it and he found it disgusting). Cicero was fond of denouncing his enemies such as Cataline, Clodius, and Caesar as homosexuals, and Cataline he very explicitly calls a pederast. Every Roman villain, Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Commodus, Heliogabalus, is cast as a homosexual, bi-sexual, or pederast, and deified emperors such as Augustus and Claudius are usually cast as men who were too fond of women. Tiberius was most explicitly cast as a pederast (Tacitus and Suetonius to source all of this).
Pedophilia has been condemned by Christian societies too, so all of Europe for the last 1500 years

>Pedophilia wasn't even thought of being a bad thing one or two centuries ago throwing people in prison for being faggots and having nigger slaves was fine also. I agree fren, let's go back to a simpler time.

So can I just believe all niggers should be slaves as long as I don't have one everyone should be cool with this right ?

Which is why the age of consent didn't exist for a long time, and when it was created by feminists, it started extremely young? Sounds like you're talking bullshit.

>t. dog eater/fucker

When I see atheists

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Pederasty only includes boy loving.

Yeah. You haven't done an action, so no immoral act as been committed

Shut the fuck up, you degenerate apologist. That piece of shit has acted on his impulses, or he's going to. He wouldn't be human if he didn't. He isn't fooling anyone, and neither are you. Kill yourself.

>just lose dude lmao
Why would we want to do that?

>said the same thing about gays
>50 years later
>cum dance your gayness off in a parade


>the liberal arts went against pedastery

If a man likes cunny and traps, but doesnt do anything irl, can we really condemn them as degenerate?

Pedos get the rope

But liberals would absolutely not be OK with me going around believing niggers are sub human but they seem fine with the pedos

Checks out

This is good. Let them come into the light. Let them offer themselves up to the altar of Fatherly Wrath.
The streets will run red with the blood of these people. But first we need them to come out of hiding.

>the liberals
Unfortunately, almost every group would imprison you for such thought, if they could. Even most "conservatives"

It likely wasn't even a girl.

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>censoring the @
Why? This person made these statements on a public platform.

Thats because pedos are sub human

That's the issue. The people willing to kill people for thoughts are the same people willing to accept other forms of thought crime. Though, when they get punished for what they think, they cry out "Thought crime!". I do not think that people should be judged on a moral level for thoughts, only action. A pedophile who doesn't act is not a bad person. A pedophile who does act is a bad person. This statement alone is enough to cause massive cognitive dissonance within people, enough to get them to attack you to escape it
Liberals don't have logical morals, or rather, they see the disgust of pedophilia as oppression they need to get rid of.

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These kinds of people are sick and would, at any chance, take advantage of a child if they were alone together in private. He's dedicated his life to his perversions.
The goal of these people is to make it acceptable so they may have their 'true love'.

i dont know how to save pics from this album but it's clownworld

Men have always been attracted to young women, but only at puberty. That's natural because men are attracted to sexual cues that denote fertility, such as hips and breasts. You didn't have to tell 99% of men not to fuck a 6 year old girl, for example. Doesn't occur to the normal men. Only to pedos.

At least he is not a Nazi


every delusional incel ever...even peeds it seems kek

Correct, which is why the people who find prepubescent children need to be treated. However, if they themselves find their illness abhorrent, I don't see what hatred there should be towards them

Liberals really think like this, though. They protect pedos, but want to kill anyone they deem racist or that opposes the globo homo agenda.

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Try to justify it all you want but all pedophiles deserve a stiff rope and a long drop

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Honkity diggity honk dog

>hiding his Twitter username
Wow, two faggots in one thread!


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>I understand that, but the vast majority of murderers are not known to the general public, and all you'd be doing is giving a bigger reason for them to be more careful when they murder

>when I see Abrahamics

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Speech should be free. Ammo should be cheap. It all works itself out

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>Fatherly Wrath
Same goes for everyone with perverted desires and chronic masturbators. What's in the mind makes the difference. Israelites claimed young virgin girls of their enemies.

Here's my issue with liberals though they will be in favor of censorship and hate crime laws to stop the spread of racism or whatever . Basically they believe me going around saying niggers are sub humans will lead to violence against niggers or oppression but when pedos go around talking about how they like to touch little boys they don't believe this will result in more little boys being raped ?

Because there is no known treatment for pedophilia. And it is also instinctual to want to protect children in a society because they are unable to protect themselves and represent the future of that society.

well that was easy

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And all conservatives deserve to be put in camps I presume? Or what? What other groups should be killed for their thoughts? I say we should kill all non-muslims as well.
The issue is that you cannot promote thought crimes while also being angry at big tech for censoring conservatives, or the UK for banning speech. They're the same thing
Murder is an action. There is nothing wrong with punishing actions, only thoughts

Because you arent fighting either so why lament on things nobody cares?

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Notice the pumpkin even though its June. Peter Bright also had the pumpkin emoji and called himself Pumpkin Fright.

Tom Hanks did a sketch were he was called David Pumpkins or something for Halloween. He's been a long time rumoured paedophile and has a weird obsession with lost shoes.

Pumpkin seems to be code for something.

What are you faggots gonna do?
Dox him?
Show up at his residence and fuck him up or worse?
Or are you just going to send him a few mean words through twatter and call it a day?

I want you to star long and hard into the abyss and realize that the chickenshit leftist harpies and their cuckold manservants staring back at you are fully aware of what they're doing, and do so for the express purpose of creating hell on earth where the most depraved acts imaginable are seen as the highest form of virtue, and sexual gratification by any means necessary is seen as the highest form of good.

I want you to stare into that abyss and I want all of you to know that these people are beyond redemption, and that this neo-sodom and gomorrah is the hell that awaits you because you allowed these demons to live instead of putting them down like the rabid animals they are.

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That's true in only certain ways. While there is no cure or treatment for pedophilia itself. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can treat any want or desire to act on those impulse

Sexual attraction is NOT a "thought." It's an instinct, and in the case of pedophilia, an instinct only found in the mentally ill. Stop trying to compare this to thought crime. Not at all the same.

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I have a treatment for pedophilia

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Agreed. Just reminding you that, aside from the pedo push, most neocons believe the same about race.

Enemies on all sides.

>weird obsession with lost shoes
Fucking god damn feetfags worse than all of the above.


>Murder is an action.
Almost all crimes are action + intent. And in the case of murder there is also the element of premeditation.
>There is nothing wrong with punishing actions, only thoughts
yeah we've followed that presupposed moral proposition long enough, and we see where its taken us

The image of the adult crowd seem to have been inserted to instigate a bystander effect.

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>love expires when they become individuals
>love is only attraction
Tfw they out themselves as pure fetishists.

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jpdl skąd to jest?

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Pederasty is young boy love you stupid nigger. Do you think Romans waited until 18 to have sex? The real redpill is the AOC should be about 14.

>" It's an instinct
It's often not just that. Sexual perversions are habitual frames that one constructed for himself. Limpdicks still tend to masturbate even though their actual libido is almost dead.

All thought is instinctive though I see food oh that looks good I want to eat it. I see fren oh there is fren I'm going to say hi. I see nigger in a hoodie late at night oh I'm going to cross the road so he doesn't steal my bike . My point here is people have no control over what they think or do once you take the determinism pill and realize free will is an illusion you will be much more kind and understanding of people with abhorrent behaviours .

It is most definitely a thought. There are thoughts and there are actions.
Inshallah, brother

cant wait until we refer to these people as victims in a few decades