Why aren't you seizing your local tank yet ?

www-rt-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.rt.com/news/461880-drunk-man-drives-tank-poland/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1#referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s&share=https://www.rt.com/news/461880-drunk-man-drives-tank-poland/

Attached: Screenshot_20190615-105629~2.jpg (904x925, 173K)

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Oh shit he must have 5 stars.

This should be legal.

>getting tracked

why didn't they just call the tank police?

lol, best news in ages

i thought it was over there
vacation canceled

fake and never happened, always question EVERYTHING these kike shills post on this shithole site.

this. Literally nothing about this in polish news


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oh and if by any chance something like this would happen, that shitty kaccap "tank" wouldnt even make it to to town center without breaking down, it's engine's lifespan is what...30 minutes?

>As it turns out, he had been authorized to drive the vehicle – although his superiors presumably only wanted him to move it off and on the damaged trailer on which it was being transported, rather than driving it through the city center. They also likely expected him to remain sober while operating the 36-ton armored combat vehicle. To make matters worse, local media report that there was no insurance policy on the tank.

are you guys retarded?


Literally tankie

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sounds like something that would happen in some cheesy military comedy

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Goddamn, I love my country.

Quintessentially Polish.

Attached: killdozer_footage_fb.jpg (865x452, 48K)

Fucking fake news clickbait bullshit.
He was just driving around, still drunk and stupid but he didn't terrorize anything.

Poland have УPAAAAAA watchword?

> rt

lmao go away nigger


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Killdozer and LA tankguy were the real MVPs this guy is just a drunk pretender. Sums up most Polish endeavors tbqh.

Because it's been decommissioned and sitting in front of the VFW for more than 30 years. Would if I could though

That tanktard should have kept going south to tijuana lol.

Fuck you talking about horowitsky, those tanks have been fucking shit up in the middle east for over half a century.