India to raise tariffs on US goods

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Other urls found in this thread: BVLL/

Slide it!

All we have to do is threaten the H1B visa holders here and they'll crumble instantly. The poos are not in a position to try to retaliate to that. We don't even have to mean it, considering how much our abrahamic overlords love cheap labor but poos are inherently cowards

Fucking useless government. Muslim and commie mobs running rampant but no let's wage a trade war with Americans. We're gonna get our shit kicked in when they ban our IT.

Everything India exports literally has human feces all over it.
Seriously, all they have to do is make it slightly more costly to outsource IT to India and all of those jobs vanish.

Ha. Shart Army.

>all of those jobs vanish.
And we're the only ones who pay taxes in this shithole. This is why you don't vote illiterates into office. Part of me wishes this whole system collapses so something better can be built.

poo in loo pls

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देखो देखो, समय क्या दिखाए!
देख कर भी न विश्वास आये,
कोई दुनिया से अब जा रहा है,
कितने गोरों सर को उठाये।
धन्य भाग है हर उस माँ का,
के जो ऐसा बेटा पाए।
खुनी डर है, वो अमर है,
जान जब दी अगर है तो जाये।।
Look what time has shown us!
One fails to believe even when witnessing it,
Someone is departing from this world,
He who lifted our heads against the Whites.
The fate of that mother is blessed,
Who has given birth to such a son.
If we have decided to die,
Let us welcome death.

कैसी धज से चला है ये भांगी,
जो भी देखे वो सीस निहाय!
अपने होठों पे है आज वीवो,
नारा आज़ादी का ही सजाये।
अपने आखों में है आज वीवो,
अपनी धरती के सपने बसाये।
फांसी तो लगती सिर्फ तन्न को,
कौन सपनो को फांसी लगाए?
Look how elegantly this young bastard walks,
Anyone who lays eyes on him ushers him with tribute.
The words of revolution are on our lips,
We put forward the struggle for freedom.
The colours of revolution are on our eyes,
We put forward the dreams of our soil.
They might hang our bodies to death,
They can't hang our dreams.

baharat is a spice blend in the middle east. why do indians name their army after a spice blend?

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Blacklist a nation

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Bharat is the name of the first dynasty of India.
In Malay and Indonesia, Bharat means East.
In your language it means spices because that's where spices are from.

In Hindi, "Arab" means 1,00,00,00,000, because Arabs came to trade and bought large sums of money with them.

In Hindi, "Misri" means sugar and Egypt because Egyptians sold us sugar.


>Confederate flag

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Bharat is the actual name of India. Maybe in the olden days you guys got certain spices from Bharat and named it that.

Your stupid you need to find a cheaper English speaking alternative. Liberia or something.

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nice cherrypicking lol

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Everyone with the last name mishra are originally from egypt right?

Still better than all shitskin females on the planet. You're simply genetically inferior and your genes lack aesthetics.

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thats interesting indian bros i love gobi machurian btw though i have no idea how authentic it is since ive never been to india

Cool maybe we can deport all 0ajeets and stop the h1b funding of india...

kek nobody cares about your bait.

You guys already do shit tier work. You dont fool anyone with your crappy work quality.

gobi = cauliflower, right?

Do you deny you're shit colored and racially inferior?
"People of color" kek

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yes its cauliflower covered in a reddish sauce, its delicious af

Reminder that shitskin genetics will never be able to produce beauty like this. Behold and despair, turdskin.

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>Tfw Pajeetas will never have pink nips and veganas like this due to their shitskin.

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lmao memeflag trying hard.

you must be really sad to think like that, all cultures have beautiful people

I thought it was Chinese food

Humanitarianism is gay. Nature doesn't create equals.

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Shills on suicide watch

find love

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Based poo
Lay a big shit in their streets for me

i get it in an indian restaurant, i like their other dishes too but that one is my favorite

Try baby corn manchurian next time.

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poo in it

Will it be authentic unless it has traces of feces in it though?

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keep the poos living in poop

is that how you make yourself feel better? by putting other people down with your subjective opinions?

Beauty and genetics aren't subjective.

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And why are the indians doing that?

No you dumb nigger

Sexual frustration. Not even whores want them so they must flex their 2 inchers.

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Why is it named manchurian

why do they look asian tho

that's because Indians and Africans refuse to pay whores instead of others. kek

Hindus are the biggest losers around and do anything for pussy you retarded shitskin slave.

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that title goes to Pakistanis.

Keep coping you nigger Australoid shitskin. Indians are way more beta than pakis, they even humiliated your poolot this year. You're an international meme of being creepy losers on Facebook. Can't get more embarrassing than that.

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Memeflag doesn't change you're a Paki. Let's redpill people on Pakistan once again.

Pakistanis are an eternally conquered folk.

The first conquest in the post-Vedic era was by the armies of Alexander the Great. The only resistance of Alexander's army was the Hindu king Porus, who surrendered after being defeated in battle by the Greeks. Soon enough, the rest of the area which was modern Pakistan surrendered to Alexander and they were called Alexander's Satraps (Kshatrapas in Sanskrit). There was immediate submission from the Pakistanis.

Alexander was told that the army of the ACTUAL Indians (Nanda Empire) numbered around 200,000 infantry, 20,000 cavalry, 2,500 four-horsed chariots, 3,000 elephants. He decided not to attack the Nandas.

Then, these territories were only freed off Greek control after Chandragupta Maurya, the King of the Indians, who was of Magadhan extraction ruling from Pataliputra (modern day Patna, India), freed these territories from Seleucus Nicator. The Greeks were defeated in battle in 303 BCE by the Indians, freeing the modern region of Pakistan and putting it under Indian control.

The second wave of conquests was by the Kushanas (Indo-Greeks). Once again the Kushans immediately conquered the territory of modern Pakistan with no resistance, the only resistance they faced was when they tried to expand into the modern territory of India. Even today, Indians name their kids "Kushanjeet" (the one who has defeated the Kushans).

Third, was the Arabs, Muhammad bin Qasim is celebrated as a hero in Pakistan, when he killed and enslaved the ancestors of modern day Pakistanis, converted and forcing them to submit to Islam. In 732 AD, the only opposition to Arabs came from Raja Dahir of Sindh, who was the Hindu Emperor at the time and decided to fight the Arabs, Pakis in those days were Buddhists, and they hated the Hindus, and opened the city gates for the Arabs to storm in and that is how Dahir was defeated. Today, Qasim is seen as a hero in Pakistan.

The Arabs were only defeated in 740 AD, when Nagabhata I, and Vikramaditya from Southern India sent Hindu armies to fight the Arabs to halt Islamic expansion. The Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty refused to surrender to the Muslims and kept off Islam from India.

Imagine this, within just a mere decades, the entire demography of the region now known as Pakistan became Muslim. Just as a friendly reminder, massive parts of India had been under Islamic control too, but never did the Indians ever mass-convert to Islam, and even if they did they were of lower caste extraction to escape bondage.

The Mughals faced the fierciest resistance along the Gangetic plain, not Pakistan. And Pakistanis LOVE to claim Mughals as their own. They consider invaders like Babur, Timur, Aurangzeb as their heroes. The truth is that the Mughals were of Perso-Mongol extraction, not Pakistanis, who are largely Indic with some Iranian groups like the Pashtuns. Timur did invade Delhi, and Pakis love him for that, but they forget that Timur also lay waste to Lahore, one of the largest cities in Pakistan today.

Pakistan is a civilization that celebrates it's own destruction, it's own invasion and bows down to foreign control. It is not surprise that the majority of resistance EVEN against the British came from Bengalis, Marathis, Hindis. In fact, Pakistanis were proud to serve in the British army subservient to foreign control. This is how Pakistan was created, after 1919, when Britain refused to hand over control to the Indians, the Hindus immediately rebelled and refused to serve the army, the Pakistanis kept licking off British boots, with Britain promising a separate state for the Muslims.

Pakis are eternal bootlickers. When India confronted the United States, Pakistan was busy sucking US cock to destabilise Afghanistan, today when India confronts China, Pakistanis suck Chinese dick. And quite literally, Pakistani women are being trafficked to China and sold as sex slaves.

Welcome to Pakistan.

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Notice how urban settlements decrease as one moved away from India, into Pakistan. Most Pakistanis were ooga boogas conquered by Greeks and then by Mauryans.

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Pakis and Indians are both the same disgusting race of subhumans. Take it to the loo, gentlemen.

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>paki memeflag shill #1: We Pakistanis are superior to Indians
>start posting facts
>paki memeflag shill #2: P-pakistanis a-are same as Indians...

There is no genetic difference between North Indians and Pakis. Besides religion both shitskins were part of the same land and culture for thousands of years until the British arbitrarily split you.

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>Everyone's a paki
Okay, shitskin paki. I can literally freely call you a Paki because the blood in your veins and the DNA in every cell of your body clusters with the Pakis.

Can you show me proof that Indians are genetically different from Pakis? Can you show me proof that Indians cluster closer to Europeans?

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The real enemy is pakistan and china

>Can you show me proof that Indians cluster closer to Europeans?
why would i show that lmao, we aren't europeans and we aren't paki either Mumtaz.

go search the archive where you posted 100 different posts on how Indians are different from Pakistanis.

That's right white boy your boy trump boutta get dabbed on. BVLL/

there you go, your own posting under a different name.

It's your 80 IQ making you delusional pooskins. I never claimed Pakis are different from Indians because common sense dictates that Pakis are the same subhuman brown race as you. No one unironically wants to be a part of your shitskin paki/Indian race. You're considered subhuman vermin by practically the entire planet.

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either ways, you're a memeflag. it's pretty fucking hilarious how you keep posting the same memes in different threads. you were just there like 4-5 hours ago posting in another thread.

we live rent free in your head, whatever be the case.

You'll always be Indian. Is there anything worse?

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Here are your Paki brethren.

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>80 IQ, barely sentient turdskins don't feel sorrow
Color me surprised

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>literally a white untermenschen pretending to be brown

No that's just how the real world is, Sandeep.

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How does it feel to see your country being taken over by black and brown bulls? How does it feel that as your people commit mass suicide and exterminate themselves, you can do nothing but cry, throw hissy fits and come here to post on Jow Forums trying to "own" them niggers, when in reality, you'd get ass kicked by one punch of a black man.

How does it feel to see Muslims, bomb and rape your women, while you can do nothing but post """memes""" online trying """wake up""" the white minority?

Tell me, you wh-Te fuck, say something wh-Toid. Say what? A 100 years ago "you" ruled us? "YOU"? Haha. Pathetic, white scum. It wasn't you whitoid. Not you, but a small fraction of your elite. That's what it was. You were never them. Your family was just another cracker living somewhere in the middle of Europe. You are nothing but a cracker. Even back then, many "shitskins" were above you.

Today that same elite is now on OUR side. Your white nationalist rhetoric being used against you. You nations are being flooded with men from Africa, Arabia, India, and many other nations. All your pathetic kind could do was kill a few innocent women and children in a mosque. And what did that cause? Just more weakness from your pathetic race. Your women being forced to wear Hijabs on National TV. A Hijab! Literally the expression of being owned by Islam.

Answer me, whitoid. What happened? You got your ass kicked too hard? Because the real asskicking has yet to come. As more and more nations awake to the white menace, your people will be killed and murdered mercilessly across the 7 continents, including your own because Europe is already heading to a white massacre. ""Conquer"" us again? Nice try, whitey. You forget how the Arabs and Turks conquered your pathetic tundra shithole you call Europe. The same feat will be done by the Chinese soon as they march across European soil like the Golden Horde marched through Europe.

Make the world a better place,
Exterminate the cracker race.

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Have sex


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