What if europe was a theocracy?

Would things be better?

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Maybe 50 years ago, when the church wasn’t cucked.

Depends. Catholic theorcracy would be turbo-cucked, protestant theocracy wouldn't work, orthodox would be shit because the priests are too corrupt. Islamic theocracy would just make Europe 80% dominated by shitskins. A pagan theocracy would unironically be better than any of these, but I don't think anyone would believe in the fairy tales.

WTF? Stop day drinking.

It was for 1000 years. It was better. Notice how the countries retained their culture and autonomy despite being under the Pope?

STFU stupid nigger I'll drink whenever the fuck I want
Also not an argument

Unlikely since the largest gains made in the west were after the Church's hold was loosened

In another two decades it will be a theocracy. An Islamic theocracy.

The Church is cucked because it was infiltrated and because it lost its power and influence, so it feels that it must appease the masses and adopt modernism to remain relevant. If we moved to a theocracy, it would immediately revert back to the traditional Catholicism we need.

Of course. The pr*testant rebellion was the worse thing that ever happen to Europe.

Pr*testantism is ground zero for all this madness.

No, Vatican glows.

Like muslims shitholes pretty much maybe a little bit better

Lol that's not how it works. There's way too many modernist catholics, tens (if not hundreds) of millions of those fucks. Then you would have wait until the pope dies or resigns, then hope that a good pope is elected. Then an ecumenical council needs to be held, which will take a couple years, to reverse the changes of Vatican II. And it's not really a high chance of it happening desu. Even if it does there's still tons of modernist catholics and Christians in general who will oppose it.


based and checked

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If you’ve seen the kind of stupid shit the current pope says, you’d know the answer to this is a big fat NO

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>Would things be better?
You wouldn't be posting this question here. You'd be nailing your thoughts on the subject to some church door.

IDK. I think our entire mess can be traced back in part when the Church became corrupt and started doing things against Christ's teachings. Simony and selling of indulgences led to the Reformation. This then led to the wars that were fought against Catholic and Protestant. Those wars fomented into the Enlightenment and loss of faith in God. The Enlightenment led to the birth of Marxism. Marxism quickly coalesced into Communism. Communism was to a large degree one of the causes of WWII and then subsequently the post war period. And now today Marxism's bastard son Cultural Marxism.

Jow Forums in the year 2060
>"beards of Jow Forums thread, Salam Jow Forums let's post our beards I think mine it's like the prophet Mohammed (pbuh), who was a Nordic aryan , medshits restrain from posting"

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All you say is true but the point is it doesn't matter. If the church was in control it wouldn't give a shit what all the modernist Catholics thought. Of course we would need the right Pope.... I'll give you that.

The problem is, the Reformists decided to split from the one holy apostolic church and schism into endless denominations - as a result of pride mostly.
They should have reformed the church from within, like the Gregorian Reforms of the 11th century.

He is a commie sympathizer, sorry europe again

I was born here you know? "You're gonna die here you know"

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Religious institutions attract deviants in the first place because the position of power and virtue that's taken for given excites them. It's best possible place for degenerates to operate in plain sight.
The only way to make religious institution truly pious is to strip it of all power and benefits to make sure that people work for it out of devotion, you can never trust institutions with hierarchy and wealth to look out for your best interest. Priests are just ordinary humans too. Theocracy would be no better than secular state unless it has something to keep clergy from top to bottom at check and kick all and any rotten apples out at first sight of corruption or abuse of power, and no church has ever managed it.

vatican has ALWAYS rules the world ... specially in the last 500 years since the inception of the Jesuits thebabylonmatrix.com/index.php?title=911:Vatican_&_Jesuits

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I agree. The Church should have been reformed from within rather than splitting off and breaking the unity of the Church. The schism between the western and eastern Church was bad enough and could be mended in time. But, the Reformation was the real stumbling stone of the Christian west. The Protestants even gave a green light to usury eventually.


It currently is, Under Islam