Here's your paganism bro

Here's your paganism bro

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What it's incredibly nutritious. Why do you think animals eat their placenta?

Dogs also eat their puke you know

This is the first step. Call me crazy, call me schizo. We've seen the slippery slope happen, first it's placenta, then it's other parts of the pregnancy getting closer and closer until we're aborting babies to fucking eat them because the satanic left doesn't consider them a human life.
Just you fucking watch, just you watch. You thought it crazy that they'd abort 9 month old pregnancies, here we fucking are. Welcome to hell mother fuckers.

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The simple fact that there is someone existing right now, openly admitting that he has eaten the meat of a human being and is getting positive, or at least neutral attention for it shows how fucked up everything is.
It is not comprehensible that someone is advocating for eating the placenta of a women and not hanging from his neck.

Its only going to get worse and worse before it gets better. That's the cycle as far back as we've been around. Soon the reset button will be hit and evil will be wiped out, for the time being, it always rises up again.

Just hang on and try not to get pulled into the evil doings, save your soul and try to show those you love the light, thats all that really matters.

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Amen to that.

It's incredibly nutritious.

>Christuck insult paganism
Just as stupid as killing each over paintings and „heresies“

Literally more meaningful than eating placentas

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>he doesn't scratch his balls and then take a deep whiff of his fingers to taste the smell

Is this the Varg approved recipe?

Placenta is for worship. Not eatin'.

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>literally making fun of Ancient Greece
Πανε πισω στην Σλαβονια, Αλβανία η Ανατολή
Placenta worship did not exist in pagan Europe.

>more meaningful than eating placentas
kek like worshipping Yeshuahs foreskin or the Maccabeans who murdered Greeks?

take your meds my friend

Animals eat it since there's a good chance they're going to be with their young for nearly 2 days straight and won't have any time to hunt. People on the other hand can just eat the jello the hospital gives them. It's incredibly nutritious.

The whole placenta eating thing is a trend amongst those "birther" women who have 94 children and get pregnant just to give birth and write blogs about it
It's not some satanic plot

and the way you're actually supposed to do it is to powderize it and put it into pill capsules.
Not eat it "wet" or "raw"

Animals eat it to get rid of it and because they have an instinct to clean up their baby otherwise predators will smell blood.

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Have you never swallowed after puking in your mouth? You've eaten your own puke too.

Leo VI on Basil I And his Christianization of Slavs
„He persuaded them to desist from their ancient customs, and he made them Greeks, and he place them under leaders according to the Roman model, and he honored them with baptism“

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>bad goy, don't listen to your instincts! Give all your powerful birth organs and foreskins to the doctor so he sell them for money!
What's the fucking difference? You're a squeamish little bitch who's afraid of meat.
>white people need to have more babies!
>having a lot of babies is dumb!

>good goy, eat your HFCS and cow hoof gel! Leave the placenta to me so I can sell the stem cells!

Crazy autistic kook

I didn't say anything like that retard
Placenta consumption is a trend amongst those women who are constantly pregnant and who's whole life regards around being pregnant all the time

It should be a trend among everybody. The master race eats their placenta, keeps their foreskin, breastfeeds and homeschools.

pol isn't one person, retard. What one person says is 90% of the time not going to align with another.

In some backwards parts of Austria, some mothers eat the roast placenta after giving birth.
It's by no means common, but also not unheard of.

Next thing you know we'll be performing blood magic rituals on babies by slicing off pieces of their genitals!

>if only you knew how bad things really were

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I've heard those are pinkie mice, for feeding reptiles.

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Animals also eat shit

Those do kinda look like mice, but when you buy those they're packed in bags, not individually like that

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