Sweden on red pills?

Some folks are distributing anti-Israel flyers on the streets of Stockholm.

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I can't read this foreigner gobbledygook. Learn some fucking English why don't you?


Better not boycott Israel or an Mossad agent posing as a white nationalist Nazi with a name like Breivik very well may set off a bomb in your capital and then murder 70 of your children.
@Tors Hammer, Bitchute, Anders Breivik Hidden Truth Full. (2 minute vid)

Why are they distributing flyers no one can read?
This is anti-English, not anti-Israel.

yeah hate the israelis, that will fix your feminist islamic shithole.

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>boycott Israel

They may have been distributed by Muslims.

>joos are bad because they kill muzzies
>red pills

tan swedes

It's probably Swedish Muslims distributing those

It's only natural. The Swedish population is virtually muslim now. Give it 50 years and chances are there will be an islamic party holding the majority of the parliament.

Normies think so. Here we hate the Jews because you're Jewish, therefore we hate Israel. But we also hate Palestine because they're Muslims. It's like it's your first day on the job, Juden.

You mean England 2.0?

GB might have been one of the first to start doing it, but Sweden are the ones who are doing it the fastest.

You're right,the message they're spreading is very centered on the struggle of the Palestinians,I would much rather have them question the jewsish mafia that fucks shit up in Europe.


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"some folks" can distribute all the flyers they want, won't change anything.

>Some folks

Yes, the niggers and Arabs Sweden imported.

Lol it could be a muslim putting them out “muh israel” is a cop out to the real issue in their country, there’s barely any jews or israeli support there anyway.

Yeah there's tons of Muslims, this is a really good way for Israel to set the dialectic and make the right more pro-Israel to oppose the already Jewish-run left. Show flag

Palestine is pretty good place to go at it, it makes the social engineering backfire on the jews.
Obviously tackling their actual crimes would be better but then you would get shut down

> Palestine group

Seems like Palestinians here want us to boycott your products, Israel.

(((Trump))) is corrupted to the bone. Hillary, compared to him, is a babby checkers player.

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>*block your way*

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