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Spanish confirmed for being cucks

seize him by the globes!

Attached: trump-giant-headache.jpg (911x500, 65K)

Enjoy your brainwaves, normies.

Damn, Spaniards. But spanish is also for cucks

your country is doing the same

Spanish can eat shit.
hope their microwaved gut gives them heartburn while at it.

Why god? Why have you abdandond us?
We use to be the greatest, why god why?


Thats not an example of a "Trade War"

Attached: 1560553340957.jpg (534x452, 74K)


Ahaaha building the chinses spy network willingly

Maybe this could end Five Eyes

based and commiepilled

I remember reading an article a while ago stating that since Trump became president the US has been slowly losing its influence with other companies and that China was filling that gap instead
Seems like they were right

I doubt we are going to get Huawei when we have Nokia competing with Huawei in 5G space

no one wants to become a little bitch of a bully, china only wants profits, and nothing else

I want Russia to eat one of your islands.

There is nothing wring with Huawei other than US phone companies like (((apple))) losing profits

Some people maybe scared of the USA more now since Trump is a little bit crazy but that isn't really a bad thing.
And Spain putting a Huawei spy grid in their country really isn't a smart move but people do stupid things out of fear.

This is the final straw for me as a Trump supporter and I will be voting Hillary in 2020.

Come and get it

>Beast and Babylon get into a shitfit
The fire comes soon.

Enjoy your backdoor chinese spyware faggot, make sure you drink the onions too cucklord

I can’t help but think this is just Spain being Brussels puppet, in exchange of looking the other way or getting their support regarding some issues in Spain...

Sounds fun

Attached: 54234020_2439524992991774_3442360780738328929_n.jpg (620x620, 20K)

Holy shit fuck that, I don't want my brain and balls fired.

Why does all of Europe depend on Chinese telecom companies?
The USA has like dozens and dozens of companies we have no need to allow a foreign company to control our communications.
Isn't that like the goal of being a modern country to have your own communications system?

I am watching my Huawei television and flying my DJI drone and there's nothing you can do about it, incel trash

Because Huawei has something that can be taken to market today while other telecoms are playing catch-up.

Why everyone is obsessed with 5g at all is a mystery to me.

hauwei is better quality and far cheaper than most other phones. america is terrified of the competition, hence all the political nonsense.
good on spain for using huawei - although spain itself has its own home-grown phone manufacturers that are pretty good anyway.

Aren't those the TV's that make you watch a 1 minute ad when you change inputs?

Attached: 1546092641694.png (449x800, 84K)

>Why does all of Europe depend on Chinese telecom companies?
because China leads the world in telecom tech

>not wanting conservative insect values where individual feelings mean nothing and there are only two genders and they naturally avoid POC
No homo?

Good. Now the NSA cant tap into Europe's networks and shit. Hope leads do the same and the states are left in the dark.

This isn't about China and good phones, it about the US not being able to watch everyone's every move with tech better then theirs. I hope Fb, google, amazon shit on the American government and finally get globalization going so we can travel space n shit.

beats the shit out of having an israeli (((US))) backdoor, you fucking slave.

>Why everyone is obsessed with 5g at all is a mystery to me

There isn't anything wrong with 5G, it is a great new technology and only boomers are afraid of new technologyvarhiddenField=document.createElement("input")

What makes you think the Chinese won't do the same?

Oh no, we won't be spied on by totalitarian degenerates who want to cuck us, instead we will be spied by yellow people.

I agree, fellow human poster.

>implies that chinese spyware is worse than us spyware
>is obviously a greedy goy cunt

Spain. So the EU cannot hold a position on the fucking daylight hours and you want to tell me they are gonna be united against the US. You must be called special.

Signofthetimes. A great solar flare is coming.

>Spain putting in a spy network
You've obviously never been to Spain. Besides thousands of the most disgusting fat slugs having sex in benidorm and every Spaniard avoiding paying tax there is absolutely zero going on.

I'd rather be spied by chinese than by jews. As far as I know, chinese don't organize our genocide.

Chinese just want to built insect colonies everywhere, they don't care about the wildlife surrounding them.
Neither one is trustworthy in the slightest, but the chinese are generally not malevolent demons.

>because China leads the world in telecom tech
No it only leads in the manufacturing.

That still doesn't explain why Europe doesn't have its own telecom companies.
We've got Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Xfinity, ect ect ect all capable of supplying 5G.
So why is Europe depending on communist China to build its communications infrastructure?

Are they just ignoring the threat? Or do they think that the stories about Chinese spying is just US propaganda?

Hell 500 patents Huawei has on 5G came directly from China Telecommunications Corporation. That is the state run Chinese agency that holds all the patents for Chinese companies.
So when Huawiwi builds a 5G anything the "blueprints" come directly from the Chinese government.
They got the patents right after the US FCC opened up that spectrum for public use. Before it was made public the US military was using it. Which means that China probably obtained everything from literally spying on the US military.

It boggles my mind how naive everyone can be with China.

The deal was all ready and ready to be signed, the brokers and politicians need to make their 25% kickback.
Do you really think a politician would give put public safety and infrastructure security over a profit?

Attached: truth politics.jpg (423x600, 33K)

The EU will force a new europe with european brands. But it will be mostly german

Based France, understanding the truth about the Judeo-American-Negro degenerates.

>That still doesn't explain why Europe doesn't have its own telecom companies.
because we‘re no communists, WE don’t own telecommunication companies

>implying the chinese don't plan to use Huawei tech to hold Europe's comms and electronic grids hostage


Attached: honkler.png (800x626, 405K)

So why don't you have private companies then?

China is going to take over the world with big tech and social dredit score

Cyberpunk 2019

Delete this immediately or else (((Germany))) is going to get you

Attached: delet.jpg (526x767, 52K)

5G fries your brain like a microwave

Thanks for that great input, Achmed.

Honestly better that what the West currently has desu

So what exactly is the problem with Huawei? Are the chink spyware stories real?

>la creatura
Like clockwork.

Attached: la creatura.jpg (452x798, 109K)

>being scared of routers and shit when all of our (((tech))) companies already collect everything you say and ban you for any reason

Europe were the world leaders churning out lesbian dance theory degrees and dumbing down the next generation to prepare for bringing in millions of unskilled violent migrants. Europe doesn't want a skilled workforce. Skilled workers tend to be educated and look at evidence. That's a bad thing if you want a dumb slave colony. Europe will survive by selling coffee and probably trannies for sex tourism.

That's too bad, but spaniards are wet farts anyway. I hope based Bolsonaro kicks those chinks away from here.

More than likely. The thing is Judeo-American botnet does the same.

Yeah, I'd be so mad if china blackmailed EU into banning porn, nigger-tier content and all that filth from our networks. So so mad.

For what sane reason EU would side with US while US attack them in the same way.

>brasilian fart porn producer talking about wet farts

Isnt' Spain a third world country? What's the big deal?


because the us have spread (((their))) neoliberal agenda here everywhere. many telecommunication companies have their head quarters in europe but they are owned by largely transnational capitalists (rich individuals, (((hedge fonds))), pension fonds etc.). that’s why we don’t care who is going to provide services we demand as long as they do it cost-efficient and of high quality

after all, the us spies on us just like china, russia and the rest of the world does

You're asking an american, he is just parroting what his masters tell him to say and he is partly nigger like most americans, so you shouldn't expect abstract thinking.

Just accept China Boy as your new meme and savior.

Attached: China Boy 2.png (960x540, 51K)

He is a chink shill faggot

It's about the US losing control. Every country more is weakening their tech empire.
Overall the competition is great for humanity as a whole.

You'll be livid when they turn off your electricity and take away good citizen points for playing vidya games more than 2 hours a day

>canada calling someone a chink

ATT isn't capable of shit, they are one of the worst companies i ever had to deal with.

T-Mobile is german.

Well, clown world and stuff, but Trump's administration had to expect something.

Oh no, I won't be able to waste my time on toys made for kids. Bad Mr Tchang, BAD !

Lmao... Dozens & dozens hey... Sauce?

I thought it was pretty clear the outcome would be every one making their own 5G if they can and just choose one of the providers if they cannot. Spain is just poor enough to use Huawei like Russia

>Yuropoors roll out 5G with shitty Chinese tech
>5G's strong electromagnetic radiation practically microwaves all of yurop
>Cancer and crop and livestock failures wreak havoc across yurip

Chicken dinner..

Welp can't argue with Kek

Would you rather listen to an unexperienced opinion?

Did anyone expect anything else?

„german“, not german. lookup their shareholders

Sauce or stfu

yes, imagination is more surprising.
although, with the opportunity, what do they feed the prostitutes to make them fart coherently and in a well pronounced way.

came here to write this

You are implementing 5G with intel/qualcom/mellanox.

Why are amerimutts so butthurt at free market anyway ? Aren't you guys all into muh freedom and all that shit ? Is it just remnants of pride ? Maybe the americans should wake up and realize the browner USA becomes, the less relevant it will be.
And don't get me wrong, I think the same for Europe. Just a century ago, WE were the ones building infrastructures in less developed countries. And look at us now...

It is owned by Deutsche Telekom.

>ATT isn't capable of shit
I have ATT it ain't so bad & it's turning 5G as soon as some more trees get cut down near my house.
Keep in mind i'm on a laptop sitting my my garage with the door open listening to music using wifi coming from my phone.

I could take my laptop anywhere in the USA and have unlimited 30mbps connection. That's pretty good & i'm assuming Huawiwi doesn't offer any comparable service anywhere in the world even in its own backyard of China.

Attached: aaa.png (503x282, 15K)

which is owned by whom?

Just spill the beans.

Yeah, so when we get microwaved we can sue, you have to go through China :)

Is that some kind of mutt humor?

>thinks he can sue a jew

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumphf.
I will also be voting with all the intelligent city dwellers.
Hildawgs on the prowl 2020