
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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Leadership insisted on actually having the rally/speeches.

Should have done that 'night before' assembly and then vanished.

billy roper seems like a disinfo agent

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Reminder that we still have our statues.

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the protest turned into a nazi rally, which absolutely raped the optics. That's what went wrong

a fake nazi rally


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People expected the police to do their job

imagine celebrating some old dutch nigger named Swarty Pete. He sounds like some guy who stole apples

As if it would have been interpreted any differently

fucking kek


Then pople should have payed attention to the other people telling them it was a honeypot.

Should have gotten Richard Spencer to front money for a bunch of masks or those full body Green Man suits for everyone at the tiki torch rally to wear.

I mean, they were already being compared to a Klan rally. At least this way, if everyone's wearing a hood over their faces or full body condom suit, no one gets doxed and you put the fear in people in terms of the message that the alt right is all around them.

It's like going a pro-gun rally in Newtown, Connecticut. The big finale would would be some Anti-gun protester getting shot in Sandy Hook.

How do we make this happen?

that would be peak twilight zone clown town

Masks are illegal in Virginia. When the KKK held a rally here they pulled their masks up for everyone to see. At Unite the Right it was Antifa getting arrested for covering their faces.

Will somebody plz shop Shapiro’s face onto the black polo guy in this pic.

The Pro Whites who went to Cville and pro whites in general completely underestimate the threat posed by White Self Hatred, thus they are never prepared to defend against attacks by White Law Enforcement and White Self Hating residents of the area of operation.

In general though, telegraphing your blow to White Self Hating Idiots is a very bad idea. WSHI's are not as clever as Jews but their are just as devious. The last thing you want to do is tip them off before you come to town. That gives them time to set traps.

>That gives them time to set traps.
Like a car attack that was planned from the get-go

I don't know much about that, but giving the town time to organize and buss in Antifa was a big mistake. Maybe that mistake was impossible to avoid for the sake of getting media attention. If any of the UTR organizers do future activities, they will need to be a lot quieter about where they intend to demonstrate. The real wild card in the deck over the next 20 years is the White Boomer Die Off. As whites begin to lose their delusion of invulnerability (less whites equals more darkies,) the (((State))) will find it harder and harder to get white Good Goyim to attack pro whites.

This incel was Croatian though, wasnt he?

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What is the opinion of the average Cville resident on the whole mess that went down?

public display of power level

>what went wrong
Kessler told McInnes the Charlottesville rally would be international news. Kessler tried very hard to get McInnes proud boys involved, even claim he was a PB. Kessler was an Obama supporter. Kessler had a press conference the day after which was disrupted with Kessler running away scared. Charlottesville became the flashpoint for the anti-anti-globalist media
It's all theatricality and deception

They got fucked by the pigs, simple as. But they should have never gone on such a major rally so soon. Should have waited until the public opinion switched more favourably, and even then - not advisable. As long as the media is controlled by jews, the only path towards power is politics. And even that is an almost impossible one.

Kike media, Democrat Mayor and Governor. What the fuck were they thinking?

The whole thing was set up to fail in the first place.

They are all libtards. What do you think?

100% gaslight. Glowniggers at work.

look at the cville clergy. a bunch of unitarian kooks

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It sounds like they would be very vulnerable to a sudden loss of their white male libtards. A good taunt after such an event would be: "Now you can submit to all those darkie males like you always wanted to."

Libtards are really never prepared for their white males to be singled out and removed. They view white men as invulnerable. Without white men on their side, they don't have the courage to move a single inch.

Remember that the next time you hear about a Democratic Party meeting. Especially if they will be drinking at the meeting, they will become sloppy and unable to operate vital machinery in a quick and precise manner. Thus, making them very vulnerable to being neutralized.

Here's the thing, I don't think it went wrong. I think it was a total SUCCESS. of course the mainstream media was displaying the event 247 as the most evil thing ever. But would you ever expect anything different from kike media? They were shit scared thousands of white men were in the streets with tiki torches, reminiscent of 1933 Germany. Why do you cucks think it was a failure because the mainstream media said you were baddies?

>dozens doxxed
>Heyer's death forced Trump to fire Bannon
>paved the way for more social media censorship
>signaled the decline of the dissident right?
how is that a success?

glowies gonna glow

it only created a decline of the right if you guys are such cowards you let some bad media publicity destroy your movement. this is exactly the goal and desire of mainstream media. trump fired Bannon because he caved into the deep state. He's also removed any over non-Jewish advisors since then and is now fully in the swamp. That's not cvs doing
Once again, the social media censorship Comes from the enemy in power who were scared. It was a peaceful March overall. ZOG lashed out at the goyim for coming into the streets and showing they don't want to be replaced. Do you really think we can only win by playing their game and showing no unity, never mobilize or protest. Even watered down YouTube people like black pigeon speaks have been banned.. Charlottesville was a complete success. Just because ZOG retaliated by removing more rights for whites, doesn't mean it wasn't a success. When will you people realize this is war dabs we can't win this culture war in a country run by kikes by uploading YouTube vids saying the same thing over and over, but watered down out of fear they might ban our channel. No, we need to mobilize and protest in the streets, show our physical presence. That's why it sent shock waves through mainstream media.. White men had finally had enough and were bold enough to go into the streets.

And trump didn't outwardly condemn Charlottesville because they didn't really do anything wrong and he thought it was great white nationalists (not supremacists) were making themselves heard, just like blm black nationalists and l raza are always making themselves known in public. Don't be such a cuck my friends and cave into the pressure from ZOG media. Trump wouldn't have lasted a second if he had given in to them. It's PATHETIC how the alt right scurried away because of some negative publicity and VICE propaganda docos

Police/Government collaborated with communists to punish nationalists

Tiki torches and polo shirts? They look like they're trying to sell renters insurance.

>The father of an “avowed white nationalist” has disowned his son following the fatal riots in Charlottesville. On August 14, Pearce Tefft’s open letter was published by the Forum of Fargo-Moorhead in North Dakota. In the piece, Pearce appears to disown his son, Peter.
>Peter Tefft had been identified by the Yes, You’re Racist Twitter account as being one of the participants in the Charlottesville riots.
>In February 2017, Pete was quoted by the Info Forum as saying, “I’m a white Christian and 100 percent pro-white.” Though Pete rejected being referred to as a Nazi or a white supremacist. He told the Forum:

>I’m interested solely in legal political action to further pro-white interests. We as white people have a right to exist, our own identity, and a right to campaign politically and legally for our own interests.

>Tefft explained that he was starting a newspaper that would “expose fake news” while endorsing Donald Trump.

I think all these doxx'd people were phony plants

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Everything went according to plan.
Americans of European background were displayed as Nazi's with their tiki torch march.
FBI agents had their freshly opened Nazi flags.
An Afghan war veteran ran into a car and scared a landwhale to death, a stooge took the blame and the kangaroo court made sure to convict the stooge of a murder he didn't commit

Attached: FBI stooge - James A. Fields.png (1386x1330, 1.61M)

yea like the redneck revolt gang

They walked into a trap that they set for themselves. Unfortunately, naive young men were left to languish in the aftermath while the so called leadership took their shekels and ran.

tiki torches = 1000 year laughing stock of the planet.

who's the James field on the right? How does your photo prove Charlottesville was one big conspiracy? If you rubbed a few brain cells together you'd realize the guy on the right drove the car into crowd and they framed the wrong guy for it

Why, because Eminem made a cool yo yo rap about nazis with tiki torches and the left laughed at it like they laugh at the name "drumpf " so you went all red faced and then jumped ship? What a giant nigger dick sucking coward

Attached: James Field 32yr old grey pinstripe Charger driver in Charlottesville 1.png (1254x856, 831K)

Jesus Christ this proves ZOG framed him. But how do you draw a conclusion that the people protesting at Charlottesville were all actors? This government stooge framed the wrong guy on purpose to turn Charlottesville into some evuuul murderous white supremeeeist gathering. And then the alt right scurries into the shadows and lets their nation continue to be taken from them. Get back out into the streets dammit!

and this why the car was allowed drive right by all those state police unmolested. Once the car reached its designated spot in some out of the way neighborhood they did the switch

Because tiki torches are lawn ornaments you fucking retard.

It takes 5 minutes to learn how to make a real torch.

"we need to use real torches to look cooler when trying to save our nation, you WETARD! Not schtuff from Home Depot Centers " imagine being this much of a pretentious poser faggot.

If anything I think it boosted the dissident right

everyone should have left after the luau leaving antifa with no one to protest and to wreck the city and fight the cops

epic troll

compartmentalized operation. not everyone knew about the car attack plan. the fights between both sides were all organic. where it starts to get premeditated is when the antifa crowds are directed towards the street where the car was waiting.

these people were willing sacrifice their own useful idions in the car attack to push the agenda

The court system fucked our guys
Judge Richard Moore is corrupt

The optics were not the problem if every one arrested got a fair trial instead of corrupt judge Richard Moore we would of been having tiki rally every month.

dont have rallies where you cant control the narrative
the media will use every tool and trick they have to paint you in whatever light they want

>But how do you draw a conclusion that the people protesting at Charlottesville were all actors?
Not all of them, instead there were non-organic actors placed throughout the march that I saw during the live-stream with standard issue boots and freshly creased nazi flags.
> This government stooge framed the wrong guy on purpose to turn Charlottesville into some evuuul murderous white supremeeeist gathering.
yes, that was the plan all along, to create an event that would be easily used to label any grouping of white people as a threat to society.
>And then the alt right scurries into the shadows and lets their nation continue to be taken from them.
the alt-kike is a strawman set up by the same people who placed the bad actors within the march, it's an epithet that was created to replace Nazi and that march was used to transfer meaning from one to the other.

it gets worse, there were two cars

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i'm stepping out so pardon me if I don't reply in time

Shit. And they found a willing government emoloyeed participant with the same name to do the attack so it would be smoother in the courts to do the other guy over? Easier to swap them out? They could have arrested the innocent guy first, then put him in the car after the crash or even swapped them around in the cells afterwards. They have the same names right so seems easy to do such a thingm then the actual driver soldier guy would have been like "it's a misunderstanding I shouldn't be here I just have the same name as him" or something. Someone Please clarify how authorities / ZOG would go about it..

Terrible leaders, and not organization. Also fake movement, which got used to doxx people.

One of the undercover FBI employee fathers already killed himself with a gun at the Sandy Hoax town hall.

True but I disagree with one thing. The alt right, although maybe hijacked By agents like Richard Spencer, who is a literal FBI tier plant with a democratic liberal girlfriend, who had the mass media associate him with "the face of the alt right" with his stupid fuckinh depeche mode bullshit and dumb interviews about space being the last frontier and women should be in the kitchen etc. Look at the guy. Complete plant agent. BUT BUT the alt right itself, the members such as pol/acks who helped trump get elected, the Pepe viral memes etc that was sincerely grassroots organic and we should disavow faggot FBI agents like Richard Spencer. Besides, where did Spencer come from? Out of nowhere, and he had no real solid political views or personality. Someone like sytyxx or ramzpaul as an example would be totally trusted because they are personalities that had been around way before the alt right grew into place. But this horrible FBI agent Spencer with his fbi esque big shit eating grin and his claim to be "hur dur leader of the alt right" FUCK that guy. But the alt right itself was organic and sincere. People like Spencer tried to hijack it

Agreed. The left and jews were so successful in subverting this country because they were not afraid to march and occupy space in public. It has a psychological bystander effect that shows people at home to not be afraid and join in. The National Socialists and Hitler held public rallies all the time. That is a reason they were so successful. Nobody is going to be motivated or fired up listening to internet podcasts all day.

They Jewish media was terrified after Charlottesville because they knew the psychological power of men marching together has. That is why they are doing everything they can to prevent it from ever happening again

>Besides, where did Spencer come from?

From March to December 2007, Spencer was assistant editor at The American Conservative magazine. According to founding editor Scott McConnell, Spencer was fired from The American Conservative because his views were considered too extreme. From January 2008 to December 2009, he was executive editor of Taki's Magazine.


we apologized

How's the optics in this video I think it's awesome.


Nazis protesting a fag parade

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Nothing went wrong the Democrats used the same operation as Ukraine only for different outcomes
Instead of using nationalism to create right wing death squads able to do what the regular Ukrainian army refused to do they simply used the optics only to cement the whole Trump is a nazi narrative because the Democrats knew the alt right was pro trump so it was the perfect set up

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Perfectly said. I didn't think of the bystander effect thing. It's incredible that white nationalist men think it was a failure just because the owner of the b pet saw it trying to escape the cage, smacked the animal and put it back in the cage. And now the pet is too scared to try and escape again. "b-but they took away more of our freedoms! Charlottesville was therefore a failure " those freedoms didn't mean shit anyway and were never really free to you. Only available to you by ZOG if you're a good obedient pet.

We need MORE marches like this. And yno what the most amazing thing about it is that scares the shit out of ZOG? These big white nationalist protests are COMPLETELY legal if done without violence.. What the FUCK are you guys waiting for? For the white population to continue to decline into a minority before doing something about it? Will be far too late by then.. Stop wasting away online letting reddit raids demoralize you with BBC threads.

I think the average resident who just lives there doesn't care. They never cared about the statues. They might think about Heather Heyer when they pass by all the chalk and flowers where she was hit, but mostly, like most people, they just want to go about their lives. If you bring up the topic of conversation they'll probably side liberal, because we're a left leaning town to begin with, but also because that's what the media drives home.

But there is a pretty vocal minority, mostly low wage workers, welfare recipients, and the like who are insufferable. Part of it is that, while normal people have jobs and families, and responsibilities which leave them too exhausted to care, these people have an abundance of time and constant feelings of failure and inadequacy which drives them to 'make a difference.'

Oh, and if you're in a city that has lost its statues or is threatened (like Stone Mountain), the person to blame is Wes Belamy. After he started mouthing off in Charlottesville about a couple of inconsequential statues no one gave two fucks about he started a movement of anger and destruction that has touched too many places.

The mob was ready for a modern day lynching that day. The cops had to sneak him out the side of City Hall. There were snipers on the roof of the bus station across the street. I have pictures of them somewhere. It was an intense day.

Right wing death squads are coming soon enough



They fear nothing. Imagine if the corrupt judge for example, wasn’t around anymore.

Kessler should pull a permit for unite the right 3.

Of someone kills Richard Moore and Deandre Harris.

I will personally organise and get a permit for another unite the right rally in Charlottesville.

We just need the corrupt judge gone so we can legally defend ourselves against antifa.

Would you go? I would holy shit if I was in America if go with every drop of ADD blood surging in my body. I wouldn't even care if it was rigged. There would be thousands of like minded guys like us there, and as long as not violent then they can't arrest you. But youre still allowed to defend yourself so you can fuck up some purple haired leftists if they threaten you, just like the proud boys do. But I bet most of pol will be sitting online fapping to anime or repeating the same old red pills over and over again f5 on Jow Forums

The marches will happen again
Just not under the nice guy style of the Charlottesville attendees.

Full fledged Nazi death squads are the future of public events.

Heyer had a heart attack.

It was the swastika flag guys fault, if he wasn't there it would have been fine.

>Antifa getting arrested
Wanna know how I know you weren't there?

Looks fake

Tiki torches? Really...

Nothing wrong with Nazi's flags.
.the biggest problem is they didn't take off their belt and strangle Deandre Harris to death.

If they killed him on film the optics would be beautiful.

if it's OK to fly communist hammer and sickle flags it's OK to fly Nazi flags. kikes Can kvetch all they like

Why the FUCK aren't you in this server already?


Why. In the fuck. Are you still on discord?

Most of the blame at THIS point is on federal authorities. Officials in Virginia and the city of Charlottesville (including Governor Terry McAuliffe and the city's mayor) conspired to deprive people of their civil liberties by provoking a riot at a lawfully-permitted assembly.

This is ILLEGAL under federal law (deprivation of civil rights under color of law). It is a serious crime, and Trump's DOJ should have brought charges against McAuliffe and other top officials as a warning never to do that again. But they didn't. Virginia officials were allowed by the Trump administration to break federal law with no consequences, and it set a terrible precedent.

Ultimately, this is a failure that belongs to Trump, though not for the reason that shitlibs claim. Trump and his dopey little gnome of an attorney-general really fucked up here.

Attached: Sessions.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

>Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

Probably the part where Americans watched their fellow Americans marching through an American city with torches chanting "Jews will not replace us!", "Blood and soil!", and "White power!"

Yeah...I'd guess that's where it went wrong.


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Nice Bait,. But It was inspirational and it's true jews will not replace us. Good to see that strong young American spirit

Polo shirts.

He's glowing with the power of Chernobyl

>The freedom boner I got when IE came up the street chanting blood and soil could have cut diamonds
>The pride I felt when David Duke got a group to shout the goyim know

What a great day, 10/10 would go again.

Why do people say this was a failure?

Hundreds of young white men in formation, chanting, dressed smartly, and having a great time. It was great optics imo.

For a short time, in a small area, it stopped being America.

The location. Should have did this in DC, where cops are forced to do their job for national security.

But in all seriousness, it wasn't the time. Not enough people were awake yet. I say we dont get to go IRL until either 2020 elections or more likely 2024. More people wake up everyday, even my boomer parents name the JQ and point out anti-white propaganda

His parents are Croat immigrants
This kid isn’t even really American IMO

100% this. Brofist you glorious Brit


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Should have done the torchlit march (which went really well) and then all fucked off on the day of the big rally, so everyone would have showed up for nothing :D

>country becoming unrecognizable from mass immigration. Entire border states and cities have population with no cultural or historical connection to America
>"hur dur white Americans want to preserve their demographics and stop a great replacement by foreigners. This is un-American! "

Spotted the boomer