Pedophiles caught on ResetEra p2

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The topic is banned from /v/
>It's banned from r/gaming and r/kotakuinaction
>Resetera took down the Discord screenshots via false copyright claims
>The website is currently changing usernames of people involved in the scandal and deleting incriminating posts
ah yes, nothing to see here

We agreed that loli ≠ pedo, right?

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agreed, I just like holding their hypocrisy to their faces

I like lolicon personally. But I've never condoned people who try to fuck actual children.

It honestly won't surprise me if a lot of these people get arrested for trying to fuck minors as part of some FBI sting, or for downloading child abuse/exploitation photographs.

Kind of like that hypocrite from NeoGaf.

>Resetera pedos fuck up
>Jow Forums picks up on this to have a philosophical debate about lolis
I love this place.



listen guys, we are witnessing the glory days of the gamma male; a male that's only good at being angry at the world and tearing apart everything. He's like a jew but not necessarily jewish, just wants to destroy everything that reminds them how much of a failure they are. Of course these people that act all woke and shit have dark lives, of course they are evil people.

honk honk

Damn did you get caught in the disc? Which user are you?

leaf pedos are the worst

the fact that this website of doctrinal lunatic is seen as an example of good moderation and an THE place to do AMA for the gaming industry is beyond me

oh nononono

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>what is waybackmachine
>what are archives
They CAN'T be this dumb, right?

Where is this from?



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kek, what are they doing? This will cause them to start leaking things out of spite

Level with me. What was posted in this discord? Was it CP? Was it loli art? Was it kidfucking fantasies/feels?

>Was it kidfucking fantasies/feels?

All the stuff that would have your life ruined if you weren't a Retardera poster.

The last, though the mere accusation is enough to have them running damage control on at least 4 websites and that is what is escalating this into a shitstorm

Oh, okay. So it was a "safe space" for pedophiles to talk about how hard it is to be a pedophile. Disgusting. You know CP got distributed behind the scenes. What is it with tranny/fag enablers being massive pederasts?

Oh wait, are they just talking about loli and not CP? If it's just loli hentai that's not a big deal right? Am I missing something?

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>Am I missing something?
They constantly virtue signal in public about how loli is bad and accuse many of the people they are trying to destroy of being pedophiles

It's a big deal because it's Resetera.

These people pushed a smear campaign because THQ Nordic cluelessly held an AMA on 2x4chan, and then tried to scream to the heavens that THQ is a pedo-enabling company because 2x4chan hosts real life CP (it doesn't). They ban anybody on their forums who logically argues that 2D kids are not real and are thus not protected by any laws because it's fiction held up by lines on paper. They've ruined the lives of fuck knows how many people because of stuff like this.

That's why it's a big deal, they're morally crusading hypocrites.

[spoiler]He's right but[/spoiler] I see the blatant hypocrisy now

Its fucking nothing, fuck off shill.

stop didling kids, tranny


What’s the matter discord tranny? One of your buddies get caught up in those screen shots? Or you maybe?

You can try and bury this just like when you faggots were caught diddling the last time, but you won't win.

oh look, more pizzagate larping. cringe




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Whatcha whatcha gonna doooooo when the police man come for youuu

Cops! Filmed on location

Maybe we should put matters into our own hands

Discord trannies finally gettin the vanny

This isn't LOIC or habbo raid tier. We haven't been organized since 2007.

I never use Discord but time and time again it just seems like another major source of degeneracy.

this is some fuckin retarded ass gaslighting
>scrambling over a bunch of fat neckbeards talking about jacking off to fictional drawings
obviously child trafficking gets mentioned very often but it's never talked about enough. all those poor souls deserve to be known and the crimes they fell victim to cannot go on any longer.


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t. seething Retardera poster.

Several of the posts bemoaned the age of consent and wanting to fuck jailbait teens.

>The topic is banned from /v/
How did that board get to be so pozzed?

Not surprised in the fucking slightest. Fuck this mental illness website. Degenerate as fuck

Several of the /v/ jannies are known old Neogaf/Resetera posters. They only start doing their job when it comes to insulting their friends.

because the faggy jannies are scared of lawsuits.

Not a ylyl thread, you lost.

>memeflaggot trying to SHUT IT DOWN

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>The topic is banned from /v/
Honestly, I prefer it this way. /v/ is too stupid to hear the word Resetera without sperging out and turning every thread into a complete mess of noise and shit.

Because for some reason it never gets posted in these threads.

Web archived link to the Neogaf thread before Resetera had the images deleted from Imgur.

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You know how I know you are a lefty?

Full thanos in resetera

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Gringe :D

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deleting everything is the best optics

I really wouldn't care normally but these are the self serving liberal faggots who preach about THQ going to a board to advertise a game that is "affiliated with pedophilia" now they themselves are "affiliated with pedophilia".

His employers should know about this. Daniel Ahmad, Senior Analyst works for nikopartners.

>Resetera pedos fuck up
>Resetera shills active on pol attempt to derail threads talking about their secret pedo ring


every time I invest time to these threads they are bullshit only dumb boomers swallow. jfc. delete shit threads jannies, do your job, niggers.

There were real nudes of children


The jannies are the same set of people.
For some reason leftist pedophiles like to worm themselves into mod positions

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Oh look another paranoia thread made by schizophrenics

Remember, "sage" goes in all fields.

Leftists are weird. Besides all the creepy shit which is unspeakable, they know that leftists are tattling bitches, so why would you ever tell these people what you are into? They get busted everytime. So basically leftists are creepy, and stupid.

Oh look another pedo bumpity bump

Tell them that members of Trump's campaign and Russians were using the board to secretly communicate.


>If it's just loli hentai that's not a big deal right?
You would think that but mods are currently scrubbing the forums and censoring every topic about it that comes up.

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like a cockwork

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It was actually pretty tame. The people were discussing whether you should emphasise with pedophiles or hate them. Some other irrelevant users were talking about fucking 15 year old anime waifus.
Jow Forums is way worse.

So I went through the posted screenshots myself and found nothing out of the ordinary you wouldn't find in Jow Forums every day about pedo threads. It's literally a non-issue. The explosion of this "reveletion" is basically a divide between NeoGaf (which Jow Forums never liked) and ERA (who?) fighting over who is morally superior. These two places are notoriously hypocritical and leftist to begin with so let them cannibalize, but the actual material itself is harmless unless explicit content is shown. This is just baseless. NeoGaf's expose was far more impactful than this.

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>memeflag calls others schizos and paranoiacs

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"why are sexual degenerates sexual degenerates?"

The world is run by satanic pedophiles and has been for thousands of years. Pedos are in high places because they protect each other. It's got to the point where I'm not even surprised anymore seeing corporations/companies are owned by pedos. It's fucked

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Nice try, chimo.

Who's ready for the Jim stream at 8? Also don't give up on /v/. Keep making threads until Hiro notices and tells the mods to fuck off like with the NeoGAF incident.

The mods would not be trying to delete accounts and posts if this was a non-issue.

I'm in the irc chat. A mod said he will delete this thread shortly.

That's why these commiefornian shits project their lusts so hard and have incessantly campaigned to ban anime tiddies; they want to sexualize real children, not imaginary cartoons.

that's not the kind of proofs i mean and you know it
I mean show somebody talking about it, caps of conversation from the discord, anything

They do that shit all the fucking time whenever some usual drama that has "social" implications occur. It's hardly a Jow Forums issue to begin with cause some cross-boarders can't take a hint that it's literally drama between two places. The discord itself is some off-shoot safe-place for weebs to talk about whether they should feel secure in getting erect to anime girls.

It's just stupid reactionary damage control from other reactionaries over a history of reactionary contrarian left nonsense. Who gives a shit? What's being posted isn't even that condemning. It's questionable at best.

They will just call you a Jewish shill and refuse to address your question like always

good, then this will spread like a wild fire just like what happened with five guys and neofag

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fuck off commie shill memeflag faggot go fantasize about fucking your middle school neighbor you undilated tranny i hope your entire species goes extinct

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The mods delete it because they don't want to attract drama for a non issues and all the problems that could invite. If there was actual proof of them being pedos (which there isn't) then they would leave these.

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