BREAKING NEWS FROM JAPAN. Looks like Americans are lying.AGAIN !!!

"Japanese tanker owner claims crew saw ‘flying objects’ before attack, denies ship struck mine."
The Japanese company that owns the ‘Kokuka Courageous’ tanker has said its crew spotted “flying objects” before the attack in the Gulf of Oman,
contradicting US claims that the vessel was damaged by a naval mine.
Yutaka Katada, president of Kokuka Sangyo, told reporters on Friday that sailors on board the ill-fated oil tanker observed “flying objects”
just before the incident in which the ship caught fire and was badly damaged. The giant vessel was hit twice, first near the engine room and then on its starboard side.

He suggested that those flying objects could have been bullets, and called reports of striking a mine “false.”
Both points at which the ship was damaged were above her waterline, which couldn’t be so if it had struck an underwater mine.

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Other urls found in this thread:

"Japanese tanker owner contradicts U.S. officials over explosives used in Gulf of Oman attack."
The Japanese owner of a tanker attacked in the Gulf of Oman claimed Friday that it was struck by a flying projectile,
contradicting reports by U.S. officials and the military on the source of the blast.

U.S. Central Command said the two vessels were hit Thursday by a limpet mine, which is attached to boats below the waterline using magnets.
U.S. Central Command released video it claimed showed an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps patrol boat removing an unexploded mine from one of the tankers, the Kokuka Courageous.
But on Friday morning, the owner of the 560-foot Courageous, said that sailors saw something flying toward the vessel just before the explosion and that the impact was well above the waterline.

>He suggested that those flying objects could have been bullets
How can you see bullets?

>>He suggested that those flying objects could have been bullets
Do you English ??


The same crew abducted by the Iranian navy?
The same owner that reported the crew as having reported to have seen Iranian vessels nearby prior to the attack?

could it have been one of those LRAD things that makes you hear/feel like bullets are flying by you?
Maybe they did this to clear the deck of the target ship before doing the false flag?
Otherwise I dunno how to explain the "small flying objects" he describes, which btw LRAD you wouldn't see it is like a "pain beam" but directed sound instead of directed microwave

>flying objects
So we're blaming Iran so we don't start an interstellar war?

It's probably a bad translation of "projectile"

I doubt even a heavy naval turret could sink a heavy oil tanker. It was probably an Israeli or CIA-launched Harpoon missile. btw ignore military boot mutts that say the CIA doesn't operate its own vessels:

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Ah yes, the height of trustworthy news.

opinion discarded, not today vlad

also no one ever claimed that they struck a mine, it's claimed the mines were placed on the ship before it left the harbor

>Japan leaves the treaty they made with America
>Becomes friends with Russia and Iran after being refilled


>Iranian vessel is off the coast of Iran

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Pretty neat but yeah I doubt it would make you hallucinate bullets somehow.
To make a hole like that you'd need a high caliber gun. Naval guns have a few tens of km of range. Dunno what's the velocity of bullets after that distance but probably way too fast to be seen.
And the more distance there is, the more you've got to fire in volleys to have a chance to hit. They would have reported splashes around the ship. Unless it's one of those new smart munitions things.
Where there ships in range? Maybe American ones.
Just sounds like they're trying to frame the US desu.
Makes more sense.
You probably can't see the missiles either, but can you can see the exhaust trail.
I'd think this is what they would have reported seeing.

Maybe drones placing the mines?

Good goy

Is it possible that Trump and his own (((Deep State))) fuckers along with his Kike love, are actually going to ruin our relationship with the fucking JAPANESE?

Of all people to piss off, we're going to lose the JAPS???

How fucking retarded do you have to be as President to do that?

They clearly meant ballistic object either a shell or cruise missile

>Am I fitting in yet?
>Parentheses right?

Yeah, our Shabbos Goy President is so based isn't he?

Perhaps the americans are trying out their Zumwalt armed with a railgun.

As if you could see Iran from where the bombing happened. Ha ha. Have you ever been to sea? Obviously not. 13 mile vision on clear days. International waters. A PATROL BOAT.

That was the Iranians trying to shoot down a drone you fucking brainlet. Read the goddamn news. They used a SAM to try and shoot it down as they were approaching the vessel.

>US official
In other words complete fucking bullshit/propaganda

Pretty sure you couldn't see a shell.
And if it was a long distance shell in ballistic trajectory, it would have been very unlikely to hit on the side twice.
If it was fired near enough to hit on the side, it's very limited from where it could have been shot.
If it was a missile, they would have seen the exhaust trail. If it was coming towards them, it would be approaching so fast it's probably all that they could see actually.
Why they didn't they describe seeing a missile instead of a nebulous "projectile"?

based warrior people

Americans lying to start a war?!

>The same crew abducted by the Iranian navy?
Big think.

>Both points at which the ship was damaged were above her waterline, which couldn’t be so if it had struck an underwater mine.
what are limpet mines
roosia fuck off

>Trusting Iran

The shills are out in for today.

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I totally didnt call this as a false flag in when I read the very first reports!

Germans are smart.

It was an Israeli suicide drone Mini Harpy which was revealed this February

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Who will be the next Tom Lantos? Chuck Schumer?

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Kinda obvious desu... why would Iran give the american golem is much desired excuse on a golden platter like that?

The very fact that the Golem pushed the iran narrative within minutes was telling sign.


Lmao at latvian/monkeydonian shill

>You probably can't see the missiles either
Nah, harpoons are subsonic, they can be seen. When brits ate exocets at Falklands, they saw them coming

They still have a very noticeable exhaust though right?
Some of the MANPADS they were talking about in that tweet seem to be going even slower. Maybe they have less of an exhaust. They're very small though, even harder to notice without the exhaust.

Could they have hit the ship by accident while trying to shoot down the drone?
That would be on top of whatever happened or is pretended to have happened with limpet mines though.

>If it was a missile, they would have seen the exhaust trail.
no, it's not like that. For an ATG missile like a hellfire you only see that right when it initially launches for a short intense burn, then it switches to a long slow burn to maintain it's speed.

Welp you're right.

Missile it is then.

Iran....Plus Russia, Plus China, Plus Japan.
Israel and UAB are being boxed in. Time to bring those two terrorist rogue countries down

Trump is a traitorous rat and Israel should be like the holocaust (nonexistent)

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>If it was a missile, they would have seen the exhaust trail.
and grenades make giant fireballs.

you understand that was a translation right?

qrd on UAB?

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You have got to learn one thing.

In Anglo Saxon societies, hypocrisy, double talk, lying are core positive values.

They think it's a positive attribute if you are good at lying and deceiving people. It's part of they everyday strategies and their political strategies.

The best advice I can give you, after 15 years of living among them, is that you should always reinterpret what they say. They always mean the exact opposite of what they say.

For example, when they say they are your ally, they consider you to be their rival enemy.

Or when they say there is equal opportunity, they think expect to be discriminated against.

Or when they say they would take down the deep state, they mean "we are building a deep state".
From now onwards, read communications, announcements using this analytical technique.

Go to a news website, and start to train your mind to understand the real message of their communication using this technique.


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>Iran has previously used mines against oil tankers in 1987 and 1988 in the "Tanker War," when the U.S. Navy escorted ships through the region.
They're good boys now though they wouldn't do it again r-right?

no doubt in my mind it was Israel or the US that did it. fuck ZOG

>are going to
Now Abe has proof Trump is willing to participate or at the very least cover up his (((allies))) attacking a Japanese civilian vessel to sell yet another war to the burgers.

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Tic Tac UFO responsible

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Limpet mines can be installed above the waterline if you want.
And what the crew said is that they saw "projectiles". Might have been Iran trying to shoot down that US drone. The timeline isn't clear.

But of course.

>I doubt even a heavy naval turret could sink a heavy oil tanker
U wot m8? Yes one could.

Yep. In the context of the situation.
>We saw flying objects
Refers to Iran shooting UP towards US drones.
Not toward THEIR boat no.
You are big brain ya?

Nigger he didnt see bullets, if they were anything it was drones used as a distraction so the mines could be placed.

the ZOG's only existence is to serve Israel. every other nation and people are expendable in the name of the chosen..


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+1 ruble to your account, Misha

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You're not fitting in kike

>Mutt meme
Dumb eurocuck

they are referring to this twit.

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So the only point of contention is that above the waterline damage?

of course it wasnt a mine
which mine punctures holes in hulls that high above water surface?

RT is more honest then every single American MSM news org

this needs an edit for MAGA pedes

It was probably a nose, an excessively hooked nose, that punctured the hull.



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TR is honest when it comes to things the USA is directly involved in
The USA is honest when it comes to what Russia is directly involved in
Or should "honest" in both cases be changed to "dishonest"?

lol RT..russia today lol!

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Sure mate when you said:
>Iran was shooting drones as a distraction
Im sure you were talking about the water line.

Mines that you install above the waterline.
You'd do that to send a message rather than sink it.
Whoever did this, if they wanted that ship sunk it would be sunk.

nothing better than a soviet ass blasted kike posting from the UK like a good kike that he is

have a picture of putins jewish son in law...tough guy hahahahahaha

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>The USA is honest when it comes to what Russia is directly involved in
>Or should "honest" in both cases be changed to "dishonest"?
YUP now pass Sarin sauce.

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That and the ship is still afloat after apparently hitting 2 sea mines... Those things are not party poppers.

>TR is honest when it comes to things the USA is directly involved
Unless it somehow connected to Russia's interests, then it isn't.
>state funded channel caught numerous times spreading disinfo is honest!

yeah so the USA makes Russia and its allies look bad with propaganda
Logically Russia does the exact same thing to the USA
Why is Russia viewed as 100% honest? Both sides likely spread propaganda at all levels...

it was a high speed, low flying, radar guided, mine that detonates on impact. or maybe it was a helicopter.

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>faking interviews/quotes
come on, pretty sidelocks boi
tomorrow his words will be on another site

Not falling for CIA/Mossad false flags to drag America into a land war with Iran for Israeli interests in the middle east makes him a kike?
You people get paid for this shit?

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>says the memeflag

>Why is Russia viewed as 100% honest? Both sides likely spread propaganda at all levels...
Noone is but we noticed they didnt lied about the last 6 invasion. And keep lying to get the 7th rolling.

Missiles can lay mines.

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>Kremlin propaganda is more trustworthy and truthful than Washington's propaganda!
ok memeflag Misha. in actuality, all mainstream media is 100% bullshit fake news propaganda. You can't claim in good faith that RT is the "upholder of truth" after they pushed the fake "Ukrainian SU-25 shot down MH-17" narrative and then hastily changed it to "uhhhh Ukrainian BUK shot down MH-17" after that cover story was btfo by the Dutch investigators

But he's right, Trump being a fucking Israeli lapdog isn't even such big news anymore

>oy vey memeflag
>says the reddit newfag npc

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>inb4 take ur meds schizcel

Even the neocons shill abandoned this thread.
>This one is lost boys. Move to the next one.

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>crew saw ‘flying objects’ before attack

Ayy lmao!

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Jew projection detected

>‘flying objects’
FAKE NEWS! It was obviously Swamp Gas

Off-topic but does anyone see the repetitive way news sites summarize and re-summarize over and over to be kinda creepy and weird?

>"Japanese tanker owner claims /crew saw ‘flying objects’ before attack/, denies ship struck mine."
> The Japanese company that owns the ‘Kokuka Courageous’ tanker has said its /crew spotted “flying objects” before the attack/ in the Gulf of Oman,
contradicting US claims that the vessel was damaged by a naval mine.
> Yutaka Katada, president of Kokuka Sangyo, told reporters on Friday that sailors on board the ill-fated oil tanker /observed “flying objects”
just before the incident/ in which the ship caught fire and was badly damaged. The giant vessel was hit twice, first near the engine room and then on its starboard side.

Seems like programming or some shit. Not saying for this specific incident but overall. Every news story is like this it seems. It's as if the media thinks people are so stupid and have such short attention spans that they need to dumb down the facts and hammer it in 4 different simplistic ways just for people to get anything out of it. Could easily be a way to manipulate and spin a story.

>For example, when they say they are your ally, they consider you to be their rival enemy.
I think you're just bad at sarcasm.

>>Electro-Optical Threat detection: high quality video footage for the operator
>They loiter the sky until the threat is detected.